Chapter 381

Mu Niange looked at Mo Yunhao like this, and responded to Mo Yunhao with a strange look in his eyes. Mo Yunhao was embarrassed by Mu Niange's look, he rubbed his nose and said, "Niange, you are like this!" Look at me, what are you doing?"

"Senior... I was wondering where your charm lies."

Mu Niange sat on the chair, she responded to Mo Yunhao with a chuckle, her tone of voice was very serious.

Mo Yunhao frowned, he didn't expect Mu Niange to say such a thing at all, he leaned close to Mu Niange, trying to see the flaws in Mu Niange's body, and said: "No matter what I listen to, I feel that there is something hidden in your words. Keep it a secret, tell me, what do you want me to do? As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for you."

"Which thing did I ask you to do that you couldn't do?" Mu Niange raised his eyebrows and asked Mo Yunhao...

Mo Yunhao was speechless when asked back by Mu Niange. Indeed, Mu Niange is not the kind of person who makes trouble for no reason, and he will not let Mo Yunhao do the impossible. But, Mu Niange said, With Mu Niange's reasoning and what Mu Niange wanted Mo Yunhao to do, Mo Yunhao simply sat opposite to Mu Niange, waiting for Mu Niange's next words.

Mu Niange didn't want to involve Mo Yunhao at all...

But Mo Yunhao had a business relationship with Xia Minmin six years ago, and Mu Niange didn't want to get involved, and Mo Yunhao was destined to be unable to escape: "Senior, let me tell you a very serious and serious question."

Mu Niange focused on Mo Yunhao, with a serious look in his eyes.

Hearing this, Mo Yunhao nodded. He sat up straight, with an attitude of listening attentively.

"It's like know about Lu Yanche and I being together. During this time, Shuangshuang and I are here to help you. We leave early and return late, and Xia Minmin followed me to the hospital last time." , when I see you, I will definitely have a lot of associations..."

When Mu Niange said this, Mo Yunhao wanted to interrupt Mu Niange, and told Mu Niange that he could stop talking.

Mo Yunhao understood. Mu Niange was worried that Lu Yanche might misunderstand and could no longer help Mo Yunhao?

In Mo Yunhao's heart, a slight sense of loss flashed across, but what can be done about it?Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao have a relationship of friendship. Mu Niange can help Mo Yunhao to such a situation. Mo Yunhao should be grateful to Mu Niange and shouldn't complain about Mu Niange.

Mo Yunhao chuckled lightly and remained silent...

While talking, Mu Niange observed Mo Yunhao's expression. She knew very well that Mo Yunhao had misunderstood. It turned out that... what Mu Niange was doing was something that anyone who saw it would misunderstand. It was Mu Niange who was stupid and didn't notice it at the first time.

"Recite the song, I probably know what you want to say, thank you very much, starting tomorrow..."

Mo Yunhao didn't say anything, but Mu Niange immediately interrupted: "You want me to start tomorrow and not have to come again? Senior, when did you develop the habit of listening to half of what you say, and the other half? Where do you want me to bring it from and where to bring it back?"

Mu Niange gave Mo Yunhao a blank look, and complained angrily.

Mo Yunhao shook his head and denied: "I didn't mean that, but after all, I've known you for so many years, I can see through your thoughts at a glance..."

Mo Yunhao really spoke better than he sang, even Mu Niange couldn't see himself clearly, Mo Yunhao saw through it at a glance?

"What I want to say is not what you think. From the very beginning, I didn't hide from Lu Yanche that I helped you. I'll listen to what Lu Yanche wants to say, but I won't follow what Lu Yanche said. I did it, I am in love with Lu Yanche, not Lu Yanche's slave, what kind of friends I have, what kind of things I do, that is my freedom..."

Mu Niange stared at the window of the ward, she wanted Mo Yunhao to see herself clearly and understand herself, she was no longer the Mu Niange of six years ago, and the things she did would not be the same as six years ago Stupid, I hope Mo Yunhao can understand, can see clearly, clearly.

Mo Yunhao was a little surprised. Mu Niange was so frank in front of Lu Yanche?

Lu Yanche didn't have any objection to Mu Niange's confession?

Mo Yunhao began to suspect that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were really in love?People in love, shouldn't they enhance each other's feelings for each other in the process of falling in love?

"Then what do you want to say?"

"I don't know if Lu Yanche will be thinking wildly, but Xia Minmin will definitely be thinking wildly. She must want me to be with you. I'm sorry Lu Yanche. It's a coincidence that such a thing happened a few days ago. Then, I became I married a shameless woman, and I stepped on two boats, one boat was Lu Yanche, and the other boat was you, it was Lu Yanche who said it on his own initiative, and he also voluntarily admitted it, I followed Lu Yanche's wishes..."

Mu Niange casually talked about what happened in the past few days, Mo Yunhao opened his eyes wide, looking at Mu Niange in disbelief...

Are Lu Yanche and Mu Niange playing around?What kind of joke is not easy to make, such a joke?But seeing Mu Niange talking so seriously, Mo Yunhao began to feel sorry for Mu Niange, and Mu Niange didn't want such a thing to happen, but when it happened, Mu Niange was powerless to stop it.

"Is this what Lu Yanche meant?"

Mo Yunhao opened his mouth and asked the main point. Unlike Ji Jingchen and others who blindly blamed Mu Niange, he knew that he was standing in Mu Niange's position and thinking for Mu Niange, what Mo Yunhao said That's right, this matter is what Lu Yanche meant.

Mu Niange nodded, a strange emotion flashed in his eyes: "At first, I didn't know his purpose for doing this, but later, I realized that he wanted to create a girl in front of Xia Minmin who loves me very much and lives without me." The image of not going down made Xia Minmin take the initiative to completely give up on him. In this way, he saved a lot of trouble, but she didn't consider it from my position. When Xia Minmin knew about this, what would she think? Me, how do you deal with me..."

When Mu Niange said this, his tone was a bit sad.

Mu Niange wasn't worried that she wouldn't be able to deal with Xia Minmin well, what she was worried about was that innocent people were implicated in this incident...

"Senior, I told you this to make you more vigilant. Xia Minmin might do something to you. Now in his eyes, you are with me. What you did, It all represents me..."

Xia Minmin is so paranoid and perverted that she doesn't care what is right or wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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