Chapter 466

He just left Xia Minmin a way out and gave Xia Minmin a chance to reform.

Whether Lu Yanche has left Xia Minmin a way out, only Lu Yanche knows in his heart, it's not something Lu Meiqi can tell in a few words...

Lu Meiqi left Lu Yanche's room and went directly to the hospital. When she arrived at the hospital, the nurse in the hospital said that Mu Niange had been discharged. Lu Meiqi was astonished. When did this happen?Maybe even Lu Yanche didn't know, Lu Meiqi wanted to call and tell Lu Yanche, but after thinking about it, wasn't Lu Yanche very powerful?
Then let Lu Yanche find out by himself. In this way, not only can Lu Yanche realize his mistake, but also let Lu Yanche know how it feels to lose Mu Niange...

Obviously, Lu Yanche didn't appreciate the previous loss. After Lu Meiqi made up her mind, she sent a message to Mu Niange: "Sister Niange, I know you are not in the hospital. Don't worry, I won't tell my brother Yes, please believe me, I am on your side..."

When Mu Niange received Lu Meiqi's message, her eyes did not reveal any emotion. Instead of responding to Lu Meiqi's message, she turned off her phone and put it aside...

Lu Meiqi was waiting for Mu Niange's message, but Mu Niange didn't respond. There must be something important to do. If this is the case, Lu Meiqi doesn't want to disturb Mu Niange anymore. Mental illness is not a temporary thing...

When Xia Minmin came to the hospital, she was as empty-headed as Lu Meiqi. Hearing that Mu Niange was not in the hospital, Lu Meiqi's first reaction was that Mu Niange was in the compound and at Mu's house. Avoiding Xia Minmin?
Ha ha……

Mu Niange thought that Xia Minmin would give up like this?
Mu Niange is dreaming, this is an excellent time, it's time for Xia Minmin to let Mu Niange know what the end result of provoking Xia Minmin...

Lu Yanche has a video about Xia Minmin in his hand. Xia Minmin said that he is not afraid is a lie, but if Xia Minmin is afraid of Lu Yanche, is it really useful?Lu Yanche really won't release Xia Minmin's video?If Mu Niange knew about this, Mu Niange would definitely let Lu Yanche release it...

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xia Minmin had no choice but to act first.

Xia Minmin bought a bunch of things and went to Mu's house. Xia Minmin secretly rang the doorbell of Mu's house. It was Mu Yuanling who came to open the door. When he saw Xia Minmin, Mu Yuanling's expression darkened: "You do it!" what?"

"I heard that Niange was discharged from the hospital, let me come and see Niange..."

Xia Minmin looked at Mu Yuanling with a smile, and tried to ignore the seriousness on Mu Niange's face. The purpose of Xia Minmin's visit was very simple, to let Lu Yanche know that Mu Niange was in this compound. When he came to Mu's house, when Mu Niange had a dispute with Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche knew that this matter was planned by Mu Niange alone. If Mu Niange really fell ill, Lu Yanche could also recognize the fact.

There is no possibility between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche anymore, I hope Lu Yanche can wake up as soon as possible and stop doing troublesome things...

"It has nothing to do with you whether Nian Ge is discharged from the hospital or not. You are not welcome here, so you can get out."

As soon as Mu Yuanling finished speaking, she wanted to close the door, but Xia Minmin blocked the door with one hand, blocking Mu Yuanling's actions. She looked into Mu Yuanling's eyes, and said coldly: "Aren't you Mu Yuanling?" Niange, I can't help Mu Niange make a decision, let Mu Niange come out and tell me whether she wants me to come and see her..."

Xia Minmin felt uncomfortable if she didn't find someone to clean her up for a day...

Mu Yuanling has never hit a girl before. Could it be that he wants to break such a convention for Xia Minmin?
But no matter how you look at Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin always looks like a mess, if Mu Yuanling doesn't satisfy Xia Minmin, wouldn't he be too sorry for Xia Minmin?

Mu Yuanling's anger was written all over his face. Xia Minmin saw through Mu Yuanling's thoughts and took a small step back. She chuckled lightly and said sarcastically, "Why, you want to do something to me?"

It was quite obvious that Mu Yuanling wanted to do something to Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin asked such a question, didn't Xia Minmin seem stupid?

Mu Yuanling didn't even bother to answer Xia Minmin's question: "If you don't get lost, I promise you will crawl out from here..."

climb out?
What a terrible adjective, Xia Minmin is naturally afraid, but so what?

If he was afraid, would Mu Yuanling let Xia Minmin go?Impossible... As long as Mu Niange is here, everyone here will not let Xia Minmin go easily: "I have never tried to crawl, if you want to help me, I will be happy To cooperate with you, the premise is, Mu Yuanling, do you really dare to do anything to me?"

What Xia Minmin said to Mu Yuanling was a naked provocation...

Unexpectedly, Xia Minmin is such a person looking for abuse. If this is the case, why does Mu Yuanling need to be polite to Xia Minmin?
Xia Minmin has made up her mind. If she doesn't see Mu Niange, she won't leave here. She thinks that Mu Yuanling is gone. Who would have thought that there is Mrs. Mu behind Mu Yuanling? Xia Minmin's arrogant words Madam Mu heard it clearly, she came out, pulled Mu Yuanling away, and then slapped Xia Minmin on the face and said: "You shameless person, dare to come to my house to act wildly, today I I want to see what kind of skills you have..."

As Madam Mu said, she rushed out again and beat Xia Minmin vigorously. Xia Minmin forgot that Madam Mu was in the Mu family.
Maybe Madam Mu will say that Xia Minmin was instructed by Madam Xia...

Xia Minmin immediately regretted it. She wanted to leave, but it was too late. Mrs. Mu never gave Xia Minmin such a chance. Xia Minmin could only bear the burden and could not fight back: "Auntie, things are not what you think , I came to see the song with sincerity..."

"The weasel gave the chicken New Year's greetings, do you think I will believe what you say? You are just like your mother, with mischievous eyebrows and eyes, and you don't need to clean up. See if I don't teach you well today, and let you think about it when you are full and have nothing to do. If you want to bully our family's reciting songs, do you really think that our family's reciting songs are easy to bully? Let me tell you, bullying reciting songs requires a painful price. This is just the beginning. In the future, when you feel better..."

Madam Mu beat and scolded again.

(End of this chapter)

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