Chapter 528

As soon as Yang Zhishuang finished speaking, he turned around again, Ji Jingchen couldn't stand the cat-and-mouse game with Yang Zhishuang anymore, he grabbed Yang Zhishuang's wrist, pulled Yang Zhishuang hard, and pulled Yang Zhishuang into his arms...

Yang Zhishuang stumbled into Ji Jingchen's arms, she was taken aback, and after realizing it, she wanted to break free from Ji Jingchen, how could Ji Jingchen give Yang Zhishuang such a chance?
The hands holding Yang Zhishuang's waist were quite tight, as if he wanted to integrate Yang Zhishuang into his body: "Shuangshuang, you don't like listening to me so much?"

It's not just that Yang Zhishuang doesn't like to listen to Ji Jingchen's words?She simply didn't want to see Ji Jingchen anymore, she didn't know what Ji Jingchen was thinking, hugging herself like this, saying such things to herself...

Did he want Yang Zhishuang to misunderstand something?

It's a pity that Yang Zhishuang is a very well-informed person, so it's impossible for her to be misunderstood so easily...

"Ji Jingchen, if you don't let me go, I'm going to bite you..." Yang Zhishuang wasn't joking with Ji Jingchen, she was speaking harsh words to Ji Jingchen.

Unexpectedly, Ji Jingchen smiled disapprovingly when he heard the words: "Okay, you bit me? I remember I heard that the most intimate gesture is you biting me..."

Depend on……

Yang Zhishuang's face flushed red, what did Ji Jingchen say?

How could Yang Zhishuang bear such ambiguity?
Yang Zhishuang beat Ji Jingchen's back fiercely with both hands, wanting Ji Jingchen to back down...

Ji Jingchen is determined to fight Yang Zhishuang to the end, if Yang Zhishuang can listen to Ji Jingchen carefully, Ji Jingchen will definitely not let Yang Zhishuang go.

Yang Zhishuang couldn't stand Ji Jingchen anymore, she gave up, she let go of Ji Jingchen's hand, raised her head and stared fiercely at Ji Jingchen and said, "I can listen to what you want to say, provided you let me go first... ..."

Ji Jingchen felt that Yang Zhishuang's tone of discussion was quite good, and Ji Jingchen quite liked it...

Ji Jingchen thought thoughtfully, and added an additional condition to Yang Zhishuang: "If you can't do what you said, I will carry you back to the girls' dormitory downstairs from here..."

Yang Zhishuang: "..."

Is angry, but also helpless.

Seeing such a rascal Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang nodded heavily, agreeing to Ji Jingchen's request.

Satisfied, Ji Jingchen released Yang Zhishuang, he whistled, and seemed to be in a good mood: "Shuangshuang, I want you to get to know me again."

Yang Zhishuang's familiarity with Ji Jingchen has reached an uncontrollable situation. It is probably impossible for Yang Zhishuang to get acquainted with Ji Jingchen again...

Due to what Ji Jingchen said just now, Yang Zhishuang pondered for a while, and then responded: "We have known each other for so long, although I don't know much about you, but I know what kind of person you are, you said you want us to get to know each other again, why not?" Is it that easy?"

If only we could get to know each other again...

If Mu Niange and Xia Minmin can get to know each other again, such a thing will not happen.

"Yeah, I know it's not going to be easy, but I really want to do that..."

So, Yang Zhishuang had no choice at all, all she could do was listen to Ji Jingchen, and follow what Ji Jingchen said, and greet Ji Jingchen again?
How could Ji Jingchen be so childish?
Yang Zhishuang rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, wondering how to deal with Ji Jingchen, thinking of Ji Jingchen's hug just now, Yang Zhishuang felt touched in her heart, but the feeling is a momentary thing, and it will disappear soon...

"That's your thoughts, have you ever thought about my thoughts? I don't want to do that, can't you hit me?"

How could Ji Jingchen do anything to Yang Zhishuang?

Ji Jingchen is not the kind of person who would hit people casually, seeing what Yang Zhishuang said, the misunderstanding of Ji Jingchen is quite deep...

"I can say that, of course I have enough confidence to let you see that you can get to know me again..." Ji Jingchen said confidently, his eyes sparkling with light.

Looking at Ji Jingchen like this, Yang Zhishuang had the urge to refuse...

Yang Zhishuang lowered her eyes and didn't look at Ji Jingchen. Thinking of Mu Niange's words, it is not easy to meet someone you like and he happens to like you...

Ji Jingchen didn't make it clear in front of Yang Zhishuang, but Yang Zhishuang could clearly feel Ji Jingchen's feelings for her.

Yang Zhishuang, do you want to try it?
It was just a thought...

"I can give you time. If you can't let me get to know you again in a short time, I think we really don't need to waste time like this..."

This is Yang Zhishuang's last concession, and it is also a chance Yang Zhishuang gave Ji Jingchen, and it is also a chance for herself, only once...

Let's see what kind of difference awaits Yang Zhishuang.

Ji Jingchen excitedly sent Yang Zhishuang back to school, and waited for Yang Zhishuang to disappear in front of his eyes before Ji Jingchen left. He thought of something that he had to find out from Yang Zhishuang.

He sent a message to Yang Zhishuang and asked Yang Zhishuang, "So far, what kind of person am I in your eyes?"

As soon as Yang Zhishuang returned to the dormitory, she received such a message from Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, Ji Jingchen really had something wrong...

Everyone left, but they still pestered Yang Zhishuang to ask such questions...

Yang Zhishuang thought seriously, knocked on the phone screen, and simply responded to Ji Jingchen's words: "You are a funny man!!"

A funny guy?

Did Ji Jingchen cry?

In Yang Zhishuang's heart, Ji Jingchen has such an image, how can he restore his image in front of Yang Zhishuang?
"You wait for me..."

Ji Jingchen responded to Yang Zhishuang with an arrogant tone, Yang Zhishuang laughed twice, left the phone on the bed, and sat on her own business.

If Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are going to get married, there are a lot of things that need to be prepared, and Yang Zhishuang is undoubtedly Mu Niange's bridesmaid. Thinking of the last time Lu Yanche proposed to Mu Niange, it was Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen who were there. Need to guess, we all know who the best man is.

Mu Yuanling is Mu Niange's elder brother, it is impossible for him to be the best man...

Yang Zhishuang did not resist the fact that the best man was Ji Jingchen, looking at Mu Niange, she looked very optimistic about Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen.

Yang Zhishuang was really distressed...

"Niange, your emotional matter has finally been resolved, do you want to worry about my affairs now?"

Mu Niange doesn't worry about Yang Zhishuang's affairs, whose affairs should he worry about?

Mu Niange has no interest in other people's affairs...

(End of this chapter)

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