Chapter 503

Lu Yanche hesitated for a while before agreeing to Mu Niange's request. Lu Yanche knew exactly what kind of temperament Mu Niange had, and he couldn't resist Mu Niange. Follow Mu Niange's intentions. If there is anything Mu Niange will contact Lu Yanche as soon as possible of.

With Lu Yanche picking him up, the wound on Mu Niange's foot had scabbed over, there was no pain, and he walked very smoothly...

This also made Mu Niange, who had always been cautious, even more cautious. When crossing the road, he followed a group of people. Mu Niange didn't believe that he could target her and attack her alone.

Mu Niange didn't forget about the injury, but remembered it in his mind. It's quite abnormal that Xia Minmin didn't show up, unless Madam Xia sent Xia Minmin away. Madam Xia is such a face-saving person, the chances of sending Xia Minmin away It can almost be said that there is no such thing. Mu Niange does not place her hopes on Mrs. Xia, she takes every step she takes, and she has her own ideas.

Mu Niange's conjecture is not wrong...

The person who almost hit Mu Niange with his car was Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin had been aiming at Mu Niange for several days, and finally came such an opportunity, how could Xia Minmin let it go so easily?

Seeing Mu Niange's loss of vigilance, Xia Minmin raised the corners of her lips, and became cruel, Xia Minmin felt it was a pity that she didn't knock down Mu Niange.

In the past, when Xia Minmin did something to Mu Niange, she had to weigh it. With Lu Yanche around, she was worried that Lu Yanche would change her...

Now, Xia Minmin doesn't need to worry about anything. It was Mu Niange who saw Xia Minmin being taken away with his own eyes. I think Mu Niange told Lu Yanche about this. Lu Yanche's indifference broke Xia Minmin's heart. If Ge and Lu Yanche had come up a bit, Xia Minmin would not have had such a thing happen, and it would not have reached such a point.

Xia Minmin is very inferior...

Deeply inferior, she felt that she was not as good as Mu Niange. In Lu Yanche's eyes, Mu Niange was perfect and everything was fine. In Xia Minmin's eyes, she became perfect at some point...

Xia Minmin's heart is bleeding, but Xia Minmin can't cry, she wants to laugh, she wants to let Mu Niange herself, she is not an opponent that can be easily defeated...

Xia Minmin's abnormality, in Xia Youyou's eyes, Xia Youyou paid special attention to Xia Minmin, wanting to see if Xia Minmin did something annoying, after observing for a few days, Xia Minmin did not do anything, Xia Youyou stared at When Xia Minmin was watching, Xia Minmin usually didn't go anywhere in the room.

On this day, Xia Minmin came out of the room and came to Xia Youyou's room...

Xia Youyou looked at Xia Minmin who was standing at the door, and was surprised. If Xia Minmin had nothing to do, she would not appear in front of Xia Youyou.


Xia Youyou asked casually, Xia Minmin bit her lower lip tightly, with a look of hesitation: "Sister, I want to ask you a question..."

Xia Minmin stayed at home, Xia Minmin definitely didn't know what happened outside, the question Xia Minmin wanted to ask must have something to do with Lu Yanche, Xia Youyou didn't really want to answer Xia Minmin's question, but looking at Xia Minmin's Xia Youyou couldn't bear it, and said, "Go ahead."

"Is Brother Che by Mu Niange's side these few days?"

Xia Minmin asked cautiously, looking at Xia Youyou with anticipation in her eyes...

If Xia Youyou didn't tell Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin would definitely ask the question to the end. Xia Youyou was silent for a while and said, "Why are you asking this? It has nothing to do with you at all."

What Xia Minmin needs to do right now is to take good care of herself and not let another tragedy happen. Xia Youyou doesn't want to see it, and she can't bear Xia Minmin continuing to do that.

Xia Minmin asked, of course Xia Minmin has his own answer, wouldn't it be good if Xia Youyou answered Xia Minmin's question?
As for these useless words?

Xia Minmin lowered her eyes, so that Xia Youyou couldn't see her expression clearly. She was carrying her emotions, and her voice was a little choked up: "Sister, I feel very sad, can you take me to see a psychiatrist?"

For the first time, Xia Minmin took the initiative to tell Xia Youyou that she wanted to see a psychiatrist.

This is naturally a good thing, but Xia Youyou always felt that something was weird, she had to ask Xia Minmin clearly first: "Do you want to see a psychiatrist? Where do you want to see it?"

Xia Minmin could tell, so she naturally had a goal in her heart. Xia Youyou could imagine that the place Xia Minmin wanted to go was the clinic where Mu Niange was.

"Take me to Mu Niange..."

Xia Minmin said without concealing: "I think that the place where Lu Meiqi can be cured is almost somewhere. I have nightmares every day, and I feel really uncomfortable. Sister, please help me, I beg you... "

Xia Minmin took Xia Youyou's hand and begged, Xia Youyou had no choice but to take Xia Minmin out. When she arrived at the door of Mu Niange's clinic, Xia Youyou looked at Xia Minmin and said, "You should know clearly that you are in do something."

Xia Youyou was indirectly warning Xia Minmin not to do unnecessary things, otherwise, Xia Youyou would not be able to help Xia Minmin and end up...

Xia Minmin nodded in response, entered the clinic, Xia Youyou went to register Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin sat aside and waited for Xia Youyou, this is not the first time for Xia Minmin to come here, this place is familiar to Xia Minmin, if Xia Minmin wants it , you can go directly to Mu Niange's office, but this is not what Xia Minmin wants.

What Xia Minmin wants is other purposes, so naturally she has to cooperate with Xia Youyou...

When Xia Youyou took Xia Minmin to see a psychiatrist, Mu Niange happened to be in the office, and the moment they looked at each other, there was no abnormality in Mu Niange's eyes.

Xia Youyou was a little surprised, knowing that Mu Niange was not a full-time job, but only a part-time job. Such a coincidence, it must have been deliberately arranged by Xia Minmin, right?

Xia Youyou's eyes fell on Xia Minmin's body. Xia Minmin sat on the chair with no expression on her face, waiting for the doctor to arrive. The doctor sat down and was about to ask Xia Minmin a question. Xia Minmin's eyes fell on Mu Niange's body and said: " Can I have her watch it for me?"

Xia Minmin made such a request, causing Xia Youyou to frown...

Xia Minmin saw through Xia Youyou's mind, and explained: "She knows my situation best..."

It is the most appropriate thing to let Mu Niange come.

What Xia Minmin said made some sense. Xia Youyou sat on the sidelines without saying a word. The patient made such a request, so naturally he must respect the patient's choice.

Dr. Sun went out, and Mu Niange was left. Mu Niange sat down slowly, facing Xia Minmin face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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