Chapter 453

Mu Niange felt guilty in his heart.

Lu Yanche and others searched for Mu Niange, and they really searched all night. Xia Minmin is not stupid, it is impossible for her to go back after Lu Yanche and others returned to the compound. After locking Mu Niange, she found People, go and release Mu Niange during the day...

Xia Minmin will not do anything that will shorten her future, this is a warning to Mu Niange, and also a warning to Lu Yanche...

To let Lu Yanche and others know that Xia Minmin has been forgotten, the price to be paid is very heavy. If Mu Niange is not found, the faces of Lu Yanche and others are getting uglier than the other. If you call the police, it is often impossible to come out and search immediately. The traces of Mu Niange...

When they came out to search, Mu Niange might have had an accident.

Lu Yanche blamed himself for failing to favor Mu Niange, looking at Lu Meiqi and Mrs. Lu who were troubled by him, Lu Yanche really didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Lu wanted to comfort Lu Yanche, but the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to say them, what kind of words should she use to comfort Lu Yanche?
The hurt Lu Yanche suffered in his heart was extremely great...

Mrs. Mu's face was so ugly that she insisted on looking for Mu Niange all night, but she couldn't find Mu Niange no matter what, her eyes were red, and the self-blame in her heart was bigger than Lu Yanche's. She rushed up and grabbed Lu Yanche thumped Lu Yanche's chest and said, "If Niange hadn't followed you, nothing like this would have happened..."

In Madam Mu's heart, Mu Niange is no longer as simple as a niece.

She is Mrs. Mu's daughter, and she is by Mrs. Mu's side, doing things that Mu Yuanling can't do. For Lu Yanche, she almost gave her life to accompany her. Now that she is engaged, she thinks it will be better , who would want to...

Ha ha……

Where is it good?

The situation is getting worse and worse...

Mrs. Mu's sudden approach made the silence of the crowd even more. Yang Zhishuang clenched her fists tightly, she stared at Lu Yanche, her eyes were full of fire, Lu Yanche, it was Lu Yanche, Mu Niange only met For this kind of thing, Yang Zhishuang wanted to cry, but couldn't, she shouldn't have cried, she was Mu Niange's strong backing, if she cried, what would Mu Niange do?
Yang Zhishuang lowered her eyes, holding back the tears in her eyes.

Seeing Yang Zhishuang like this, Ji Jingchen felt uncomfortable. He had never seen Yang Zhishuang like this before. Ji Jingchen didn't know how to comfort her, but the facts proved that everything was Lu Yanche's fault...

When did Lu Yanche listen to Mu Niange's words like this?

What did Mu Niange ask Lu Yanche to do, Lu Yanche really went, well, something happened, what should Madam Mu, Mu Yuanling, Yang Zhishuang and others do?
"I've had enough."

Mrs. Mu yelled at Lu Yanche loudly: "Ever since Nian Ge got involved with you, nothing good happened to me..."

Mrs. Mu's idea was wrong. It was wrong from the very beginning. Mu Niange shouldn't be allowed to come back to this compound. If Mu Niange didn't return to this compound, he wouldn't have such frequent contact with Lu Yanche , Lu Yanche couldn't do that to Mu Niange.

"Mrs. Mu, calm down..."

Madam Lu stepped forward and grabbed Madam Mu's hand. Seeing Lu Yanche being treated like this, Madam Lu felt uncomfortable.

Lu Meiqi felt that Lu Yanche deserved it completely. If Mrs. Mu wanted to beat Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche would have to bear it too. Lu Meiqi watched quietly with red eyes, and didn't step forward to stop her...

Madam Mu let go of her hand, for Madam Lu's sake, Madam Mu panted heavily: "It's none of your business to recite songs, you can go."

This is Mrs. Mu, do you want to completely clear up some relationship with Lu Yanche and others?

Lu Yanche could bear Madam Mu's beating and scolding, but she couldn't bear Madam Mu's words. Lu Yanche looked at Madam Mu with a firm expression and said, "I'm engaged to Niange, and the matter of Niange is my business. I can't do it." Those who give up reciting songs."

"You're so funny. You can get divorced even if you get married now, let alone a mere engagement. Lu Yanche, let me tell you, you don't need Niange anymore. Please don't appear in front of Niange in the future..."

"No... It should be said that our family can't compete with yours, so you should find someone who can surpass you."

At this point, Madam Mu could say anything, Yang Zhishuang wanted to laugh, how could Madam Mu belittle herself like this?It was Lu Yanche who was wrong, it was Lu Yanche, the person who couldn't afford to climb high was also Lu Yanche.

"I don't understand what Niange is insisting on, but at this point, I have to say, Lu Yanche, it's not that Mu Niange can't compete with you, it's that you really don't deserve Mu Niange. What your aunt said, you It's best to listen to it, find the song, don't appear in front of the song, you live your own life."

This is obviously Xia Minmin's plan...

Besides Xia Minmin, who would dare to do such a thing to Mu Niange?
If Xia Minmin were to appear in front of Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang would definitely kill Xia Minmin...

As soon as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, she didn't wait for Lu Yanche's reaction, but a burst of muffled laughter came instead. Yang Zhishuang looked in the direction of the voice and saw Xia Minmin who was smiling brightly. Xia Minmin came from the direction of home , Seeing Lu Yanche and others gathered together, Xia Minmin pretended to be surprised: "Why are you all here? Wasn't it the engagement banquet for Ah Che and Niange yesterday?"

"Hey... Where is Niange, why didn't I see it?"

Xia Minmin, the eighth woman, knowingly asked where Mu Niange was, Xia Minmin knew best...

Before Yang Zhishuang could rush up and hit Xia Minmin hard, Lu Yanche stepped forward and grabbed Xia Minmin's hand, and asked, "Let me ask you, where did you get Niange?"

Xia Minmin was in pain from being caught by Lu Yanche. She frowned, looked at Lu Yanche with a puzzled expression and said, "I don't know what you are talking about, let go of my hand quickly..."

Xia Minmin broke free from Lu Yanche and acted aggrieved...

Yang Zhishuang looked at the road show car like this, and couldn't take it anymore, she stepped forward and pushed Lu Yanche away fiercely, slapped Xia Minmin's cheek and said, "You bitch, I have tolerated you for a long time, you keep coming back again and again San's appearance in front of Nian Ge, didn't I warn you? If you dare to attack Nian Ge again, I will kill you..."

Yang Zhishuang and Xia Minmin are not on the same level.

Yang Zhishuang slapped Xia Minmin in a daze. Before Xia Minmin could react, Yang Zhishuang slapped Xia Minmin hard on the cheek again: "New and old grudges, I will settle with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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