Chapter 474

"Need not……"

Mu Niange responded to Ji Jingchen expressionlessly, passed Ji Jingchen and continued to walk forward, Ji Jingchen rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, Mu Niange became paranoid, why so paranoid?

How will Ji Jingchen persuade Mu Niange to come down?
"Niange, I...I have something I want to tell you." Ji Jingchen became anxious, and resorted to a great trick to force Mu Niange to stay. Does Ji Jingchen have something important to say to Mu Niange?He looked very anxious, as if he couldn't drag it any longer...

A trace of doubt flashed in Mu Niange's eyes, she stopped, stood in front of Ji Jingchen and said, "The thing you want to tell me must be about Yang Zhishuang, right?"

Mu Niange guessed. As for whether it is true or not, this is an intriguing question. Mu Niange did not call Yang Zhishuang by his nickname, but Yang Zhishuang's full name. Hearing the three words Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen seemed to have seen it. Like a savior: "You're right, I want to tell you about Yang Zhishuang..."

Mu Niange nodded, and looked at Ji Jingchen with different eyes, it seemed that Mu Niange really cared about Yang Zhishuang.

But Ji Jingchen had nothing to say to Mu Niange. He kept Mu Niange because he didn't want Mu Niange to see Lu Yanche. If he saw Lu Yanche, what would Ji Jingchen do? It would be hard for Ji Jingchen to imagine...


Under Mu Niange's expectant eyes, Ji Jingchen uttered a single word, and he couldn't continue with just one word: "Niange, actually..."

Ji Jingchen wanted to confess to Mu Niange, so delaying it like this is not an option.

"I know……"

Mu Niange nodded, and said with a face that understood Ji Jingchen's expression, "You want to tell me that your friendship with Shuangshuang is beyond that of a friend."

"Well, you're right..." Ji Jingchen could only respond, what Mu Niange said was right, wait... What did Mu Niange just say?Ji Jingchen's friendship with Yang Zhishuang surpasses that of a friend?How is it possible, Ji Jingchen himself didn't notice it, how did Mu Niange notice it first?

"It's not... reciting songs, it's not like this..."

Ji Jingchen hurriedly wanted to explain to Mu Niange, but Mu Niange didn't want to listen to Ji Jingchen's explanation anymore, what Ji Jingchen was saying was useless, if Mu Niange decided it, he decided it: "I hope You can treat Shuangshuang better..."

Yang Zhishuang is Mu Niange's only good friend in her life. She really doesn't want to see Yang Zhishuang get hurt a little bit. To be honest, Ji Jingchen is a very nice person. He is very helpful to Lu Yanche when it comes to Lu Yanche's matter. If he didn't sincerely want to Lu Yanche is good, it is impossible for Ji Jingchen to do this, and the same... If Ji Jingchen treats Yang Zhishuang sincerely, he will definitely do it very well.

Ji Jingchen was defeated by Mu Niange, Mu Niange walked past Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen did not stop Mu Niange, but was thinking about what Mu Niange said, how should Ji Jingchen treat Mu Niange?
Lu Yanche walked around, still standing downstairs by the window of Mu Niange's room. He raised his head, not deliberately looking at the window of the room where Mu Niange was, but wanted to see the scenery in the sky. It was disappointing, Mu Niange was not there, Lu Yanche thought that Mu Niange was there, he walked here every day, Mu Niange actually knew...

Lu Yanche had expectations in his heart, so he was naturally disappointed.

Lu Yanche couldn't express how he felt in his heart. He lowered his head and continued walking...

Lu Yanche doesn't want to pay attention to Xia Minmin's affairs for the time being these few days. Lu Yanche is looking forward to what Xia Minmin can do. When Xia Minmin reaches a certain limit, Lu Yanche wants to see what else Xia Minmin can do...

Since Mu Niange is not on it, it is meaningless for Lu Yanche to continue walking...

The thought in his heart was that he wanted Mu Niange to see him and soften his heart, but if Mu Niange didn't, what could Lu Yanche do?

Go to Mu's house to find Mu Yuanling and have a big fight with Mrs. Mu?

Ha ha……

How could Lu Yanche do that kind of thing? If it were to be done, Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu would definitely object to Lu Yanche being with Mu Niange even more!

When Mu Niange walked to the place where Lu Yanche was, she didn't approach in a hurry. She stood under the tree and stared at Lu Yanche's back. Lu Yanche's back looked a little lonely...

This kind of loneliness has a feeling that Mu Niange can't describe. Lu Yanche has never left since he stopped to look at his phone. In fact, he is waiting for something, right?

This is what Mu Niange thought in her heart, she lowered her eyes, and a sneering smile rose from the corner of her lips, what Lu Yanche was thinking in her heart had nothing to do with Mu Niange, this was not something Mu Niange should care about.

Why did Mu Niange come here?

clearly know...

Ji Jingchen stopped her because she didn't want to come here. When she saw Lu Yanche, what would she do?
Mu Niange lowered his eyes and stared at the ground. She didn't notice that Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange inadvertently. When he saw Mu Niange, Lu Yanche's eyes flashed with surprise. Wrong, I blinked uncertainly and continued to watch. When I was sure that the person standing there was Mu Niange, Lu Yanche raised his footsteps and quickly approached Mu Niange...

Mu Niange felt a figure enveloped her, she looked up, and saw Lu Yanche standing in front of her, she was startled, subconsciously wanted to turn around, Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's hand, stopped Stopping Mu Niange's movements, Mu Niange broke free from Lu Yanche's hand, and said in a bad tone, "Let go!"

Lu Yanche wanted to let go, but Lu Yanche couldn't do it, let go of Mu Niange, when will Lu Yanche catch Mu Niange again?
"Why did you appear here, isn't it very clear in your heart? If you want me to let you go, I'm afraid I can't do it..."

Lu Yanche's resolute attitude did not leave any retreat for Mu Niange...

When Mu Niange heard the words, there was a hint of anger on his face. Lu Yanche always did this, guessing what Mu Niange was thinking so easily, and speaking out what was in Mu Niange's heart, that's right...Mu Niange Why is she here, she knows best in her heart, but Mu Niange damn doesn't want to admit it...

She appeared here because she wanted to see Lu Yanche...

Take a closer look to see what Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin were talking about. Lu Yanche was so engrossed that he stood there without moving.

It wasn't the first day Lu Yanche appeared here, but it was the first time he did such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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