Chapter 486

She raised the corner of her lips, revealing a bright smile, she walked up to a middle-aged man, and took his arm: "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

The middle-aged man stroked Xia Minmin's hand, shook his head, and smiled obscenely. Waiting for a beautiful woman is an extremely fun thing. Xia Minmin should know, why would she ask such a question?

"I have a friend and want to meet you..."

Xia Minmin pointed to the direction where Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were, and said to the middle-aged man. Hearing this, the middle-aged man followed Xia Minmin's line of sight. When he saw Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, the middle-aged man didn't No surprise.

He brought Xia Minmin here precisely because he knew that Xia Minmin was the daughter of the Xia family...

"It really doesn't matter if I go there?"

The middle-aged man's probing words rang in Xia Minmin's ears. Hearing this, Xia Minmin smiled brighter: "How come, they are my friends, and you... are my boyfriend..."

In terms of emotion and reason, middle-aged men should go up to say hello to Xia Minmin.

Standing side by side with Lu Yanche, Mu Niange saw Xia Minmin talking with the middle-aged man, Mu Niange's stomach twitched. Unexpectedly, Xia Minmin really fell to such a point. It's ambiguous. Obviously, Xia Minmin's relationship with the middle-aged man is extraordinary.

"see it?"

Mu Niange looked sideways at Lu Yanche, and Lu Yanche's eyes were fixed on Xia Minmin at the same time...

Lu Yanche saw that Xia Minmin's coquettish posture, seeing that Lu Yanche couldn't look away, the corners of Lu Yanche's lips raised, revealing a sneering smile...

"I saw it."

How could it be possible not to see it? Lu Yanche is not blind. In addition, Mu Niange wanted Lu Yanche to see it so urgently. If Lu Yanche didn't see it, wouldn't he be too sorry for Mu Niange?

"Xia Minmin became like this. Although a large part of the reason is because of Xia Minmin herself, a small part of the reason is because of you... Do you know what the small part of the reason is?"

Mu Niange asked casually, and didn't mean to pursue Lu Yanche, but asking this way always made Lu Yanche feel that Mu Niange was oppressing Lu Yanche, what should Lu Yanche say?
This small part of the reason, Lu Yanche is clear in his heart...

He couldn't say it, really: "Recite the song, what do you want to hear with me?"

How could Mu Niange dare to hear something from Lu Yanche?
What would Mu Niange do if he heard something that Mu Niange didn't want to hear?
Mu Niange was reminding Lu Yanche that one of his mistakes would harm many people...

"Aren't you very clear about what I want to hear? Lu Yanche, it's time for you to recognize yourself, not blindly... Let other people recognize you clearly. I think Xia Minmin really wants it." Introduce her male companion to you, please treat her well..."

As soon as Mu Niange finished speaking, he stepped on his high heels and left. Lu Yanche watched Mu Niange's back and left. When Xia Minmin came to Lu Yanche, he couldn't see Mu Niange's existence. She was obviously surprised. She was standing beside Lu Yanche I looked sideways for Mu Niange's figure, but couldn't find...

Didn't Mu Niange ask Xia Minmin to bring her boyfriend here?
What happened to Mu Niange running away?

"Boss Lu..."

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand, wanting to say hello to Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche glanced at the middle-aged man's hand, indifferent.

Xia Minmin's face was a little uneasy, she reached out and took the middle-aged man's hand: "Aren't you a clean freak? Although he is my friend, he doesn't need to do such a thing for me..."

Look at what Xia Minmin said, it seems that the middle-aged man is very infatuated with Xia Minmin...

The middle-aged man accepted Xia Minmin's kindness very well. If it weren't for Xia Minmin, how could the middle-aged man have a step down?

The middle-aged man's attitude towards Lu Yanche was no longer so polite: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I'm really sorry."

Lu Yanche looked at the scene in front of him coldly, and didn't show any expression. He raised the corner of his lips and said sarcastically, "Since he has a cleanliness habit, it's fine to be held by you like this. Xia Minmin, do you want to express something to me? What? I know, you are getting better and better..."

Lu Yanche's words became more and more serious, hiding many deep meanings.

Xia Minmin held the middle-aged man's hand, making Lu Yanche so concerned that he even noticed these small details?
"What is the relationship between us, things like cleanliness can naturally be ignored..."

Xia Minmin's words were ambiguous, she didn't mind being a bit cheap in front of Lu Yanche, anyway, Xia Minmin has always been so cheap, it's not the first day Lu Yanche knew Xia Minmin, she should know clearly.

"Well, I didn't want to take care of your business, didn't you come to me and tell me these useless things?"

Lu Yanche nodded, and counterattacked Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin's face flushed red, and it was agreed, she would bear with Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche was too much, Xia Minmin who was too much wanted to slap Lu Yanche twice on the spot.

On what occasion, could Lu Yanche say such words to Xia Minmin?

Thinking of Lu Yanche's ruthlessness towards Xia Minmin in the Lu family, the despair in Xia Minmin's heart deepened...

"Let's go, tell someone like him, how could he understand?"

What kind of person is Lu Yanche?Why didn't Xia Minmin speak clearly?What makes people confused is really what Xia Minmin wants?
"What kind of person am I, do you really know?"

Lu Yanche asked Xia Minmin back, not giving Xia Minmin any face at all...

Xia Minmin wanted to explain clearly what kind of person Lu Yanche was in front of the middle-aged man, so where would Xia Minmin's face go?
Xia Minmin smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "I don't know very well, but seeing that you don't want to talk to us, it's not rare for us to talk to you, excuse me..."

As soon as Xia Minmin finished speaking, she left holding the middle-aged man's hand.

When she turned around, a coldness flashed in her eyes.

Lu Yanche glanced at Xia Minmin's leaving back, and followed him. When he walked out of the banquet, Mu Niange was waiting for Lu Yanche at the door. Lu Yanche's speed was faster than expected. What did Lu Yanche say to Xia Minmin? A question that Mu Niange was curious about.

"You talked with Xia Minmin so quickly?"

"I have nothing to say to Xia Minmin..."

Lu Yanche responded directly to Mu Niange without even thinking about it. Mu Niange shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly. The breeze blew past, and Mu Niange felt a little chilly...

Lu Yanche took off his coat and put it on Mu Niange.

(End of this chapter)

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