Chapter 460

Xia Minmin wanted to sow discord, Yang Zhishuang wanted to listen to Xia Minmin, she was a big fool...

Yang Zhishuang didn't even listen to Xia Minmin's words, and kept slapping Xia Minmin. Last time, Xia Minmin had no defense at all, but this time she was prepared. When Yang Zhishuang stepped forward, Xia Minmin dodged Yang Zhishuang's blow...

She walked towards the door and looked at Yang Zhishuang proudly, without any sign of fear...

Yang Zhishuang gritted her teeth angrily. Damn Xia Minmin, she is really stronger every time. This is obviously prepared. Yang Zhishuang is not a vegetarian, so naturally it is impossible for Xia Minmin to leave so easily. She found the opportunity and kicked her hard. Xia Minmin kicked, and Xia Minmin leaned forward, almost falling to the ground.

"You wait for me, you pay me this account, I will settle it with you sooner or later..."

Xia Minmin pointed at Yang Zhishuang and said viciously.

Yang Zhishuang smiled contemptuously, she was not worried at all, what she was worried about was that Xia Minmin would not appear in front of her, so Yang Zhishuang would lose the chance to deal with Xia Minmin: "I'll wait, I'll wait for you here, you have the ability to do it every day Come, let's see whether it is I who will deal with you, or you who will deal with me..."

After Xia Minmin left, the ward fell into silence...

Mu Niange posted the small video screen in Yang Zhishuang's hand to Moments, and Yang Zhishuang added Lu Yanche and others. Once Yang Zhishuang posted it, everyone would naturally see it...

Yang Zhishuang looked back at Mu Niange, and saw that Mu Niange was sitting there so calmly, not showing any emotion at all, Yang Zhishuang didn't know what to say, Mu Niange's hair was disheveled, when she went out with Yang Zhishuang, she was absolutely Yang Zhishuang's heart aches for the two different looks.

Yang Zhishuang stayed in the ward all the time, it was Mu Niange who asked Yang Zhishuang to go out, otherwise... How could Xia Minmin take advantage of it?
"Recite songs, is it really worth it for you to do this?"

Yang Zhishuang couldn't see through Mu Niange more and more. She didn't know what Mu Niange's intentions were and why...

Mu Niange returned the phone to Yang Zhishuang, and she tidied up her appearance, with a sneering smile on her lips: "What's worth it and what's not? You haven't seen Xia Minmin like that. She looked really arrogant, so arrogant that I wanted to slap her twice, but I couldn't bear to let the matter end like this, so I just waited, waited for you to come back, and help me clean up Xia Minmin..."

Mu Niange said lightly, not taking what happened just now seriously...

Yang Zhishuang was choked by Mu Niange. What she said was useless. Mu Niange chose to do this. Yang Zhishuang opened Moments and saw a comment in it, it was Ji Jingchen's, just one word, rely on !

Ji Jingchen knows, and it won't be far away from Lu Yanche and others knowing...

Lu Meiqi has Yang Zhishuang's WeChat account, so she can't go to the hospital to see Mu Niange, so she can only ask Yang Zhishuang about Mu Niange's news on WeChat. If Lu Meiqi's inquiry can't be answered by Yang Zhishuang, she scrolls through Moments, and finds out A piece of news that shocked Lu Meiqi...

She clicked on the video and watched it repeatedly, unable to believe what she saw...

Xia Minmin went to the hospital so blatantly to fight against Mu Niange?

Lu Meiqi walked out of the room, ran to the door of Lu Yanche's room, opened the door without knocking, and entered: "Brother, hurry up and see Sister Shuangshuang's circle of friends..."

Lu Yanche was not moved at all when he heard the words. Lu Meiqi put the phone in front of Lu Yanche, and clicked on the video to show Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche didn't see it when he got up. He was moved when he heard Mu Niange's voice. In the scene where Xia Minmin beat up the song, Lu Yanche sat up from the chair all of a sudden, he snatched the phone from Lu Meiqi's hand, and looked at it carefully...

"Xia Minmin is really shameless. Sister Niange has already gone to the hospital, and she did such a thing to Sister Niange..."

Looking at Mu Niange's expression and listening to Mu Niange's words, Lu Meiqi really felt distressed. She never thought that Mu Niange, whom she was so proud of, would become like this. Lu Meiqi is even more serious. At the very least, with Lu Meiqi beside Lu Yanche and Mrs. Lu, someone who wants to bully Lu Meiqi cannot easily succeed...

Lu Yanche didn't listen to a word of Lu Meiqi's words.

He didn't go to the hospital because he didn't want to affect Mu Niange's emotions. Who would have thought that he helped Xia Minmin instead, giving Xia Minmin time to go to the hospital to trouble Mu Niange...

Yang Zhishuang was not in the ward, she came back later, seeing Mu Niange being beaten by Xia Minmin, Yang Zhishuang did not go up immediately, but sent this video to tell Lu Yanche, because Lu Yanche, Mu What kind of life does Niange lead? Even if he breaks away from Lu Yanche, he still can't escape Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin will never end to find troubles for Mu Niange, and Mu Niange wants to avoid it. How easy is it?
Lu Yanche took Lu Meiqi's cell phone and went out with a serious face.

Lu Meiqi was startled by Lu Yanche's sudden reaction. She was about to call Lu Yanche to stop and ask him to return the phone to her, but then she thought of Lu Yanche's gloomy face. Was it really a good thing for Lu Meiqi to provoke Lu Yanche?
Do not……

Definitely not a good thing.

Lu Meiqi wisely chose to remain silent. When Lu Yanche came back, he was talking about the mobile phone. The most important question right now was how to deal with Xia Minmin so as to avenge Mu Niange...

Seeing this video, Mu Yuanling could not wait to tear Xia Minmin into pieces, but Mu Yuanling held back the anger in his heart, and instead of doing that, he gave Lu Yanche the opportunity. As for what Lu Yanche would do, that was Lu Yanche's decision. thing.

Xia Minmin slapped Mu Niange, to be honest, she felt really happy...

But in a blink of an eye, it occurred to Mu Niange that he was really mentally ill, and Xia Minmin became worried again. Mu Niange is such a troublesome person, he is such a troublesome person, a small matter can become a big one, and everyone's eyes are on the verge. On Xia Minmin's body, originally, Mu Niange returned to the compound safely, and no one would think about Mu Niange's disappearance...

Maybe it was Mu Niange who was in a bad mood and wanted to avoid it, hide away...

Now, it's not that Mu Niange wanted to avoid it, but someone maliciously made Mu Niange look like this, and the biggest suspect was Xia Minmin. There was no need to investigate or suspect this.

Until now, Xia Youyou didn't know what happened to Mu Niange, if she wanted to disappear from the sight of Lu Yanche and the others, she had to find a scapegoat.

(End of this chapter)

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