Chapter 531

Ji Jingchen ignored the strange gaze, but Yang Zhishuang couldn't ignore it. Yang Zhishuang said in a small voice, "Can you restrain yourself a little?"

Hearing this, Ji Jingchen was a little puzzled, restrained himself, why should he restrain himself?
What does he need to restrain?
"Shuangshuang, I don't think there is anything inappropriate about me..." Ji Jingchen held Yang Zhishuang's hand and did not let go, Yang Zhishuang simply stopped, facing Ji Jingchen and said: "I said restraint, it's like this..."

Yang Zhishuang was lifted up by Ji Jingchen's hand, and Ji Jingchen smiled and said, "You follow me back, I'll let go of your hand right away..."

This is threatening Yang Zhishuang, right?
If Yang Zhishuang didn't do what Ji Jingchen said, wouldn't Ji Jingchen never let Yang Zhishuang go all his life?
Thinking of this, Yang Zhishuang couldn't help feeling a little headache...

Ji Jingchen is actually Yang Zhishuang's nemesis, right?
What he said and did was beyond Yang Zhishuang's expectation, and when Ji Jingchen really appeared in front of Yang Zhishuang, what was left for Yang Zhishuang to compromise?
Yang Zhishuang really wanted to shake Ji Jingchen away, and then thought that when she got to Mu Niange's place, she would still have to face Ji Jingchen, this is the so-called see up and see down, right?

Yang Zhishuang struggled in her heart, and finally chose to turn around and walk in the direction of Ji Jingchen's car...

When Ji Jingchen saw Yang Zhishuang walking with him, he felt excited inside. He helped Yang Zhishuang open the car door and let Yang Zhishuang do it. Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen's series of actions, it was unimaginable.

When did Ji Jingchen become such a gentleman?

Why didn't Ji Jingchen have such a gentleman side before?
Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen with weird eyes, and fastened the safety belt without saying a word...

After getting into the car, Ji Jingchen looked at Yang Zhishuang and said, "I'm starting the car, please sit still..."

As Ji Jingchen said that, he really started driving.

Yang Zhishuang sat silently, looked outside, did not have any communication with Ji Jingchen, Ji Jingchen looked back at Yang Zhishuang from time to time, saw that Yang Zhishuang was silent, Ji Jingchen followed suit, Ji Jingchen was an expert at chatting, but when he came to Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen thought It seems that he doesn't have that ability to brighten up the atmosphere.

Ji Jingchen sighed in his heart...

She could only drive silently, the more Yang Zhishuang looked at it, the more she felt that something was wrong with the road...

Yang Zhishuang was quite familiar with this area, she looked sideways at Ji Jingchen and said, "What's going on?"

"What's the matter?"

Ji Jingchen pretended to be stupid and continued to drive. Soon, Yang Zhishuang would know what was going on...

It's not the day when Mu Niange tried on the wedding dress. Ji Jingchen and Mu Niange colluded to give Yang Zhishuang a surprise. Who would have thought that this was not a surprise in Yang Zhishuang's eyes, but a shocking gesture.

"Hurry up and stop the car for me..." Yang Zhishuang's expression changed, and she shouted at Ji Jingchen.

Realizing that things were not going as smoothly as he had imagined, Ji Jingchen hurriedly parked the car aside. Ji Jingchen didn't dare to touch Yang Zhishuang's bottom line. Ji Jingchen thought about this plan for a long time before starting...

However, just as it started, it attracted Yang Zhishuang's resentment, and Ji Jingchen felt that the future was uncertain.

Can the relationship between Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang really go smoothly?
"Shuangshuang, the apology I just told you is actually this..."

Ji Jingchen didn't want to hide Yang Zhishuang anymore, so he simply confessed to Yang Zhishuang that Yang Zhishuang had buckled her seat belt, she wanted to open the car door and get out of the car, but after hitting twice, she found that the door couldn't be opened, she looked at Ji Jingchen, wanting Ji Jingchen open the door.

Ji Jingchen pretended not to understand: "Shuangshuang, you have to give me a chance to explain..."

Want Yang Zhishuang to give Ji Jingchen a chance to explain?
Ji Jingchen wanted to explain, but Yang Zhishuang didn't want to hear it, Ji Jingchen couldn't force Yang Zhishuang...

"You and Nian Ge are in collusion, right? Ji Jingchen, you are very capable..." Yang Zhishuang thought about the cause and effect of the matter in a few moments.

No matter what kind of tricks Ji Jingchen wants to play, he can't escape Yang Zhishuang's eyes...

"I'm not very capable. If I was capable, the things I want to do will go smoothly..." Ji Jingchen subconsciously responded to Yang Zhishuang, almost forgetting what kind of situation was in front of him.

Hearing what Ji Jingchen said, Yang Zhishuang wanted to slap Ji Jingchen in the face, was she blaming Yang Zhishuang for not knowing to do what Ji Jingchen wanted?

Why should Yang Zhishuang follow what Ji Jingchen said...

"What's the matter with you, you can tell me and communicate with me face to face..."

Yang Zhishuang is not an unreasonable person, let alone a person who does not understand customs. Yang Zhishuang believes that what Ji Jingchen said, Yang Zhishuang will think carefully and respond to Ji Jingchen.

However, Ji Jingchen didn't do that, she chose the most extreme way...

"Shuangshuang, I want to give you a surprise. Didn't you promise me? Give me time so that you can see a different me..." Ji Jingchen was confused and stupid when it came to his relationship. It's even worse.

Don't look at Ji Jingchen helping Lu Yanche so much, in fact, Ji Jingchen sees it more thoroughly than Lu Yanche...

Knowing what is harmful to Mu Niange, knowing what cannot be done to Mu Niange, and knowing what Mu Niange needs and what he doesn't need...

Could it be that Lu Yanche could see clearly what Yang Zhishuang wanted and needed, but Ji Jingchen couldn't understand?

Ji Jingchen thought, it must be like this...

It's a pity that Ji Jingchen didn't realize this problem at first, but realized it later.

"Yes, I meant to give you time, but Ji Jingchen, where did you use the time I gave you?" Yang Zhishuang didn't want to ask Ji Jingchen this question...

Such a question, it seems that Yang Zhishuang is actually very urgent, eager to know what kind of person Yang Zhishuang is in Ji Jingchen's eyes, and whether Ji Jingchen really takes Yang Zhishuang seriously.

Yang Zhishuang felt very confused, lost in thinking, confused like never before...

"I will spend the time you gave me on you, Shuangshuang, you have to believe me, apart from you, it is really impossible for me to spend my time on other people..." Ji Jingchen raised three fingers, Said swearingly.

What is the relationship between Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen?
Ji Jingchen wants to promise Yang Zhishuang like this?

Yang Zhishuang smiled softly: "What's the use of telling me this? I really don't care much..."

He didn't care what Ji Jingchen did, what he cared about was where Ji Jingchen wasted Yang Zhishuang's feelings, Yang Zhishuang didn't want to see her own tragedy happen.

(End of this chapter)

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