Chapter 521

Ji Jingchen hit Yang Zhishuang's sore spot, and because she knew that Mu Niange would be sad, Yang Zhishuang didn't show her emotions in front of Mu Niange, and when she got here, Ji Jingchen still whispered in Yang Zhishuang's ear that Mu Niange would be sad, Yang Zhishuang is also human, so how could she not be emotional?

"When I heard that Nian Ge was taken to the top floor by Xia Minmin, my heart was about to burst out of fright..."

"I kept running and running, I wanted to get to the top of the building quickly, and when I got up, I wished I could push Xia Minmin away, bring Mu Niange back, and then give Xia Minmin a hard lesson. It proves that just because I want to teach Xia Minmin a lesson doesn't mean that Mu Niange wants to teach Xia Minmin a lesson..."

"Look at Niange, for Xia Minmin to jump down by himself, I said that Niange's life is really so worthless?"

"For Xia Minmin, is it really worth it?"

"Then, what Xia Minmin said to Mu Niange, I don't know what happened at all. Mu Niange concealed something from me. I didn't hide anything from Mu Niange. You said, Niange is true. Do you think of me as a best friend? Why don't I feel it?"

The more Yang Zhishuang talked, the more excited she became...

Tears kept flowing from Yang Zhishuang's eyes, Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen, and Ji Jingchen's heart throbbed when Yang Zhishuang looked at her...

What is it all about?Did crying so sadly want Ji Jingchen to die of heartache?

Ji Jingchen slowly raised his hand to help Yang Zhishuang wipe away the tears on his face. He patiently said, "Niange is a person who is not good at speech, didn't you always know that? Such protection for Niange, you see, Niange misses you for everything, and you are the first one to call out when needed, do you dare to say that Niange doesn't care about you?"

Yang Zhishuang didn't say that Mu Niange didn't care about herself, she just wanted to vent the suppressed emotions in her heart...

When Ji Jingchen said this, Yang Zhishuang really felt so ashamed, why did she cry in front of Ji Jingchen?

Although it is not the first time to do such a thing, but every time, Yang Zhishuang can't wait to dig a hole and bury herself. Yang Zhishuang patted Ji Jingchen's hand away, turned her back to Ji Jingchen, she kept wiping away her tears, not thinking To be seen with signs of crying: "I didn't say anything, and you don't need to hear anything..."

Ji Jingchen was stunned again, Yang Zhishuang changed so fast, how would Ji Jingchen adapt?

"If you dare to say it, you will die..." Yang Zhishuang turned her head and warned Ji Jingchen viciously. Ji Jingchen nodded quickly, and he laughed twice. He believed that if he wanted to say it, he would really Dead on.

After Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang left, Lu Yanche stood not far away, staring at Mu Niange, he could feel Mu Niange's sadness...

This kind of sadness is caused by the spread of the heart. Lu Yanche asked himself that he was unable to comfort Mu Niange. This matter had a lot to do with Lu Yanche. He was worried that what he comforted was Mu Niange's emotions. Excited, do something extreme...

Lu Yanche was silent, Mu Niange was silent, the ward was so silent that it couldn't be silent anymore.

Lu Yanche poured a glass of water, held it in front of Mu Niange, and motioned for Mu Niange to drink it...

Mu Niange surprisingly took the water glass in Lu Yanche's hand. Mu Niange looked up at Lu Yanche. Her face was pale and her lips interfered. Mu Niange took a sip of water and said with a bitter smile, "You know what? ? Between Xia Minmin and I, there is a little secret between us..."

"At the beginning, when I saw Xia Minmin being taken away by those people, I felt pleasure in my heart. I wanted to take revenge on Xia Minmin, because Xia Minmin had done that to me..."

"Then, one second before Xia Minmin fell, Xia Minmin told me that nothing happened to me. Those things were faked by Xia Minmin, and they were not true. I was really shocked when I heard that. Now that I know how to face Xia Minmin, if I count it this way, I am sorry for Xia Minmin, not Xia Minmin for me..."

Mu Niange spoke softly, very weakly...

The powerless Mu Niange didn't know what mood to use to tell such a thing...

Lu Yanche listened silently, wanting to comfort Mu Niange, but when the words came to his lips, Lu Yanche didn't know what to say, so he could only listen silently, listening to Mu Niange's words, feeling Mu Niange's feelings...

"I didn't want Xia Minmin to have an accident. I was very sad that Xia Minmin had an accident. I saw her fall in front of me with my own eyes. I didn't know what to do. I had the urge to go down with her, but, I don't seem to have Xia Minmin's impulse, if I had that impulse, I..."

What Mu Niange said next was severely interrupted by Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche stretched out his long arms and pulled Mu Niange into his arms. He hugged Mu Niange tightly, wanting to feel the existence of Mu Niange: "Don't, don't say such things, read the song, I will be worried, you know, I will be worried..."

Lu Yanche said two things in a row that he would worry about.

Mu Niange knew that Lu Yanche would be worried, and Lu Yanche couldn't be the only one who was really worried, so Mu Niange didn't do such a thing...

Didn't she tell Xia Minmin?

Xia Minmin's life is not her own, but Mrs. Xia's and Xia Youyou's. Xia Minmin can't end her own life so easily. However, is what Mu Niange thinks really right?
A person chooses such a path only when he has come to a desperate situation, right?

Seeing Lu Yanche, Mu Niange's mind was full of images of Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin looked desperate in front of Mu Niange...

Really, Mu Niange was in despair: "Aren't you sad that Xia Minmin is gone like this?"

How could Lu Yanche not be sad?
But his sadness cannot be shown in front of Mu Niange, this will only increase Mu Niange's sadness.

"I'm not not sad..."

"But I can't feel your sadness. Are you thinking, has Xia Minmin finally disappeared in front of you?"

Mu Niange chuckled lightly and mocked Lu Yanche, even herself. She pushed Lu Yanche away fiercely, tears streaming down her face: "I thought so too, Xia Minmin finally disappeared, but I Not very happy, not at all, what do you think I should do? Xia Minmin is gone, who will pay attention to me in the future?"

Mu Niange pushed Lu Yanche so hard that Lu Yanche was almost pushed out of bed by Mu Niange...

Hearing what Mu Niange said, Lu Yanche felt very bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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