Chapter 511

"Niange, what do you think of my relationship with Ji Jingchen?"

Yang Zhishuang asked this question very seriously, Mu Niange suspected for a moment that Yang Zhishuang didn't ask it, Yang Zhishuang would never ask such a serious question...

Mu Niange focused on Yang Zhishuang, and a trace of unknown emotion flashed in his eyes: "Shuangshuang, do you know? It's not easy to meet someone you like, and he just likes you, not to mention, you didn't see it. Don't you? Ji Jingchen doesn't have anyone around him, you're going to be with him now, he will definitely treat you wholeheartedly..."

This is Mu Niange's advice to Yang Zhishuang...

I hope Yang Zhishuang can listen to it. Mu Niange doesn't want Yang Zhishuang to become like herself. Only when the person in front of her is snatched away will she realize that she regrets it and that she wants to cherish it...

Mu Niange didn't suddenly know that she should cherish it. What she knew was that it was really not easy to want such a relationship...

As someone who has been there, Mu Niange should tell Yang Zhishuang these things. He never thought that Mu Niange could understand so thoroughly. Yang Zhishuang stared at Mu Niange in a daze, not knowing how to respond to Mu Niange.

Mu Niange smiled, patted Yang Zhishuang on the shoulder, turned around and left...

Yang Zhishuang knew that Mu Niange wanted to create opportunities for her and Ji Jingchen, and that Mu Niange would never come back again. She watched Mu Niange leave, did he also want such an opportunity?
Yang Zhishuang couldn't understand her own thoughts, she lowered her eyes and said nothing...

Xia Minmin saw that Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang separated, and hurriedly followed behind Mu Niange. She saw that Yang Zhishuang was standing where she was, and did not follow her, and felt a little relieved...

It is really not easy for Xia Minmin to get this opportunity...

When Ji Jingchen drove over and didn't see Mu Niange, he looked surprised: "Where did Niange go?"

Can Yang Zhishuang tell Ji Jingchen that Mu Niange went to the bathroom?

In fact, Mu Niange didn't go to the bathroom at all, but gave Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen a chance. Ji Jingchen didn't express his heart to Yang Zhishuang, why did Yang Zhishuang have to express his heart first?

Didn't such deliberation expose Yang Zhishuang's feelings?

Yang Zhishuang didn't want to, nor was she willing to take such a step: "Nian Ge said that I went to the bathroom, let me tell you, you can go back first..."

As soon as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, she turned and left without waiting for Ji Jingchen's response. Ji Jingchen looked at Yang Zhishuang's back, but couldn't react. When he did, Yang Zhishuang in front of Ji Jingchen had already disappeared.

It's not that Mu Niange has never tried shopping alone...

Thinking back to the past, this is how Mu Niange came here. When he met Yang Zhishuang, Mu Niange thought, in fact, being alone is pretty good. She doesn't need to ask for what she wants, buys, eats, and eats. Anyone's opinion, however, after being with Yang Zhishuang, she realized that all kinds of people need friendship.

Whether it lasts long is one thing...

Whether you need it or not is another matter.

Mu Niange chuckled, it seemed that Yang Zhishuang made Mu Niange feel confident...

Mu Niange went to the bathroom for a while, planning to stroll casually in the shopping mall. Now that he went out, he might bump into Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen. He wanted to give Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen a chance, hoping to see them happy...

Not everyone can experience this feeling.

Mu Niange walked slowly, looked at slowly, she looked layer by layer, walked layer by layer, when she reached the top floor, Mu Niange wanted to leave, went back, so After a long time, Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen must have left.

Mu Niange turned around and met Xia Minmin's gaze...

Without the slightest precaution, how could Xia Minmin be here beyond Mu Niange's expectation?

Mu Niange's eyes turned around Xia Minmin's body, Xia Minmin responded to Mu Niange's eyes not to be outdone, it was Xia Minmin who walked into Mu Niange first, and when he stopped in front of Mu Niange, Xia Minmin chuckled lightly, Full of sarcasm: "Mu Niange, you are so lonely, come shopping alone?"

Did Mu Niange come out alone and have a half-money relationship with Xia Minmin?
Mu Niange is too lazy to talk to Xia Minmin, facing Xia Minmin in the clinic, Mu Niange who is already tired, don't want it...

Now, facing Xia Minmin again, Mu Niange has no responsibility.

Mu Niange withdrew his gaze from Xia Minmin, glanced past Xia Minmin, and was about to leave, Xia Minmin grabbed Mu Niange's hand, blocked Mu Niange's way, and said, "Mu Niange, you are so impatient because you want to leave." how?"

What can Mu Niange do?

Of course she couldn't do anything to Xia Minmin here, after all, Mu Niange is a civilized person...

"I want to go home, do I need your permission?"

Mu Niange asked Xia Minmin calmly, Xia Minmin was taken aback by Mu Niange's polite attitude, of course she couldn't agree, could it be that she disagreed, did Mu Niange really not leave?
"Are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I have your leisure interests?"

Of course not...

Mu Niange didn't need to ask at all, for a person like Xia Minmin who had nothing to do, what he did every day was ridiculous.

"Xia Minmin, if you have something to do, you can go to the clinic to find me. For the rest of the time, I don't think we need to meet..." Mu Niange put it bluntly. She shook off Xia Minmin's hand and wanted to continue walking. A trace of anger flashed in Xia Minmin's eyes.

She caught up with Mu Niange's hand, and pulled Mu Niange towards the elevator...

Mu Niange struggled to break free from Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin exhausted all her strength to prevent Mu Niange from breaking free, Xia Minmin brought Mu Niange to the top floor, the door on the top floor happened to be left open...

Xia Minmin kicked the door open, and dragged Mu Niange in. After Xia Minmin walked in, she didn't forget to close the door. Although Xia Minmin couldn't close the door, at least no one would come in if it was closed.

"Xia Minmin, what exactly do you want..."

Mu Niange was pulled by Xia Minmin and fell to the ground. She looked up at Xia Minmin and asked...

Xia Minmin laughed lightly when she heard this, folded her arms around her chest, and said with contemptuous eyes on Mu Niange, "What exactly do you want? Even I don't know what I really want... "

Xia Minmin laughed at herself, smiled and laughed, tears fell down, the Xia Minmin in front of her, in the eyes of Mu Niange, was a lunatic.

Xia Minmin went crazy, it was really inhuman, this point, Mu Niange should have experienced it: "You don't know what you want, so, what do you want to do to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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