Chapter 513

"I'm not afraid of death..."

To Mu Niange, death is just a very small thing.

Mu Niange tried to commit suicide, not once or twice, but something he did every day. One day, when Mu Niange got tired of doing such meaningless things, Mu Niange really stopped .

If you want to ask whether you are afraid of death, it should be Mu Niange who asked Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin doesn't understand what it feels like...

I really want Xia Minmin to experience it, I really want Xia Minmin to try it.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Xia Minmin asked Mu Niange uncertainly, Mu Niange looked at Xia Minmin with calm eyes.

"Yes, I'm not afraid of death, what I'm afraid of is that I live in this world and see more disgusting things..." Mu Niange's emotions became agitated, she grabbed Xia Minmin's collar, Shaking Xia Minmin vigorously.

Xia Minmin is exactly the disgusting thing Mu Niange saw...

When she saw Xia Minmin, she recalled a series of unbearable things. She was very scared, afraid that one day she would become like Xia Minmin...

That's not what Mu Niange wants, and it's not what Mu Niange wants to see. Xia Minmin, this disgusting person, appears in front of Mu Niange all day long, trying to make Mu Niange become more familiar. Xia Minmin is as despicable, sorry, Mu Niange really can't do it, really can't do it...

Xia Minmin smiled.

What did Mu Niange say?
Afraid of seeing disgusting things?

What does Mu Niange mean by this?Is Mu Niange very noble?Very pure?

Xia Minmin didn't think at all how long Mu Niange was going to pretend in front of Xia Minmin: "The so-called disgusting things refer to yourself, right? Mu Niange, I never thought that one day you would become As scary as I am..."


What's so scary about Mu Niange?

The scary thing is Xia Minmin, it's Xia Minmin...

"Don't compare me to you, you don't deserve it."

Mu Niange still shakes Xia Minmin, wanting to let Xia Minmin know that Mu Niange and Xia Minmin are not on the same road...

Xia Minmin's methods are not what Mu Niange can do, Xia Minmin should be clear about it, and not belittle Mu Niange and raise his own value here.

"I'm not worthy, who is worthy?"

Xia Minmin is the most qualified to be brought together with Mu Niange...

"You said you are not afraid of death, then let's try..."

As Xia Minmin said, she pushed Mu Niange fiercely. Half of Mu Niange's body was leaning against the fence. As long as Xia Minmin let go, Mu Niange might fall directly.

Mu Niange didn't struggle at all, she just looked at Xia Minmin quietly, and occasionally shook Xia Minmin twice, the more Mu Niange shook, the more relaxed she was in Xia Minmin's hands, Mu Niange was really not afraid die?
Xia Minmin began to doubt, but did not really let go of Mu Niange...

Yang Zhishuang searched for Mu Niange in the shopping mall, but she couldn't find Mu Niange. She checked almost every bathroom on every floor. As time passed, Yang Zhishuang realized that she had to call Mu Niange. Telephone.

Yang Zhishuang called Mu Niange over and over again, but no one answered, Yang Zhishuang became anxious, something happened to Mu Niange, right?
Or, Mu Niange had already left here and returned to the compound, Yang Zhishuang thought so, hung up the phone, and called Ji Jingchen instead...

Yang Zhishuang left and hasn't come out for such a long time, Ji Jingchen probably thought that Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang teamed up to release Ji Jingchen's pigeons?

Ji Jingchen, who has returned to the compound, can help Yang Zhishuang take a look at the situation...

Yang Zhishuang called Ji Jingchen, and Ji Jingchen connected quickly. He gave a hello and asked what happened to Yang Zhishuang. Yang Zhishuang cut to the chase and said, "Where are you? Help me see if Niange has returned to the compound... "

How can Ji Jingchen help Yang Zhishuang see it?
Like Yang Zhishuang, he did not leave in this shopping mall...

Ji Jingchen is persistent, he doesn't believe that Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange will abandon Ji Jingchen like this, even if Yang Zhishuang wants to do this, Mu Niange will not allow it.

However, after waiting for such a long time, Ji Jingchen couldn't wait for Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang to come, and was about to make a phone call to ask, did Yang Zhishuang have a tacit understanding with Ji Jingchen?
When Ji Jingchen picked up the phone, he felt a little secretly happy, but when Yang Zhishuang's words came out, Ji Jingchen was stunned, what's going on?

Ji Jingchen couldn't react for a while: "Isn't Mu Niange with you?"

If Mu Niange wants to be with Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang needs to call Ji Jingchen?Ji Jingchen must have an IQ problem...

Yang Zhishuang didn't bother to argue with Ji Jingchen and said, "Look quickly..."

"I'm not in the compound, I'm waiting for you to chant songs at the gate of the mall."

So, Ji Jingchen didn't leave?
"Did you see Mu Niange walking out alone?"

Ji Jingchen kept staring at the door, but didn't see anything unusual. When Yang Zhishuang said this, Ji Jingchen realized that he didn't really pay attention: "I didn't keep staring at the door."

Yang Zhishuang didn't want to talk anymore, and found it really difficult to communicate with Ji Jingchen...

I don't know if Ji Jingchen felt it, but his communication skills were really poor, Yang Zhishuang hung up the phone with a snap, Ji Jingchen felt aggrieved and felt baffled.

The movement of Mu Niange and Xia Minmin on the roof was quickly discovered. In the blink of an eye, a group of people gathered around the shopping mall. Ji Jingchen was startled by the movement. He followed the line of sight of the crowd and saw two With the figure, Ji Jingchen didn't pay attention to it at first, but then thought of what Yang Zhishuang said on the phone.

Ji Jingchen's expression changed, and he hurriedly got out of the car. After a careful look, he saw that the people above were Mu Niange and Xia Minmin...

Ji Jingchen felt that he was going crazy.

How can you catch up with such a thing?
Ji Jingchen hurriedly called Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang was busy, saw Ji Jingchen's caller ID, she didn't want to answer it at all, and thought that it might have something to do with Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang picked it up again, and said in a very impatient tone: "What exactly do you want?"

"Shuangshuang, hurry up to the roof..."

Up to the top floor?
What is Yang Zhishuang going upstairs to do?
"Mu Niange and Xia Minmin are upstairs..."

Ji Jingchen explained, after the explanation, Yang Zhishuang quickly rushed towards the elevator, Yang Zhishuang was very anxious, how could such a thing happen?
Where did Xia Minmin come from?Didn't she just come into contact with Yang Zhishuang at the school gate?

Yang Zhishuang thought about it carefully, and realized that she was being used, that bitch Xia Minmin...

(End of this chapter)

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