Chapter 408

Lu Meiqi shrugged her shoulders and said disapprovingly, "I don't know what my brother should do..."

Lu Yanche went out the door and took out his cell phone to call Mu Niange. Just as Mu Niange walked out of the room, the cell phone on the table rang. Mu Niange was on mute, so he didn't hear it. In the living room, while sitting on the sofa, the doorbell rang. Mu Niange walked out wearing house shoes and opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lu Yanche standing at the door.

Mu Niange was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "Why are you here?"

Lu Yanche is here, do you need a reason?

Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's hand and walked into Mu's house. Coincidentally, Mu Yuanling, Mrs. Mu was not at home, and only Mu Niange was at home. Mu Niange frowned when Lu Yanche pulled her, wanting to Resisting Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange into his arms tightly without any gap and said, "Niange, I miss you very much..."

The words "I miss you so much" melted Mu Niange's heart. What Mu Niange didn't want to admit was that she was avoiding Lu Yanche these few days, and she couldn't get over the barrier in her heart...

She wanted to treat Lu Yanche as if nothing had happened, but Mu Niange couldn't do it no matter what.

In front of Lu Yanche, she made it clear that it was impossible for her to lower her profile to please Mrs. Lu. However, no matter what, Mrs. Lu was Lu Yanche's biological mother, and Mu Niange didn't respect Mrs. Lu. It's like not paying attention to Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange knows better than anyone else, understands better than anyone else.

Saying it and doing it is different...

Just like this time, the school information that Mu Niange prepared for Lu Meiqi was collected by Mu Niange some time ago. She can directly bring it to Lu Yanche and let Lu Yanche talk about it. If Mu Niange doesn't have it, give it to Lu Meiqi to see It was because Mu Niange knew that Lu Meiqi would definitely praise Mu Niange in front of Mrs. Lu.

Madam Lu's attitude towards Mu Niange will start to change here...

In the final analysis, Mu Niange is a person with duplicity, and she is also eager to become a recognized person.

Mu Niange was silent, didn't speak, and let Lu Yanche hug him. After Lu Yanche let go of Mu Niange, Mu Niange lowered his eyes and didn't look at Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche lifted Mu Niange's chin, Let Mu Niange meet his gaze, chuckled and said, "Are you shy? You haven't been close to me for a while, hugging, made you feel uncomfortable?"

If this is the case, Lu Yanche felt that it was necessary to practice with Mu Niange a few times...

Mu Niange rolled her eyes at Lu Yanche, she slapped Lu Yanche's hand away and said, "My brother and my aunt are not at home, what do you want to do to me? Aren't you worried that they will come back suddenly?"

Mu Niange turned around and walked towards the sofa. Lu Yanche followed closely behind Mu Niange, sat beside Mu Niange, and hugged Mu Niange again...

Hearing Mu Niange's question, Lu Yanche raised his eyebrows, hoping that Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu would come back at this time: "I wish they would come back soon, I want them to see, I love you so much , we can't stand not being together for a minute."

Who can't stand not being with Lu Yanche for a minute?

Where did Lu Yanche lose his face?

Mu Niange really didn't want to help Lu Yanche get it back, but such a joke made Mu Niange feel a little better. Who would have thought that Mu Niange would become like this one day, caring about Lu Yanche's feelings , but pretended not to care, she was waiting for Lu Yanche to find out, and when Lu Yanche found out, she was trying to please Mu Niange.

A look of sadness flashed across Mu Niange's eyes.

Mu Niange shouldn't be such a person, this is what Mu Niange has been telling himself in his heart...

"Niange, our whole family is very grateful to you." Lu Yanche held Mu Niange's hand, and moved restlessly on Mu Niange's body. Mu Niange wanted to slap it away, but Lu Yanche did not give Mu Niange such a chance , continued intensified.

"What do you family thank me for?" Mu Niange asked Lu Yanche with gritted teeth. She couldn't remember anything, what great things she did...

"You helped Meiqi find a school and successfully persuaded Meiqi to go to school. This is a great thing for my mother. My mother was still talking in my ear some time ago, asking me to find Meiqi Schools, good schools are easy to find, but persuading Meiqi to go to school is not an easy task, I didn't expect that you would do it in a few clicks..."

Lu Yanche kissed Mu Niange's forehead, and said approvingly: "You are really amazing, I admire you for being so amazing, and I feel very proud."

Did Mu Niange make Lu Yanche proud?

What did Lu Yanche say? It seemed that Mu Niange did that to become Lu Yanche's pride.

"I do this because I really feel pity for Meiqi. It is impossible for Meiqi to ruin her life because of a certain person..." Mu Niange stared at the TV with firmness in his eyes.

Just like Mu Niange, it is impossible for her to leave this compound because of the existence of Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou. The compound is his destination and his home. Who can call the shots.

"You're right, Meiqi can't ruin her life for someone, but you should know that if it wasn't for you, Meiqi would never have heard of it..." Lu Yanche sighed, remembering Lu Meiqi's stubborn look , I couldn't help feeling a bit of a headache, fortunately, it was because of Mu Niange's presence that made Lu Yanche feel so happy.

Lu Meiqi saw the future, Mrs. Lu saw hope, and Lu Yanche saw even more, the days to come with Mu Niange...

"Meiqi didn't just listen to me alone. You have problems with Meiqi's education. When you know that Meiqi is being bullied, you should not take Meiqi home and prevent Meiqi from going to school, but should Let Meiqi stand up and tell you who did it to Meiqi, and who is behind the manipulation!"

Mu Niange poked her head out of Lu Yanche's arms, she looked at Lu Yanche's face with disdain.

Shouldn't this be the easiest way to handle it?How come Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu are the most difficult?

Lu Yanche accepted Mu Niange's accusation, what Mu Niange said was very reasonable, Lu Yanche, Mrs. Lu had thought of such a way of dealing with it, Lu Meiqi would not become what she is now, nor would she stay at home for so many years, never go to school.

Going to school is the happiest time in my life.

Lu Meiqi didn't experience it, so wouldn't Lu Yanche tell Lu Meiqi his experience?
(End of this chapter)

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