Chapter 388

Xia Minmin went back to her home, calculated the time, and met Mu Niange at the gate of the compound. She waited for a long time at the gate of the compound, but she couldn't wait for Mu Niange's figure to come. She walked back and forth, and when she lost her temper, she ran to Went to wait at the bus stop, but there was no one there, Xia Minmin gave up and came back, just two steps into the gate of the compound, when she saw Mu Niange approaching gracefully.

Mu Niange folded his arms around his chest, and looked at Xia Minmin with a smile...

In Xia Minmin's eyes, Mu Niange's smile was malicious. Xia Minmin frowned, and faced Mu Niange without fear. When they met Mu Niange face to face, Mu Niange and Xia Minmin stopped. When he got down, Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, and spoke first, "It looks like you are waiting for me?"

Xia Minmin was at the gate of the compound, besides waiting for Mu Niange, couldn't she do anything else?
Mu Niange is really narcissistic, Xia Minmin hates narcissism...

Xia Minmin looked cold, and said sarcastically: "You don't take a mirror to look at yourself, what kind of virtue, I need to wait for you?"

"What virtue am I, no one knows better than you, right? Xia Minmin, I don't like to play around, I was waiting for you to come to you, you just came to me now, I am really disappointed..." Mu Niange With a sigh, he said regretfully.

Xia Minmin restrained the coldness on her face, her eyes were circling on Mu Niange's body, what did Mu Niange mean by this?
Mu Niange already knew that Xia Minmin was coming back to look for her?So... the words Mo Yunhao said in front of Xia Minmin were all false?In fact, Mu Niange knew, but just pretended not to know...

"Mu Niange, you're really getting better and better, since you're using Mo Yunhao to deal with me?" Xia Minmin clenched her hands into fists, looking at Mu Niange's eyes full of hatred.

Mu Niange shrugged his shoulders and said disapprovingly, "I'm not the one who wants to use Mo Yunhao, I'm just doing things according to your wishes. Why, I'm using Mo Yunhao?"

Xia Minmin's face was flushed red by Mu Niange's poking, it was anger from embarrassment...

How could Mu Niange do this, so casually say Xia Minmin's painstaking efforts, even if Xia Minmin's painstaking efforts, in return, it was all played by Mo Yunhao, Mo Yunhao said that Mu Niange didn't know, Mu Niange actually Yes, even Mo Yunhao was kept in the dark by Mu Niange.

"Whether I used Mo Yunhao or not is my business. It has nothing to do with you. Don't tell me, because Mo Yunhao is your boyfriend, so you want to protect Mo Yunhao? Mu Niange ...You should save yourself some face, after all, if Lu Yanche finds out that Lu Yanche is in this compound, guess what Lu Yanche will think?"

Xia Minmin took a deep breath and adjusted her emotions.

Xia Minmin came to Mu Niange this time because she wanted to show Mu Niange's face, but why did she become Mu Niange to show Xia Minmin's face?
"What Lu Yanche will think, I don't know, but what Mo Yunhao will think, I know in my heart... You can't use Mo Yunhao, you want to come to me, and get back what Mo Yunhao gave you?" Mu Niange looked Xia Minmin up and down, clicked his tongue twice and said in admiration: "I really didn't expect that there are things you, Xia Minmin, can't do."

"I think back then, you made Mo Yunhao do that to me..."

"Mu Niange, you know what I asked Mo Yunhao to do, and you still act as if nothing happened. You are really cheap. You are hopelessly cheap. In the are taking revenge. Mo Yunhao is also taking revenge on me."

Hearing Xia Minmin's words, Xia Minmin can be sure that the person who didn't know was Mo Yunhao, and the person who was kept in the dark was also Mo Yunhao.

"I take revenge on Mo Yunhao, on you? Is this what you want? In other words, when I am with Mo Yunhao, I am also playing with Mo Yunhao's feelings. Lu Yanche and I are the real true feelings... ..." Mu Niange chuckled, and when he mentioned Lu Yanche, his face was filled with happiness.

Xia Minmin's expression changed, and she suddenly realized that she was hitting her foot with a rock...

By doing this, doesn't it mean that she is helping Mu Niange see Mo Yunhao clearly?In this could Mu Niange be with Mo Yunhao?When Mu Niange treats Lu Yanche wholeheartedly, Mu Niange will never have another chance.

"How could Mo Yunhao be innocent!"

Xia Minmin gritted her teeth and said: "It's impossible for you not to have the slightest affection for Mo Yunhao, otherwise... how could you give Mo Yunhao so much money to pay for the medical bills? More importantly, You run to the hospital every day, what does Mo Yunhao's mother have to do with you? What do you want to express when you are so caring?"

Xia Minmin's rationality is still sober...

Calculated in this way, Mu Niange actually has friendship with Mo Yunhao. Xia Minmin was almost deceived by Mu Niange. Seeing Mu Niange talking so seriously, he really thought that Mu Niange was just playing around. Mo Yunhao, using Mo Yunhao.

"You have done a lot of preparation before class, and you know all this, but if I give Mo Yunhao money, what can I prove? Don't you also give Mo Yunhao money? Moreover, the money you give is more than what I gave There are many more. If you want to talk about the person who is interested in Mo Yunhao, it is actually you Xia Minmin. You said, you give up Lu Yanche and find someone to be with casually. Why do you have to tire yourself? Dragging other people down?"

A meaningful smile curled up on Mu Niange's lips, she responded to Xia Minmin calmly...

Xia Minmin opened her eyes wide and looked at Mu Niange in disbelief. How could Mu Niange know this?Didn't it mean that Mo Yunhao didn't tell Mu Niange about the matter between Mo Yunhao and Xia Minmin?

Xia Minmin lowered her eyes and rolled her eyes to think about something. Mu Niange saw through Xia Minmin's thoughts at a glance. She took a step forward, patted Xia Minmin's shoulder, and kindly reminded: "I know these things, you don't need to be so surprised, right? ? I've learned about your methods a long time ago..."

Xia Minmin hated Mu Niange's touch to the extreme. She slapped Mu Niange's hand off, stared at Mu Niange fiercely and said, "What is my method? Mu Niange, are you really Think you know me well? Don't put on such a gesture in front of me, it's really disgusting..."

"I made you sick, why didn't you make me sick? You go back and forth, just those methods. Six years ago, you gave Mo Yunhao money to do such things. Six years later, you thought Would I have thought you weren't using that method?"

"Who is Mo Yunhao? You know better than me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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