Chapter 533

Mu Niange really likes to tease Lu Yanche.

"I don't let you participate in their affairs because I want you to stop helping Ji Jingchen. If Ji Jingchen really likes Yang Zhishuang, he will fight for it himself. No matter what method he uses, he will want to get Yang Zhishuang... ..."

Lu Yanche stretched out his long arms, pulled Mu Niange over, and embraced her...

Mu Niange fell into Lu Yanche's arms, turned around and glared at Lu Yanche and said, "According to what you said, if you like me, you will use all means to get me?"

However, the original Lu Yanche did not do this...

So, there is a limit to Lu Yanche's liking for Mu Niange?
"We're talking about Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen. I don't like you, I love you. I don't know what kind of emotional relationship Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang have, but let them solve their own emotional matters. Let's not get involved, when they really need it, they will come to ask us..."

What Lu Yanche said was not without reason.

Mu Niange heard it in his ears and kept it in his heart...

After Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen broke up that day, they never had any contact again...

Seeing that Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange's studies are about to be completed, Yang Zhishuang is not from City A, she will most likely return to City B, Ji Jingchen understands this, he can accept it, and can be more considerate Yang Zhishuang, respect Yang Zhishuang's choice...

The premise is that Ji Jingchen wants to be here to catch Yang Zhishuang...

In Yang Zhishuang's eyes, is Ji Jingchen really so foolish?

What kind of things are you doing as a joke, not serious?

Ji Jingchen racked his brains and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Ji Jingchen scratched his head vigorously, looking very distressed. When the secretary came in and saw Ji Jingchen like this, he was a little stunned.

Ji Jingchen's image in the company has always been very casual, even carefree, when did the trainees have such an expression?

The secretary coughed twice, trying to get Ji Jingchen's attention, but Ji Jingchen glanced at the door and didn't pay much attention: "What's the matter with you?"

"Here is a document that needs your signature..."

The secretary brought up the document, Ji Jingchen looked at it casually, picked up the pen on the table to sign, and then returned the document to the secretary.

"and many more……"

Seeing that the secretary was about to leave, Ji Jingchen blocked the secretary's way: "I'll ask you a question..."

It is quite rare for Ji Jingchen to ask a question, the secretary nodded, turned to face Ji Jingchen and said, "What's the question?"

"When a man confesses his love to a woman, under what circumstances will it be regarded as a joke?"

Isn't that obvious?
Why is Ji Jingchen's question so stupid?

"A group of friends, when they were having fun, oh... that man didn't look serious, or, it was that man who did something bad in front of that woman before, which made her misunderstand... ..."

That's all the secretary could think of. What did Ji Jingchen want when he suddenly asked this question?

Is it...

The secretary opened his eyes wide and looked at Ji Jingchen in disbelief: "President Ji, you you you you..."

"Get out, get out, it's none of your business." Ji Jingchen drove the secretary out with a big wave of his hand. How could anyone know about Ji Jingchen's private affairs?
Plus, Ji Jingchen really felt ashamed...

His confession was treated as a joke, and Yang Zhishuang's attitude towards Ji Jingchen became worse and worse day by day. Ji Jingchen didn't know what to do, he was really distressed...

Ji Jingchen was thinking about Yang Zhishuang, is Yang Zhishuang right? Thinking back to Ji Jingchen, no...

It should be said that I occasionally think of it, and think of it inadvertently.

Thinking of the past with Ji Jingchen, thinking of Ji Jingchen's confession to himself that day, thinking of his attitude towards Ji Jingchen, I don't know if these are right or wrong...

It's not that Yang Zhishuang doesn't care, it's that she cares too much, so she wants to look like she doesn't care. When emotional matters fall on her own head, she looks so stupid and distressed.

Yang Zhishuang picked up the book on the table and walked towards the door of the classroom...

As soon as she reached the door of the classroom, she was stopped. Yang Zhishuang looked at the person in front of her in surprise and said, "What's the matter with you?"

"It's these..."

Yang Zhishuang had an impression of this person, he was in the class next to Yang Zhishuang, and he was not familiar with him, so he suddenly found Yang Zhishuang, what's the matter?It's mind-boggling...

"I have a part-time job in the afternoon, but I have something to do and I can't go. Can you help me? I'll give you the money for the part-time job. I've thought about it for a long time, and I think it's most suitable for you to do this part-time job... "

Yang Zhishuang blinked, thinking that she had heard wrongly, what kind of part-time job must Yang Zhishuang have?

Yang Zhishuang wasn't short of money, and didn't care if she had income or not, but she had to explain to Yang Zhishuang first what kind of part-time job it was.

"It's actually a part-time model..."

Hearing the word part-time model, Yang Zhishuang frowned, and subconsciously refused: "I'm not interested in this kind of thing, sorry, I can't help you..."

From Yang Zhishuang's point of view, these part-time models are all deceitful, what could be more deceitful than this?
What kind of expenses are all included in the above at once, and the money earned is not enough to cover the expenses. In addition, can anyone who wants to be a part-time model do it?
Yang Zhishuang expressed surprise...

"Yang Zhishuang, I'm really in a hurry, so I can't go, can't you help me?"

With a sincere attitude and sincere words, it seemed that it was not an easy task for Yang Zhishuang to refuse. Yang Zhishuang had been entangled for a long time, and she had no choice but to agree.

The part-time job is at three o'clock in the afternoon, and Yang Zhishuang happened to go to a part-time place to do a part-time job. The time was more than enough. Yang Zhishuang felt that it was necessary to tell Mu Niange about it. If anything happened, it would be the first time. I contacted Mu Niange for a while...

Yang Zhishuang sent the address of the part-time job to Mu Niange, and Mu Niange directly praised Yang Zhishuang and said, "I saw you as a model..."

It meant that this part-time job was really suitable for Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang was speechless immediately, what did Mu Niange say?

If it is appropriate, Mu Niange is also quite appropriate, after all, their height and figure are the same...

Yang Zhishuang chatted casually with Mu Niange, then put away her phone, got on the bus, and came to the part-time job place, there were quite a few people on it, and the people who came to part-time jobs didn't seem to know that Yang Zhishuang was the only one.

This is after the interview before you can enter?

Could it be that Yang Zhishuang was tricked into coming for an interview?
(End of this chapter)

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