Chapter 508

What Mu Niange said is correct, feelings are not under Ji Jingchen's control, and he was embarrassed by Mu Niange's questioning, so Ji Jingchen simply admitted: "This is a secret, don't tell Yang Zhishuang..."

Of course, Mu Niange couldn't be stupid enough to tell Yang Zhishuang. After all, this was a matter between Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang. Mu Niange didn't want to get involved and let them develop freely...

Ji Jingchen appeared next to Mu Niange, which made Yang Zhishuang feel suspicious, did something happen to Mu Niange recently that Yang Zhishuang didn't know about?
Hearing this, Ji Jingchen quickly shook his head and said no, Mu Niange nodded, catering to Ji Jingchen's intentions, the more Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange and Ji Jingchen, the more she felt that these two people were deliberate, and Yang Zhishuang couldn't say exactly where they were deliberate. Come on, just pass by casually.

In the afternoon, Ji Jingchen appeared at the school gate again, and picked Mu Niange away...

It was Yang Zhishuang who took Mu Niange to the clinic with her own eyes, and Ji Jingchen was by Mu Niange's side, logically, Yang Zhishuang should be happy, why is she so depressed?

Yang Zhishuang suppressed the thoughts in her heart, turned around and went back to the school...

Mu Niange entered the clinic, and Ji Jingchen followed him in. He sat aside and watched Mu Niange's diagnosis and treatment. I have to say that Mu Niange was serious, he was really serious, and he didn't seem to relax in the slightest.

Frowning from time to time, asking questions from time to time, the low voice reveals a kind of magical power...

Xia Minmin didn't know when, but she developed a habit of coming to the clinic once a day, and when she saw Mu Niange, she would call and ask where Mu Niange was, completely treating Mu Niange as her own. Calling vigorously.

I'm afraid Xia Minmin didn't recognize her identity...

Just because Mu Niange doesn't care about Xia Minmin doesn't mean Xia Minmin can do whatever he wants.

When Xia Minmin walked into Mu Niange's office with a smile on his lips, seeing Ji Jingchen sitting not far away, the smile on Xia Minmin's lips softened.

She took a deep look at Ji Jingchen, and slowly retracted her gaze...

Xia Minmin's actions fell into Mu Niange's eyes, and Mu Niange continued to do his own thing calmly.

"Ji Jingchen is here? Is he watching for your safety?"

Xia Minmin raised her eyebrows and asked casually...

Xia Minmin's voice attracted Ji Jingchen's attention, unexpectedly, Xia Minmin really appeared beside Mu Niange, could it be that Lu Yanche wanted Ji Jingchen to come, Ji Jingchen sighed, feeling helpless.

He raised his eyebrows and said to Xia Minmin: "I came to find Nian Ge, of course I have something to do, why are you looking at Mu Niange's safety? Do you want to hurt Nian Ge?"

Ji Jingchen's calm and unobtrusive probing made Xia Minmin's expression change...

She withdrew her gaze and stared at Mu Niange without saying a word.

Mu Niange asked Xia Minmin the same questions every day, I really don't know why Xia Minmin likes to go to the clinic so much, Xia Minmin is willing, but Mu Niange can't refuse Xia Minmin, right?
Following Xia Minmin's wishes, Mu Niange observed what Xia Minmin wanted to do next...

Xia Minmin left Mu Niange's office, and did not leave the clinic in a hurry, but found a place to hide and see where Mu Niange and Ji Jingchen were heading when they came out.

Unexpectedly, Ji Jingchen came out in front of Mu Niange, Xia Minmin thought that Ji Jingchen was going to leave, and what was waiting for Xia Minmin was Ji Jingchen to drive over and take Mu Niange with him...

Xia Minmin's plan was to attack Mu Niange in the next few days, but Ji Jingchen appeared alone.

Xia Minmin wants to do it, is it so easy?
Will Ji Jingchen watch Mu Niange get hurt?
Xia Minmin suddenly thought of Yang Zhishuang, isn't the relationship between Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen pretty good?

Seeing Mu Niange and Ji Jingchen together, how does Yang Zhishuang feel?
When Xia Minmin thought about it, her gloomy mood instantly improved...

The affairs in the compound have never been Yang Zhishuang's business, let alone Yang Zhishuang's control, unless it is about Mu Niange, even if Xia Minmin can't manage it, Xia Minmin must manage it to the end.

When Xia Minmin came to the school, she wandered around the school, feeling familiar yet unfamiliar...

In fact, Xia Minmin misses it a lot. Back then, she was so carefree. If Mu Niange didn't appear, Xia Minmin would always live like that. Unfortunately, when Mu Niange appeared, Mu Niange ruined her life , and even ruined Xia Minmin's life.

Xia Minmin couldn't be indifferent, she could only...

Responding to Mu Niange step by step, let Mu Niange feel it.

Seeing Xia Minmin at school was really an unbelievable thing. Thinking of what Mu Niange said last time, Xia Minmin's heart was hurt, Yang Zhishuang's lips twitched. She wanted to see how Xia Minmin's injury had gone. situation.

Yang Zhishuang walked slowly towards Xia Minmin...

Sensing someone approaching her, Xia Minmin turned her head and saw Yang Zhishuang, it was a good thing, Xia Minmin didn't need to look for Yang Zhishuang's figure.

"Xia Minmin, are you nostalgic?" Yang Zhishuang looked at Xia Minmin contemptuously, she looked around, and finally her eyes fell on Xia Minmin.

Yang Zhishuang took the initiative to talk, and Xia Minmin followed Yang Zhishuang's wishes: "I'm here to nostalgia, can you manage it?"

Xia Minmin wants to be nostalgic, of course Yang Zhishuang can't control it, but... If Xia Minmin comes to school to do something bad to Mu Niange, Xia Minmin will absolutely not allow it.

She looked at Xia Minmin's eyes and became sharp: "I think you really want to find fault..."

Xia Minmin chuckled, what is finding fault?Why didn't Xia Minmin know?She raised her eyebrows: "I see Mu Niange in the clinic every day, if I want to find fault, I can find fault with Mu Niange in the clinic."

There is no need to come here, Xia Minmin is a person who wants face...

Can Yang Zhishuang use her brain to think for a while...

How could Yang Zhishuang believe Xia Minmin's words?
"You can say one thing and do another, who cares?"

Yes, no one can control it, what's more, saying one thing and doing another is Xia Minmin's favorite thing to do, of course Xia Minmin will continue to play well.

"Yang Zhishuang, are you really Mu Niange's good friend? Do you know who is around Mu Niange? If I want to find fault with Mu Niange, will it go well?"

Xia Minmin mocked Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang didn't know anything about Mu Niange, right?
"Shut your mouth, I don't understand, can you understand?"

Xia Minmin is here to make a joke...

(End of this chapter)

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