Chapter 493

Xia Minmin heard Mu Niange's words, and burst into tears. She sat on the ground and punched and kicked vigorously. It seemed that Xia Minmin didn't want to let things go if she didn't want to make things worse.

Mu Yuanling ruthlessly shook Mrs. Xia away. He walked to Mu Niange's side and helped Mu Niange up. Seeing Mu Niange's distress, Mu Yuanling's eyes sank: "If you want to be crazy, if you want to make trouble, you should continue. I want to see how far you can go."

Mu Yuanling's words of warning made Mrs. Xia stop for a while...

Mu Yuanling is definitely not joking with Mrs. Xia, he can do what he says, but Mrs. Xia, is she really going to be intimidated by Mu Yuanling's aura?

"What are you doing? Are you trying to threaten us? Let me tell you, we are not afraid..." Xia Minmin stopped, she looked at Mu Yuanling blankly, and laughed twice. Tougher than Mu Yuanling, she is not afraid of anyone, whatever Mu Yuanling says is useless.

Mrs. Xia stepped forward to help Xia Minmin up, Xia Minmin grabbed Mrs. Xia's hand and cried again: "Mom, I'm really scared..."

"They treated me like that, I... I don't know what to do, I kept struggling, I kept struggling, until the end, nothing changed, I..."

Xia Minmin's face was full of fear. She opened her eyes wide and kept talking to Mrs. Xia. She shook Mrs. Xia's hand, wanting Mrs. Xia to understand her pain, but Mrs. Xia didn't understand after all. Shaking off Mrs. Xia's hand, she turned around and looked at Mu Niange viciously, "It's Mu Niange, it's Mu Niange who caused me to be like this, I want revenge on Mu Niange..."

As soon as Xia Minmin finished speaking, she didn't rush towards Mu Niange, but towards Lu Meiqi who was walking behind Mu Niange...

Lu Meiqi didn't understand what was going on at all. Xia Minmin came up and grabbed Lu Meiqi's hair, slapped her hard, and scolded Lu Meiqi. Lu Meiqi was frightened. She struggled to break away from Xia Minmin's hand, and responded: "Xia Minmin, what are you doing?" , let me go quickly..."

How could Xia Minmin let go of Lu Meiqi?
This is Xia Minmin's best opportunity to perform. Of course, she must make the most of this opportunity...

"Damn Mu Niange, it was you who made me into this state. I want revenge, I want revenge..." Xia Minmin opened her eyes wide and repeated the words of revenge. The sternness on her face was clearly visible, as if Xia Minmin would find it difficult to calm down the emotions in his heart if he didn't slap on Mu Niange.

Ji Jingchen was one head and two big, he went up again and dragged Xia Minmin away who was holding Lu Meiqi...

"Xia Minmin, what are you doing here, are you going crazy?"

"I'm not crazy..."

Xia Minmin shook her head and kept denying that if she was going crazy, it wouldn't be like this. Yes, Xia Minmin wasn't crazy, it was Ji Jingchen who went crazy: "Go away, if I don't want Mu Niange to look good, I feel bad..."

Xia Minmin pulled Ji Jingchen away, wanting to attack Lu Meiqi again.

Lu Meiqi is going crazy, what is going on with Xia Minmin?
Lu Meiqi took advantage of Xia Minmin's inattention and ran to Mu Niange's side, seeing that Mu Niange was just like Lu Meiqi, Lu Meiqi's heart suddenly became angry: "Xia Minmin, you asked for this to happen, Who do you blame? You have always been the one who hurt people, who do you want to impose this crime on?"

"Shut up all of you..."

Mrs. Xia stood up and told Lu Meiqi: "Minmin's mood is very unstable. What do you guys want to bully Minmin like this? My poor daughter..."

As Mrs. Xia spoke, she began to sob. She walked to Xia Minmin's side and hugged Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin held Mrs. Xia's hand, like a lost child, so helpless, so at a loss, she looked very pitiful, pitiful, making people feel sad, but Xia Minmin was really Heart traumatized?
No one knows if Xia Minmin is just pretending...

Lu Yanche followed Lu Meiqi out, and as soon as he got closer, he saw Mrs. Xia and Xia Minmin hugging each other.

Lu Yanche's face was not moved at all, and seeing Lu Meiqi and Mu Niange looking a little embarrassed, Lu Yanche frowned, strode in, and when he walked past Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin suddenly pushed Mrs. Xia away fiercely, and stepped forward He hugged Lu Yanche's back, leaned his head on Lu Yanche's back and said, "Brother Che, you are finally here..."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't show up again, I will really die..."

"Brother Che..."

Xia Minmin called out to Lu Yanche one after another. That small voice was full of ambiguity towards Lu Yanche and dependence on Lu Yanche. This reminded Xia Youyou that the original Xia Minmin, this is how she found a place by Lu Yanche's side.

at the moment……

Not in the past, did Xia Minmin want to treat Lu Yanche again in the same way as before?
Lu Yanche hated Xia Minmin's touch. When Xia Minmin hugged Lu Yanche's waist, Lu Yanche grabbed Xia Minmin's hand, trying to pull Xia Minmin's hand away. Hearing Xia Minmin's words, Lu Yanche's movements froze. The next second Lu Yanche still mercilessly pulled Xia Minmin's hand away.

Losing Lu Yanche's embrace, Xia Minmin looked so helpless...

She fell to the ground and cried even more sadly: "Brother Che, do you really want me? When I was bullied by bad guys, why didn't you show up by my side immediately?"

"I...I feel like I'm going to die, fear, spreading in my heart, I..."

Xia Minmin clasped her arms around her chest. She trembled and became even more frightened. Everyone's eyes fell on Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin was so high above her, how could she show such an appearance?

No, it shouldn't be...

Could it be that Xia Minmin was really traumatized?
When encountering such a thing, who can bear it?

After all, they think highly of Xia Minmin too much, and don't take Xia Minmin seriously...

"We, let's go home..."

Mrs. Xia squatted down again and helped Xia Minmin up. Seeing this scene, Xia Youyou couldn't hold back anymore. She stepped forward to help Mrs. Xia and helped Xia Minmin up. Xia Minmin was obviously trembling , obviously afraid, but how could Xia Youyou not feel it?

It seems that Xia Minmin is not very sad...

Her sadness was feigned.

(End of this chapter)

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