Chapter 500

However, who can change what has already happened?
Mu Niange lowered his eyes and smiled bitterly...

Xia Minmin was brought back to Xia's house by Mrs. Xia, without even looking at Mrs. Xia, she walked towards the room on the second floor. Xia Youyou was not in the living room, so she didn't know what was going on in front of the Lu's house, but she could hear the movement at home, She opened the door of the room and saw Xia Minmin walking past her.

Xia Youyou clearly saw Xia Minmin's resentful eyes on her...

Xia Youyou's expression was startled, she forgot to block Xia Minmin's way, and asked Xia Minmin what's the matter, and then thought that there was something wrong in Xia Minmin's mind, no matter how Xia Youyou asked Xia Youyou, she would not answer.

Xia Youyou had no choice, she walked down the stairs, looked at Mrs. Xia standing at the door, and asked, "What's going on?"

Mrs. Xia was agitated for a while. Xia Minmin became more and more out of Mrs. Xia's control. What's more, Xia Minmin used to listen to Mrs. Xia's words and refute Mrs. Xia, but now she doesn't even look at Mrs. Xia. How could she listen to Mrs. Xia?
"Minmin is like this, what can you do to treat it?"

Only when Xia Minmin recovers can Mrs. Xia continue to move on. Xia Minmin has been like this, there is really no way...

Madam Xia wants to treat Xia Minmin?

I remember at the beginning, it was Mrs. Xia who said that she didn't need to treat Xia Minmin, and kept Xia Minmin like this. Xia Youyou didn't know what Mrs. Xia wanted to do at first, but later, she gradually realized that she wanted to use such Xia Minmin to pester Lu Yanche .

Mrs. Xia didn't want to think about it either. With Mu Niange beside Lu Yanche, would Mu Niange allow Xia Minmin to continue?

Lu Meiqi's dislike for Xia Minmin is not ordinary. No one wants Xia Minmin to be his sister-in-law.

"Xia Minmin herself doesn't want to come out, it's not that you can treat it if you say you want it..."

Xia Youyou responded unceremoniously to Mrs. Xia, and did not give Mrs. Xia any hope. In fact, Xia Youyou couldn't understand Mrs. Xia. She did things beyond Xia Youyou's expectations. She said she didn't want to pay attention to Xia Minmin. In the end, it was different. Jumped into Xia Minmin's trap?
What happened to Xia Minmin...

It was something Xia Youyou didn't want to see, but since it happened, shouldn't Xia Minmin be allowed to rest well, nourish his body and mind?

Not only did Xia Minmin's condition not get any better by letting Xia Minmin hang around like this, but it made Xia Minmin even more paranoid and did unexpected things.

"Oh, how can this be done?"

It's not that Mrs. Xia is not afraid of Lu Yanche, but she's just pretending in front of Lu Yanche: "I'm going out for a while, you watch Xia Minmin at home, don't let her run out again."

Mrs. Xia just finished speaking, before she could wait for Xia Youyou's response, she turned around and left...

Xia Youyou stood where she was and watched Mrs. Xia leave, and it took her a while to realize that she wanted to take care of Xia Minmin?Xia Minmin has to ask Xia Youyou to take care of her...

Xia Youyou said so, but her footsteps walked out of Xia Minmin's room uncontrollably. Xia Youyou put her ear on the door, wanting to hear the movement inside, but there was no movement, Xia Minmin could be Are you asleep?

The possibility of Xia Minmin falling asleep is quite high...

Think about how she came here these days?
Either squatting at the gate of Lu's house, or squatting at the gate of Lu's house, who really took a look at Xia Minmin?
I'm afraid Mu Niange is the only one left, grabbing Xia Minmin's beautiful hair and making Xia Minmin sober...

Xia Youyou stayed at the door of Xia Minmin's room for a while, and when she was sure that there was really no movement inside, Xia Youyou opened the door of Xia Minmin's room and walked in. Xia Youyou searched around in the bedroom, but she couldn't see Xia Minmin's figure. Xia Youyou thought that she had misread it, and looked around carefully. Xia Minmin was really not in the room.

It's impossible...

It was Xia Youyou who watched Xia Minmin come in...

Xia Youyou walked towards the bathroom. The bathroom door was closed, and there was movement from inside. No wonder, when Xia Youyou was listening at the door, there was no sound inside, and the sound was inside.

What exactly is Xia Minmin doing in the bathroom?
Xia Youyou was really curious. Fortunately, the bathroom door was not locked. Xia Youyou opened it again and saw such a scene. Xia Minmin was holding a knife in one hand and a doll in the other, stabbing the doll vigorously. Xia Youyou approached At first glance, the words Mu Niange are clearly written on it.

Xia Minmin muttered: "Mu Niange, you bitch, you will die..."

"Mu Niange, you stole my brother Che, I won't let you go..."

"Mu Niange, you caused such a thing to happen to me, you will definitely die a miserable death..."

"Mu Niange, you are so cruel. You watched me being taken away without even saying a word..."

The more Xia Minmin talked, the more excited she became. She kept poking and poking, and Xia Minmin poked out the quilt inside the doll. The scene was a bit scary. Xia Youyou frowned, she stepped forward and pulled Xia Minmin, Asked: "Xia Minmin, what are you doing!"

Isn't it obvious what Xia Minmin is doing?
How could Xia Youyou ask Xia Minmin such a boring question...

Xia Minmin laughed twice, raised the small knife in her hand, and said to Xia Youyou: "Can't you see it? Do you want me to demonstrate it to you once?"

"You lunatic..."

Xia Youyou complained to Xia Minmin angrily, took the knife from Xia Minmin's hand and said, "It's not something that we want to happen, but since it happened, it's unavoidable, so you don't need to humiliate yourself like this..."

In Xia Youyou's view, is Xia Minmin humiliating herself?

Xia Minmin looked at Xia Youyou's eyes changed, tears were rolling in her eyes, Xia Youyou said lightly, something happened to change, to face...

It didn't happen to Xia Youyou, Xia Youyou couldn't understand that feeling: "Do you want to stand by Mu Niange's side? Do you know what Mu Niange did to me?"

Xia Youyou didn't know what Mu Niange did, and she didn't want to know. She knew that what she saw was Xia Minmin in front of her, who fell into a crazy situation because of Mu Niange and Lu Yanche...

"If you do this, no one will see it..."

Xia Youyou told the truth again, no one could see it, and would care about what Xia Minmin did, unless Xia Minmin did something bad, otherwise, no one would go back and pay attention.

Although Xia Minmin didn't want to bear the burden, Xia Youyou was right, no one would care about Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin was obviously seeking to humiliate herself.

"Sister, do you know? When I was taken away, Mu Niange watched with his own eyes..."

(End of this chapter)

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