Chapter 410

Lu Yanche glanced at Lu Meiqi who hadn't noticed it at all, and stretched out his hand helplessly, and caught Lu Meiqi's chopsticks that fell in mid-air. With Lu Yanche's grip, the things Lu Meiqi was holding fell on the table immediately.

Lu Meiqi looked at Lu Yanche, and said angrily, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Lu Yanche calmly put the meat that fell on the table into his own bowl and said, "Being able to eat it doesn't mean that others can eat it. Didn't you see that Nian Ge is very reluctant?"

Lu Meiqi glanced at Mu Niange in astonishment, Mu Niange was so embarrassed that he wished he could slap Lu Yanche on the head, what did Lu Yanche say?

How does this make Mu Niange behave in front of Mrs. Lu?

Lu Yanche stood up and brought over the bowl in Nuan Nuan's hands. Under Mu Niange's gaze, Lu Yanche divided half of the dishes in Mu Niange's bowl into his own bowl, and said, "Niange, here is Meiqi and I's home is also your home, if you don't want it, you can say no, if you can't eat it, you can say I'm full, you don't have to hold back like this, you don't feel bad, I feel bad for you..."

Lu Yanche raised his eyebrows, and said with a bit of a joke.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Mu Niange could react, he looked sideways at Mrs. Lu and said, "Mom, do you think what I said makes sense?"

"Yes...why is it unreasonable? In your own home, you don't need to be restrained..." Mrs. Lu responded to Lu Yanche's words. She smiled at Mu Niange, then glared at Lu Meiqi and said, "Meiqi, Why did you put all the things you don't want to eat into the chant bowl?"

"What you don't want to eat, you should give it to your brother..."

Lu Meiqi was stunned for a while, and after realizing it, she slapped the table and said: "Mom, what you said is very reasonable. If I don't want to eat, I should give it to my brother, but I have to clarify, I will pick up vegetables for singing songs." My sister has seen the restraint of sister Niange, and I don't know how my brother treats sister Niange's boyfriend, so I don't know how to be considerate at all."

Lu Meiqi pouted, and complained dissatisfiedly to Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange sat on the seat, not knowing who to answer for a while, the attitude changed too quickly, and Mu Niange couldn't adapt to it so quickly...

Lu Yanche is helping Mu Niange find Mu Niange's position. Mrs. Lu is cooperating with Lu Yanche to let Mu Niange quickly integrate into the family. As for Lu Meiqi, she has always cared about Mu Niange. , there is no need for anyone to doubt it.

Mu Niange lowered her eyes, feeling an inexplicable emotion in her heart, she didn't want to say, this feeling made her feel good, it was something she had never tried before, and she wanted to keep it up.

"Ache, change places with Meiqi..." Mrs. Lu cleared her throat, and said commandingly. Lu Yanche couldn't wish more, and what she was waiting for was Mrs. Lu's words.

After Lu Yanche sat by Mu Niange's side, Mu Niange ate a lot more smoothly. After a meal, Lu Yanche was called by Mrs. Lu to wash the dishes. Lu Meiqi saw that Mrs. Lu had something to say to Mu Niange. Niange said that he returned to the room knowingly, on the sofa in the living room, sitting with Mu Niange and Mrs. Lu.

Mu Niange's sense of restraint did not ease in the slightest. Looking at Madam Lu, she didn't know what topic to find to chat with Madam Lu.

Mu Niange remembered the first time she got along with Mrs. Mu, and it was the same. It was Mrs. Mu who kept trying to enlighten Mu Niange, and Mu Niange relaxed a little. In the end, Mrs. Mu became Mu Niange's favorite For those who are close, Mu Niange has some things that he cannot tell Mu Yuanling, but he can tell Mrs. Mu.

Like the existence of Mu Niange's mother, Mu Niange really doesn't need to worry too much.

"Song, what happened last time, I'm sorry..."

Madam Lu sighed, and took the initiative to bring up the last time. Mu Niange looked at Madam Lu with some flattery, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Madam Lu: "Niange, I know what you want to say. What, you know, I watched Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou grow up, I thought I knew what kind of temperament they were, but who would have thought, I don't understand at all..."

"What I never expected was that Xia Minmin would do such a thing to you and Meiqi. Thanks to me, I treated her like a daughter before, and even said something excessive to you after hearing some of her words. Song, I hope you don't mind."

Mrs. Lu said she wanted Mu Niange not to mind, but Mu Niange already cared. Is there any way for Mrs. Lu to make Mu Niange not mind?
Mu Niange shook his head at Mrs. Lu, smiled and said, "You really don't need to apologize to me. Your misunderstanding of me also resulted in my misunderstanding of you. This is what I said in front of Ah Che, It's impossible for me to deliberately please you for the sake of Ah Che, I see that you really don't like me..."

"Now, isn't the misunderstanding resolved? I can get along very well with you. I think you are very kind. You are not the kind of person who would make things difficult for no reason..."

Mu Niange will tell Mrs. Lu about her first impression of Mrs. Lu. Listen, she never thought that such a thing would happen to Mrs. Lu. Since Mu Niange came to the Lu family before, Mrs. Lu's treatment of Mu Niange Mu Niange could see the attitude.

Madam Lu is concerned about Lu Yanche and Lu Meiqi, so she doesn't want them to be hurt in the slightest. Mu Niange can understand, Madam Lu feels lucky...

Mrs. Lu took Mu Niange's hand, patted the back of Mu Niange's hand and said, "Since you said so, I won't tell you about the past anymore. I'm very happy that you are with Ah Che. I am optimistic about you, I hope you can be together forever.”

A lifetime is a distant word.

Mu Niange didn't dare to answer Mrs. Lu, so she just smiled...

The knot between Mu Niange and Mrs. Lu was untied, and Mu Niange's attitude towards Lu Yanche was a little better. When Lu Yanche finished washing the dishes and came out to see such a scene, his heart felt warm.

Mu Niange is not good at expressing, which Lu Yanche has always known. Since Mu Niange is not good at expressing, then... let Mrs. Lu start this. As long as Mrs. Lu speaks, Mu Niange will not be silent. Sure enough, Lu Yanche The guess is right.

When Mu Niange left Lu's house, it was 08:30 in the evening.

Mrs. Lu held Mu Niange's hand, full of longing. She didn't realize that Mu Niange was so likable before. After chatting, Mrs. Lu found that there were many topics between her and Mu Niange... …

Mu Niange was more patient than Lu Yanche and Lu Meiqi, knowing that he would listen to Mrs. Lu's words before making a speech.

Lu Yanche looked at Mrs. Lu's appearance, rubbed his brows with a headache and said, "Mom, I came here as a guest with the recitation song. What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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