Chapter 523

The most important thing is to get Lu Yanche out...

How could Lu Yanche leave here so easily?

However, even if Lu Yanche didn't want to leave, he had to leave...

Mu Yuanling's tough attitude made Lu Yanche irresistible. Lu Yanche took a deep look at Mu Niange, and walked out in desperation. Mu Niange lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and spoke silently.

Without Lu Yanche's presence, Mu Niange really felt more at ease.

Yang Zhishuang saw Mu Niange's resistance to Lu Yanche, or Mu Niange didn't eat or drink just now because of Lu Yanche's existence. Thinking about it carefully, this matter has something to do with Lu Yanche...

Yang Zhishuang hesitated for a while, then walked in front of Lu Yanche, looked at Lu Yanche and said, "I believe you can understand the reason why reciting songs drove you away. When reciting songs is not clear and calm, you'd better not appear in the Before reciting the song..."

Yang Zhishuang's thinking is the same as Mu Niange's, seeing each other is worse than seeing each other...

See you soon, the bad memories in Mu Niange's heart were brought back by Lu Yanche, it was not a good thing for Mu Niange and Lu Yanche...

"Liandu, do you think that I shouldn't appear in front of Niange? So, it's my fault that Xia Minmin happened?" Lu Yanche's eyes turned cold, and a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his lips...

Hearing this, Yang Zhishuang was startled, she didn't mean that, she wanted Lu Yanche and Mu Niange to calm down a bit.


Just as Yang Zhishuang was about to explain something, Ji Jingchen stepped forward, stood in front of Yang Zhishuang, and said to Lu Yanche, "This is between you and Nian Ge, don't involve your emotions on other people..."

Ji Jingchen came forward to protect Yang Zhishuang, which Yang Zhishuang never expected...

She has always been very strong in front of Ji Jingchen, and her strength made Ji Jingchen afraid. Even when she was in front of Lu Yanche, Yang Zhishuang was able to deal with it very well. Ji Jingchen came forward to help Yang Zhishuang, and Yang Zhishuang became a weak woman by the way. up.

Yang Zhishuang made a mistake and stood behind Ji Jingchen without saying a word...

It seems that being protected is also a very good thing. Why didn't Yang Zhishuang feel this way before?
Seeing Ji Jingchen defending Yang Zhishuang, Mu Yuanling thought of Mu Niange again. Back then, if Lu Yanche had defended Mu Niange like this, the next thing would not have happened...

It doesn't matter whether Lu Yanche wants to admit it or not. What happened in front of him was caused by Lu Yanche. If Lu Yanche doesn't want to accept it, he has to accept it. Mu Niange's words are what Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling wanted to say.

"Xia Minmin's matter has a great impact on Niange, you can't just consider things from your perspective..."

Mu Yuanling's words hit Lu Yanche's pain. He considered things from his point of view, but forgot to think from Mu Niange's point of view. Wait for someone to finish.

With a cold face, Lu Yanche turned around and left...

Mu Niange didn't stay in the hospital for a long time. On the second day, under the leadership of Mrs. Mu and Mu Yuanling, he returned to the compound...

Mu Niange asked Yang Zhishuang not to come, because of Mu Niange's matter, Yang Zhishuang really gave up a lot of thoughts, she didn't want to waste Yang Zhishuang's time, Yang Zhishuang also had her own business to leave.

Before Yang Zhishuang left, Mu Niange held Yang Zhishuang's hand, and said something meaningful to Yang Zhishuang: "Actually, someone treats you very well..."

There were people, of course Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang nodded without denying it: "I know, I will think about it..."

Mu Niange smiled, but didn't say anything.

Mu Niange asked Lu Yanche not to appear in front of her, but Lu Yanche really didn't show up. For a week, Mu Niange lived Mu Niange's life, what kind of life Lu Yanche lived, Mu Niange didn't know...

Mrs. Xia is taking care of Xia Minmin's funeral.

The atmosphere in the compound was infected, and there was a layer of sadness spreading...

Some people don't know the importance until they are gone, but when he is with you, you really don't know her importance at all.

It's not that Mrs. Xia has no regrets. The thoughts instilled in Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou since childhood are different from those instilled in Mrs. Lu and Lu Meiqi. Mu Niange is actually the same as Xia Minmin. However, Mu Niange is better than Xia Minmin. With such a good brother and an aunt who loves her so much, she will not go down a bad path.

Xia Minmin is going on a bad road, and there is no way she can turn back...

Mrs. Xia resented Mu Niange in her heart, and wanted Mu Niange to pay the price. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Xia Youyou was behind Mrs. Xia, and her eyes were no better than Mrs. Xia's...

"Mom, Minmin's matter is Minmin's own choice..."

Xia Youyou saw through Madam Xia's thoughts, so she had no choice but to persuade Madam Xia in her ear.

Hearing this, Mrs. Xia's face revealed an angry expression. At this time, Xia Youyou would help Mu Niange to speak: "We don't know what is going on. If you help Mu Niange to speak like this, what do you think?" Will Minmin feel comfortable when she hears it?"

Xia Youyou didn't know if Xia Minmin could hear it. The only thing she knew was that Xia Minmin chose this path, and Xia Minmin really didn't want to continue walking...

He was tired, really tired, why couldn't Mrs. Xia let Xia Minmin go and let Xia Minmin go with peace of mind?
Xia Youyou really couldn't understand: "Think about it, what did you do to Minmin at the beginning? What kind of things did you instill in Minmin? Does Minmin have nothing to do with you when she embarked on this path?"

Even Xia Youyou couldn't accept Mrs. Xia's thoughts, how could Xia Minmin accept it?
Do not……

It should be said that Xia Minmin accepted it, but it made Xia Minmin miserable.

"You wholeheartedly want Minmin to help you get Lu Yanche on the list. Lu Yanche is Mu Niange, why don't you wake up? Later, when Minmin woke up, it turned out that you were not sober. What did you do? If she hadn't been chased away by you, she wouldn't have happened like that, let alone become what she is now..."

Xia Youyou couldn't control her emotions, Xia Youyou was also at fault, she stood there back then, didn't say anything, didn't do anything...

"It's too late to say anything now, it's too late to say anything..."

Xia Youyou slowly fell to the ground and began to cry bitterly. Xia Youyou has always envied Xia Minmin and admired Xia Minmin very much. What Xia Minmin did was something that Xia Youyou could not do, or it should be said that Xia Youyou did not Dare to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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