Chapter 498

Mu Niange threw Xia Minmin away, and Xia Minmin fell into Mrs. Xia's arms. Mrs. Xia checked Xia Minmin's injuries, and when she got the evidence, her momentum suddenly rose: "Mu Niange, let me ask you, what are you doing? "

Mu Niange looked coldly at Mrs. Xia's accusations against him, and then looked at Xia Minmin who was trembling in Mrs. Xia's arms. Xia Minmin was really getting stronger and stronger, which made Mu Niange look at him differently.

"You can't discipline your daughter well. I disciplined you for you. Do you want to accuse me?"

Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, and said slowly...

Hearing this, Madam Xia's heart suddenly became angry, what did Mu Niange say?

Mrs. Xia can't discipline her daughter well, so she wants Mu Niange to help discipline her?What is Mu Niange?What are the qualifications to do so?

Mrs. Xia was so angry that her body was trembling, she pointed at Mu Niange: "You really are an uneducated thing..."

Madam Xia has the final say on whether Mu Niange is educated or not, Mu Niange was too lazy to continue arguing with such a shrew, she directly cut to the point and said: "You let Xia Minmin mess around and squat here every day, isn't it okay to teach? This is my fiancé's home, I have enough rights to let the idlers go away."

Mu Niange said domineeringly...

Mrs. Xia was taken aback by Mu Niange's aura, when did Mu Niange become so powerful?

Mrs. Xia frowned, and wanted to say something, the closed door behind Mu Niange opened, and the person who came out was Lu Yanche, and it was surprising that Lu Meiqi and Mrs. Lu did not come out together.

"Lu Yanche, tell me what's wrong with Minmin standing at the door of your house? To be treated like this by your fiancée..."

Mrs. Xia emphasized that standing at the door of your house did not actually go inside, which means that Xia Minmin did nothing. It was Mu Niange's wishful thinking that Xia Minmin did, but in fact she didn't.

"You mentioned an important point. The place where Xia Minmin is located is not at your door, but at our door. Based on this alone, Niange has enough right to let Xia Minmin go. If Xia Minmin doesn't leave, Niange will do nothing to Xia Minmin." It's normal for such a thing to happen, if you want to be dissatisfied, feel free to vent it on Xia Minmin, after all... Xia Minmin brought you this kind of trouble."

Lu Yanche raised his eyebrows, stepped forward to put a hand on Mu Niange's shoulder, and said lightly.

Hearing this, Mu Niange glanced sideways at Lu Yanche, but didn't say anything...

At this time, Lu Yanche stood next to Mu Niange, making the most conscious choice: "Niange, I really trouble you, helping me with such a thing..."

Lu Yanche asked Mu Niange to do such a thing when he knew it was troublesome?He obviously did it on purpose.

Mu Niange put his arms around Lu Yanche's waist, and pinched Lu Yanche's waist fiercely. The pain hit, and Lu Yanche frowned in pain. He looked at Mu Niange with a pitiful expression. eyes, pleading with Mu Niange.

"You also know how to trouble me..."

Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were clearly showing their affection in front of Mrs. Xia and Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin took this scene into her eyes, a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes, and her hands shaking Mrs. Xia's clothes: "Mom, I So scared, so scared, so scared..."

"No matter what the reason is, you can't do this to my daughter. Have you forgotten? What happened to Minmin just now..."

Mrs. Xia sternly yelled at Mu Niange, not taking Lu Yanche's words seriously...

She pushed Xia Minmin out of her arms, and let Xia Minmin face Mu Niange and Lu Yanche. When Xia Minmin saw Lu Yanche, her lips trembled and called out to Lu Yanche: "Brother Che..."

"I'm not your brother, don't shout..."

Lu Yanche's eyes turned cold, and he stopped Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin really likes to recognize relationships indiscriminately. Unfortunately, Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin are different. When it is time to distinguish, Lu Yanche will distinguish very lightly. When it is not necessary to distinguish, Lu Yanche will also distinguish It's clear, unless the person you're dealing with is Mu Niange, then it doesn't matter what you want Lu Yanche to do.

"Brother Che..."

When Xia Minmin heard Lu Yanche's words, the sadness in her eyes became more obvious...

Mu Niange can say a lot of harsh words to Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin can not care so much, but Lu Yanche can't, Lu Yanche must treat Xia Minmin well, so that Xia Minmin can feel a little better...

If Mu Niange returned to the compound when he was sick, would Lu Yanche take good care of Mu Niange?

Why are Mu Niange and Xia Minmin treated differently in Lu Yanche's eyes?

Lu Yanche likes Mu Niange, Xia Minmin likes Lu Yanche, can't such a cyclical relationship be changed a little bit?

"To shut up……"

Lu Yanche's voice lost its warmth again, and Xia Minmin was yelled at by Lu Yanche and took a step back. If Mrs. Xia hadn't caught Xia Minmin with her eyes, Xia Minmin might have fallen to the ground.

"Lu Yanche, you are really cruel. Have you ever thought about how Minmin would treat you if something like this happened to you?"

Mrs. Xia's words evoked Lu Yanche's previous response. Xia Minmin was actually very kind to Lu Yanche. When Lu Yanche needed her, Xia Minmin was the first to appear by Lu Yanche's side. If Xia Minmin hadn't done such a thing, Mu Niange The relationship with Lu Yanche has not developed to that point, maybe Lu Yanche is with Xia Minmin.

They are childhood sweethearts, and they understand each other...

No one understood each other better than them, but later, Lu Yanche discovered that he didn't understand Xia Minmin at all. What kind of things did Xia Minmin do behind Lu Yanche's back?

It was Lu Yanche who didn't even dare to think about it: "I didn't ask Xia Minmin to do anything for me, it was Xia Minmin who wanted to do it for me, can you blame me?"

Lu Yanche curled his lips into a sneering smile, this relationship was completely shirked, and Xia Minmin didn't leave any sympathy...

Mrs. Xia finally understood, and it was useless to tell Lu Yanche all this. Lu Yanche is simply a cow, and he can't pull back what has been decided: "You can be cruel, but you can't be so decisive with Xia Minmin. After all, Xia Minmin's Encounters are related to you..."

What happened to Xia Minmin had something to do with Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, but what happened to Mu Niange had nothing to do with Xia Minmin at all?
Mu Niange wanted to laugh, but he really burst out laughing: "What did we do to Xia Minmin to make you so angry?"

"I told Xia Minmin to go, but Xia Minmin didn't leave, that's why I grabbed Xia Minmin's hair and asked Xia Minmin to go..."

(End of this chapter)

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