Chapter 399

What is Lu Yanche apologizing for Mrs. Lu?
Could it be... Mrs. Lu helping Xia Minmin?Mu Niange felt that Lu Yanche didn't need to apologize at all, and Mu Niange didn't suffer from Mrs. Mu.

Mu Niange pursed his lips, and did not respond to Lu Yanche's words. Lu Yanche thought that Mu Niange was really angry, so he ignored him. Lu Yanche took a deep breath, and continued: "Niange, you just need to know that I love you Feel good."

Lu Yanche can take care of other things slowly, what is needed is Mu Niange to give Lu Yanche time...

Lu Yanche's intention?

What is Lu Yanche's intention?Can even Mu Niange use his mind?

Mu Niange remained silent and didn't speak. Lu Yanche couldn't stand the atmosphere. He turned around and faced Mu Niange, grabbed Mu Niange's shoulder with both hands, shook it twice, and forced Mu Niange to look at him and said, "Nian Song, give me a word, good or bad, your silence makes me feel very uneasy..."

Really uneasy, uneasy like never before.

Mrs. Lu's fault is Lu Yanche's fault. It is Lu Yanche who did not do a good job in thinking in front of Mrs. Lu. In addition... this incident was caused by Lu Yanche. Very cowardly?
Mu Niange was very uncomfortable being shaken by Lu Yanche.

She frowned, and pulled Lu Yanche's hand away. Lu Yanche followed Mu Niange's movements and released Mu Niange. Lu Yanche watched Mu Niange avoid Lu Yanche's sight, and continued to look forward, lips Jiao raised a mocking smile and said, "Lu Yanche, why did you apologize to me on behalf of your mother?"

"Aren't you not here? How do you know, what did your mother say to me?"

Mu Niange's words choked Lu Yanche. It's true that Lu Yanche was not there, but from the positions where Mu Niange, Xia Minmin, and Mrs. Lu were standing, Lu Yanche could tell that Xia Minmin was urging Mrs. Lu again. .

What Lu Yanche couldn't imagine was what kind of situation Mu Niange and Mrs. Lu would fall into if he hadn't appeared...

What Mu Niange is not good at is dealing with elders.

"Recite the song, what is my apology for, no one knows better than you..."

Yes, no one knows better than Mu Niange, but Mu Niange doesn't want to be clear, nor does he want to understand. Does Lu Yanche want to force Mu Niange to be clear, to force Mu Niange to understand?
Mu Niange's silent laugh turned into a loud laugh: "Actually, it's not necessary. I seem to understand the reason why Auntie won't let me be with you. It's just like what Auntie Lu said to me. If she is with you sincerely, she can accept me. If I want to play with your feelings, I don't even have to think about it. As long as she is there one day, I don't even want to walk in the gate of the Lu family... ..."

"Actually, I didn't even want to go in."

Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, and spoke with a bit of indifference.

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yanche's emotions became agitated. He grabbed Mu Niange again and asked forcefully, "Say it again?"

"If you want me to say it a hundred times, I'm always like this..." Mu Niange shook off Lu Yanche's hand and stood up from the chair. She looked down at Lu Yanche with a bit of condescension.

"People are really selfish. They always think about themselves and never think about other people. Facing what Aunt Lu said, it was hard for me not to take her to heart. I contradicted Aunt Lu's words. Come to think of it, Aunt Lu It's also hard to accept, isn't it very clear to you the original purpose of my being with you? Now... what do you want me to do? I'm afraid I won't be able to do it. "


Mu Niange couldn't guarantee it.

"I didn't ask you to do anything for me!" Lu Yanche also stood up, and he looked at Mu Niange with a flash of irritability in his eyes.

Things really turned out like this, this was what Lu Yanche expected in advance, but he didn't expect it to turn out so badly, it would be great if Madam Lu didn't show up, it's obviously because of Mu Niange and Xia Minmin, Lu Yanche problem between.

"Well, you didn't ask me to do anything for you, but it doesn't mean that other people won't ask me to do anything. Lu Yanche, it is absolutely impossible for me to please Aunt Lu against my will for you..." Mu Nian Ge looked firm and spoke out the thoughts in his heart.

One of the most failed things that Mu Niange did before was blindly pleasing others.

It is precisely because Mu Niange has such shortcomings that other people look down on Mu Niange, thinking that Mu Niange is a soft persimmon who can do whatever they want...

What Mu Niange said was to the point.

When Mu Niange married into the Lu family, he didn't get along with Lu Yanche alone, but with everyone in the Lu family. The relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi is fine, but the relationship with Mrs. Lu must be settled before it starts. There was a problem. This problem was caused by Xia Minmin, because of Lu Meiqi, and even more because of Lu Yanche...

"Getting along with people needs a period of adjustment. If you don't try to get along, how will you know if you can get along? Singing songs... Believe me, give it a try, there will be unexpected results " Lu Yanche took a deep breath, and persuaded Mu Niange in a good voice.

Mu Niange is not an extreme person, but he doesn't know when he started to become extreme.

give it a try?
Try again...

Where does Mu Niange have so much time to do such a thing?
Having made a decision, Mu Niange will not change, no matter what Lu Yanche says, Mu Niange will not listen.

"Okay, stop talking..." Mu Niange tugged at his hair annoyedly, and stopped Lu Yanche's words: "I am a person without parents, but just because I don't have parents doesn't mean that I can be disliked by others. , who is bullied by others, Lu Yanche, shouldn't you be the most clear?"

When Mu Niange said this, a bitter smile rose from the corner of his lips.

The person who should know the most, did not prepare well in advance. In the end, the ending is not the same, nothing has changed...

The conversation between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche broke up unhappily. When the bus came, Mu Niange got on the bus. Lu Yanche wanted to follow, but was rejected by Mu Niange. Looking at the bus made by Mu Niange Disappearing in front of his eyes, Lu Yanche kicked the bus stop sign in a distraught manner.

Back in the compound, Lu Yanche returned to his home immediately.

Lu Meiqi took Mrs. Lu's hand and sat on the sofa watching TV...

Mrs. Lu is waiting for Lu Yanche to come back. There are some things that Mrs. Lu needs to clarify with Lu Yanche.

"elder brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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