Chapter 448

There are three days left before the engagement banquet, to be honest, Mu Niange is nervous, nervous about the engagement banquet with Lu Yanche, nervous about what happens after the engagement banquet, nervous about Xia Minmin, will she really come out to destroy it? , As for the destruction, how much will Xia Minmin destroy?
Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange who was so restless, and couldn't help but want to complain about Mu Niange, and then thought, it's normal for Mu Niange to be so nervous...

With Xia Minmin around, Mu Niange really couldn't be at peace for a day.

"Shuangshuang, I'm a little scared..."

Mu Niange grabbed Yang Zhishuang's hand, and it was rare to express the feelings in his heart. Yang Zhishuang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard that, what is there to worry about for Mu Niange?

Yang Zhishuang sighed, grabbed Mu Niange's hand and said, "You know, the more scared you are, the more proud some people are..."

If Mu Niange didn't have the slightest fear, Xia Minmin wouldn't dare to continue what she wanted to do...

She couldn't figure out Mu Niange, she didn't know what Mu Niange would do, just like Xia Minmin was the same in Mu Niange's eyes...

Mu Niange shook her head, Yang Zhishuang didn't know what she was worried about, she didn't know how to make it clear to Yang Zhishuang, Mu Niange chose to remain silent, Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange like this, and she felt a little bit of confusion in her heart. Huo, it was Lu Yanche who made Mu Niange become like this.

Yang Zhishuang was actually brought by Lu Yanche to accompany Mu Niange...

Lu Yanche could see that there was something wrong with Mu Niange, since Lu Yanche knew something was wrong with Mu Niange, why didn't he coax Mu Niange well?
Let Yang Zhishuang come, what is the matter?
Yang Zhishuang came out of Mu Niange's room, walked straight to Lu's house, just happened to meet Lu Meiqi at the door, Lu Meiqi looked a little excited when she saw Yang Zhishuang, and then looked at Yang Zhishuang's face, Lu Meiqi understood, this is to find Lu Yanche yes...

What the hell did Lu Yanche do again?

Lu Meiqi sighed and prayed for Lu Yanche...

Lu Meiqi took Yang Zhishuang to Lu Yanche's room and backed out. Lu Yanche was sitting on the sofa, holding the computer and doing something...

Yang Zhishuang looked at Lu Yanche's leisurely look, and the anger in her heart became even stronger: "Lu Yanche, you asked me to accompany you to read the song, and here I am, so... you should tell me what happened to the song ?”

Nothing will happen to Mu Niange, and it is impossible for anything to happen...

On the day of the engagement banquet, Yang Zhishuang took Mu Niange to the beauty salon early in the morning, and Mu Niange let Yang Zhishuang play with her, looking at herself in the mirror after finishing everything, Mu Niange's expression suddenly changed...

She never thought that this day would happen to her, and the person she was engaged to was actually Lu Yanche...

"Niange, you're going to be fascinated by Lu Yanche's rhythm." Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange with a smile, and teased. Mu Niange glanced at Yang Zhishuang, and answered angrily: "Then you are going to be fascinated by Ji Jingchen." rhythm?"

Yang Zhishuang has nothing to do with Ji Jingchen, why did Mu Niange bring them together?
Yang Zhishuang pouted, with a dissatisfied expression on her face...

"Niange, you don't need to worry, Xia Minmin can't be at the engagement scene tonight." Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange and said firmly.

Hearing this, Mu Niange looked sideways at Yang Zhishuang, with a puzzled expression on his face, "What did you do?"

What can Yang Zhishuang do?
Moreover, this kind of thing should not be done by Yang Zhishuang. Yang Zhishuang sighed, and told Lu Yanche about her conversation with Lu Yanche: "Lu Yanche was worried that Xia Minmin would appear by your side and harass you, so he asked me to advance I have been with you for so many days, you know, I am very strong when I am strong..."

Of course Mu Niange knew how powerful Yang Zhishuang was, and he never doubted Yang Zhishuang...

Lu Yanche really bothered, thinking of such a deep-seated problem.

When Xia Minmin and Mrs. Xia appeared at the engagement scene, the two of them were stopped together. Mrs. Xia asked for an invitation from Mrs. Lu, and Mrs. Lu was unwilling to give it to Mrs. Xia. On the surface, Lu Madam pretended to be very enthusiastic, but in fact, she didn't know what the situation was until Madam Xia came.

How embarrassing is it to pretend to be glamorous and stand at the door, but to be stopped by someone?

Xia Minmin felt the eyes of the surroundings falling on them, Xia Minmin wished she could dig a hole and get up...

Who did Mrs. Xia do things?Why can't you even do this little thing well?

"Mom, what's going on here? Madam Lu didn't give you the invitation?" Xia Minmin blamed Madam Xia with a serious face. Madam Xia's expression was not as good as Xia Minmin's when she heard the words, and said, "I don't know why thing……"

Anyway, the invitation was given by Mrs. Lu, so there will be no fake ones.

"You wait here, I'll make a call and ask..." Madam Xia told Xia Minmin a few words before turning around to leave.

Is Madam Xia an idiot?
Want Xia Minmin to stand here and be looked at as a joke?

Xia Minmin walked to the corner to hide. She covered her face with her bag, so that no one else could see her. While covering her face, Xia Minmin did not forget to look around. This time, she saw Ji Jingchen coming , Xia Minmin raised the corners of her lips, put down the bag in her hand, and strode towards Ji Jingchen.

Ji Jingchen came so late because he had something to do. Just as he walked to the door and was about to go in, Xia Minmin stepped forward and took Ji Jingchen's arm...

Ji Jingchen was frightened by Xia Minmin, and wanted to shake off Xia Minmin's hand, but Xia Minmin was not as good as Ji Jingchen wanted, she looked at Ji Jingchen and said, "You guys are trying to find ways to not let me in, so I really can't go in?"

"You know we don't want you to come in, but you are so shameless, Xia Minmin, where is your self-esteem?"

What self-esteem does Xia Minmin have?

For Lu Yanche, she is no longer a complete person, Xia Minmin sneered, shrugged disapprovingly and said: "I am a person without self-esteem, I say that, are you satisfied?"

"Ji Jingchen, I just want to see how Ah Che and Nian Ge are engaged. Could it be that you can't satisfy me even with this?"

What is the relationship between Ji Jingchen and Xia Minmin?
Why does Ji Jingchen want to satisfy Xia Minmin?
Has Xia Minmin lost his mind, something went wrong?

Ji Jingchen shook off Xia Minmin's hand viciously, Xia Minmin took a step back, looked at Ji Jingchen's face, full of sadness: "One and two of you are like this, what did I do wrong to be treated like this by you?" treatment?"

(End of this chapter)

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