Chapter 505

Mu Niange knew what Lu Yanche was thinking, she didn't blame Lu Yanche, she complied with Lu Yanche's request...

Under normal circumstances, Mu Niange does not work the evening shift. In the evening, Mu Niange was walking in the corridor of the clinic, feeling very gloomy and a little scared. When Mu Niange got off work, he would return to the compound. It's time, Mu Niange had no choice but to call Lu Yanche to pick her up.

Don't mention how excited Lu Yanche was when he heard Mu Niange's call...

What Lu Yanche was waiting for was Mu Niange's words, and when Mu Niange called, Lu Yanche was there.

Mu Niange asked Lu Yanche to go out half an hour earlier, and the journey to the clinic took exactly half an hour. Mu Niange packed up and was about to leave the clinic. Everyone in the clinic was off work, leaving Mu Niange alone.

Mu Niange came out ahead of time, standing at the intersection waiting for Lu Yanche to land, surrounded by pitch-black darkness, making Mu Niange take out his phone to check the time from time to time...

It wasn't Lu Yanche sooner or later, it was Mu Niange who made Lu Yanche come out late, Mu Niange was a little annoyed, why did Lu Yanche come out at that time, Lu Yanche always obeyed Mu Niange's words.

Mu Niange stood a little tired, wanted to find a place to rest, just turned around, a figure blocked Mu Niange's way, Mu Niange didn't see who it was, the cloth in her hand covered her A strong smell of medicine hit Mu Niange's nose, but Mu Niange didn't dare to breathe and struggled to break free.

As soon as Lu Yanche drove the car in front of Mu Niange, he saw such a scene...

Lu Yanche's expression changed, and he hurriedly got out of the car. The person covering Mu Niange noticed Lu Yanche's approach, and hurriedly threw Mu Niange away. Mu Niange fell to the ground, panting heavily. with.

She was pale and didn't look very well...

Lu Yanche knelt down and helped Mu Niange up, seeing Mu Niange's ugly face, his heart sank to the bottom.

Lu Yanche wanted to chase the person who was holding Mu Niange's nose, but he was worried about Mu Niange, so he could only watch him go. From her back, Lu Yanche couldn't see anything.

Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange horizontally without saying a word. After he carried Mu Niange into the car, he asked Mu Niange: "How do you feel?"

Mu Niange shook his head, unable to speak, with lingering fears in his heart...

"What exactly is going on……"

Lu Yanche said with anger in his voice.

This is not the first time Mu Niange has encountered such a thing, nor will it be the last time...

Who the hell is doing this to Mu Niange? These small actions seem to have seen through Mu Niange's whereabouts, knowing where Mu Niange will appear next, and when will he do what? things come.

"This is my first night shift..."

Therefore, it is impossible for someone to know about this in advance, Mu Niange thought, this is an accident, no one did it, and no one expected it to happen...

Does Mu Niange have to speak so casually?
Lu Yanche's heart was throbbing, he didn't say anything, he drove back to the compound, Mu Niange didn't want to let Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling know about the clinic, and asked Lu Yanche to help keep it secret...

Lu Yanche should be happy to be someone Mu Niange trusted, but when Lu Yanche was asked to keep this a secret, Lu Yanche felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

Lu Yanche nodded without saying anything, and watched Mu Niange walk into Mu's house...

After Lu Yanche parked the car, he strode towards Xia's house. He didn't care what time it was, and directly rang Xia's doorbell. Xia Youyou was woken up by Lu Yanche's doorbell. She got up and got out of bed. Lou went to open the door, and was surprised to see Lu Yanche standing at the door with a serious face.

"What's your business?"

The alienated words prove that Xia Youyou really maintains a certain relationship with Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche didn't care about Xia Youyou, walked in, and went to Xia Minmin's room. Xia Youyou didn't stop Lu Yanche, but frowned and followed behind Lu Yanche, wanting to see what Lu Yanche wanted to do.

Lu Yanche came to Xia Minmin's room door, didn't knock on the door, there was nothing, kicked the door open, the sound scared Xia Youyou, when he realized it, Lu Yanche had already walked in.

Xia Minmin, who was in her sleep, was awakened by Lu Yanche's actions. She sat up from the bed and looked at Lu Yanche with a confused expression. There was sweat on her forehead, she seemed to have had a nightmare...

Xia Minmin was sleeping in a daze. When Lu Yanche came in, Xia Minmin couldn't react. After she realized, Xia Minmin looked at Lu Yanche with a surprised look on his face: "Brother Che, are you here to see me?"

Xia Minmin got off the bed and ran towards Lu Yanche. She wanted to touch Lu Yanche's hand, but Lu Yanche shook it away...

Xia Minmin accidentally fell to the ground, she looked up at Lu Yanche, and said with aggrieved face: "Brother Che, didn't you come to see me?"

How could Lu Yanche come to see Xia Minmin?
How shameless does Xia Minmin have to be to think like this?

Lu Yanche sneered, looking at Xia Minmin's eyes full of contempt, he turned his gaze to Xia Youyou who was standing at the door and said, "Let me ask you, Xia Minmin has been here all this time?"

What question did Lu Yanche ask?
If Xia Minmin is not here, where can she be?
Xia Youyou nodded, Xia Minmin also looked puzzled and said, "I'm not here, can I be there?"

"Brother Che, do you want to take me to your place? I am willing to go with you? You don't know, I just had a nightmare, I was very scared, really scared..."

As Xia Minmin said, her body trembled.

She made a panicky look, wanting Lu Yanche to give him a hug, but Lu Yanche turned around and walked to the door, standing with Xia Youyou.

Lu Yanche's actions were clearly telling Xia Minmin that he would rather stand with Xia Youyou than Xia Minmin...

How unpopular Xia Minmin was to Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin lowered his eyes, and an unpredictable look flashed in his eyes.

Xia Minmin was indeed in the room all the time, and Xia Youyou can testify to this: "Minmin is right at home all the time, Lu Yanche, what happened?"

Lu Yanche got Xia Youyou's response, and left without even looking at Xia Youyou. Xia Youyou glanced at Xia Minmin, and chased after Lu Yanche: "What's the matter with you? The Xia family is not what you have always been. Where I can come..."

Lu Yanche is too impolite to do such a thing at night...

Fortunately, Mrs. Xia is not at home, otherwise Mrs. Xia would not know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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