Chapter 442

As soon as Lu Yanche finished speaking, he raised the ring in his hand...

Mu Niange looked down at the ring in Lu Yanche's hand, and fell into silence...

Regardless of what Lu Yanche said that moved Mu Niange, just because Lu Yanche has such a heart, Mu Niange should be shaken...

Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen walked in at some point, watching the scene where Lu Yanche proposed to Mu Niange, fell into silence, Yang Zhishuang was more nervous than Mu Niange, whether Mu Niange would agree to Lu Yanche, this is really a question ...

Just like what Lu Yanche said, when Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were together, many things really happened...

For Mu Niange, most of those things were unfortunate, and few were lucky. No one knew what Mu Niange was thinking, but when Mu Niange chose to be with Lu Yanche, she Prepared to endure these things, Mu Niange is brave, brave enough to make Yang Zhishuang look at her differently.

Yang Zhishuang tightly grasped the flower in her hand, staring at Mu Niange, hoping that the answer Mu Niange gave would be satisfactory to everyone...

More than anyone else, Yang Zhishuang would like to see that Mu Niange is happy and happy. When Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are really together, the matter is a foregone conclusion. Xia Minmin's appearance is neither painful nor itchy for Lu Yanche and Mu Niange of.

"Actually... I'm quite scared..."

Mu Niange was silent for a long while, her cherry lips lightly raised, and she spoke out the most sincere thoughts in her heart.

From the time Xia Minmin reappeared, Mu Niange felt uneasy, otherwise, Mu Niange didn't need to do so many things to fill up the uneasiness in his heart...

"I don't understand why we were blocked so much when we were together. Since six years ago, we were destined to be extraordinary. If I hadn't provoke you back then, we wouldn't have had such experiences. It wouldn't be what it is today..."

"Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou have always been by your side. You may not have seen how good they are to you, but I have. I want to say that I am not as good as Xia Minmin or Xia Youyou, but I am I am not reconciled, I am not as good as them, I have been working hard, trying hard to become that, the most perfect person in your mind!"

Mu Niange was not really confident when dealing with Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou...

Rather, she pretended to be very confident, Lu Yanche couldn't tell, Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou couldn't tell, only Mu Niange knew in her heart how much courage she mustered to do it...

"I don't know, and I don't understand, why do I have such a heart? Whether you can become the most perfect person in your heart, you can't change the facts in front of you. Our good time is a week, and after a week, we will Something unexpected happens to us, and when faced with these unexpected things, we become paranoid..."

"We will quarrel, I don't want to admit defeat, I don't want to say in front of you that I was wrong, I don't think I'm wrong..."

The wrong person has always been Lu Yanche, and Mu Niange is just being himself, wanting to make himself better.

"I didn't expect that my aunt and your mother would ask us to get engaged. When I heard the news of the engagement, I was stunned. Then I thought about it... You didn't propose to me, you didn't ask me if I want to get engaged to you, it's just like this between us I'm engaged, what's the matter? I'm hesitating, should I say to cancel this engagement banquet..."

Then, Lu Yanche proposed to Mu Niange, so Mu Niange was shaken.

Mu Niange thought, she and Lu Yanche have tried it from the beginning, why can't they continue to try?

It's okay for them to let go after they really try to the point of failure. After all... they have cared about each other for so long, and they suddenly separated. Not everyone can bear it.

Lu Yanche didn't know what Mu Niange said, just like Mu Niange didn't know Lu Yanche glanced at it, yes, Lu Yanche never asked, what was Mu Niange thinking in his heart, what he saw was what was on the surface...

Lu Yanche should be thankful that Ji Jingchen was by Lu Yanche's side, telling Lu Yanche what he should do...

Otherwise, would Lu Yanche really lose Mu Niange?
"Recite the song, you see my shortcomings, you can tell me, I can change my shortcomings for you..."

Mu Niange shook his head. A person needs some shortcomings to be complete. Lu Yanche changed his shortcomings for Mu Niange, so he will not be a perfect person. In the eyes of others, Mu Niange The shortcomings that Nian Ge thinks are not necessarily Lu Yanche's shortcomings...

"Lu Yanche, let me ask you something, do you really think we are suitable?"

Lu Yanche nodded sharply, and kept saying: "If we are not suitable? Who else is suitable? I don't mean to force you to read the song. If you feel reluctant, our engagement can be postponed for a while of……"

Lu Yanche made a huge concession for Mu Niange.

When Mu Niange heard the words, his heart was not touched...

If the engagement banquet was canceled because of Mu Niange alone, not only Lu Yanche would be disappointed, but even Madam Mu, Madam Lu, and Lu Meiqi would be disappointed...

Lu Yanche is really not active at all, he is waiting for Mu Niange's answer, when will he wait?

Could it be that if Mu Niange never answered, Lu Yanche kept kneeling on one knee while holding the ring?

When necessary, Lu Yanche needs to be tough on Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang stood aside and couldn't help complaining: "Lu Yanche is really smug, Ji Jingchen, do you want to go up and help Lu Yanche?"

How can Ji Jingchen help Lu Yanche?
Ji Jingchen was almost dizzy from watching it, and he was also worried about Lu Yanche's speed: "You have such a good relationship with Nian Ge, why don't you go forward and talk to Nian Ge, first reluctantly agree to Ah Che, and wait until you think it over clearly. , and then respond to Ah Che?"

Yang Zhishuang wanted to slap Ji Jingchen on the head. Could Ji Jingchen be a pig? How could he come up with such a method?

"If I go up and tell Nian Ge like this, the person who will be beaten later will not be me, but you. Didn't you give Lu Yanche hope and disappoint Lu Yanche?"

"I think you didn't come to help Lu Yanche at all, but to mess things up..."

Ji Jingchen was really wronged, why did he become the one who came to mess things up?

When Ji Jingchen was whispering to Yang Zhishuang, Lu Yanche had already put the ring on Mu Niange's hand, and Mu Niange's silence was tantamount to acquiescing to Lu Yanche's proposal, Lu Yanche thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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