Chapter 550

Lu Meiqi's question attracted Mu Niange's attention, and even Yang Zhishuang couldn't help but look down, seeing that the clothes on Yang Zhishuang were completely different from before...

Yang Zhishuang thought, this was prepared by Ji Jingchen for herself, Yang Zhishuang didn't have any clothes to change, so of course she just made up for it, but just now, Yang Zhishuang went back to Mu's house to pack her things, why didn't she change the clothes on her body?
Yang Zhishuang was stunned, this was a question that even Yang Zhishuang hadn't thought of...

Suddenly thinking about it, Yang Zhishuang really didn't know how to react...

"Shuangshuang, your dressing style is not like this..."

Mu Niange stroked his chin with one hand, and said with a frown, Mu Niange was with Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang always bought his clothes, and Mu Niange bought his clothes...

The styles of the two of them are completely different, but now, the styles of Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange seem to be together, what's going on?

It must not have been Yang Zhishuang's choice, so the only possibility is Ji Jingchen, Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi pretended well, and did not show their thoughts in front of Yang Zhishuang immediately.

She stared at Yang Zhishuang, wanting Yang Zhishuang to give her an answer...

Could it be that Yang Zhishuang couldn't wash herself off by jumping into the Yellow River? ?
This needs to be explained, how to explain?

Thinking of Mu Niange throwing Yang Zhishuang to Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang said with a straight face, "Niange, do you have the nerve to ask me what's going on?"

If it weren't for Mu Niange, Yang Zhishuang wouldn't be like this, well, Yang Zhishuang would have to think this way to get rid of the thoughts in Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi's mind: "I woke up from the hotel and realized that you threw me into Ji Jingchen's care." Now, do you really trust Ji Jingchen so much?"

Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are at ease, but Yang Zhishuang may not be at ease...

Think about it, Yang Zhishuang should be troubled and lose her temper, instead of being treated by Mu Niange and others with such eyes...

"It's like this..."

When Mu Niange heard that Yang Zhishuang's tone was a bit wrong, Mu Niange quickly admitted his mistake: "I don't know why you are with Ji Jingchen..."

Mu Niange was a little dizzy from drinking, he really didn't know, if Yang Zhishuang wanted Mu Niange to answer, Mu Niange might not be able to answer...

Yang Zhishuang sighed heavily, she didn't mean to pursue and blame Mu Niange, but wanted Mu Niange to know clearly that some things were beyond Yang Zhishuang's control, shouldn't Mu Niange be the one who understands this truth best?

"No matter what, Sister Shuangshuang, you have a very good relationship with Ji Jingchen..."

Lu Meiqi interrupted at the right time.

Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen have been on good terms from the very beginning, no one can stop this...

Relationships are great, but so what?
Yang Zhishuang simply cast her gaze on Lu Meiqi, to see what Lu Meiqi was going to say, Lu Meiqi was a little embarrassed by Yang Zhishuang's stare, she held Mu Niange's wrist, lowered her head and said, "It's not what you thought. In that case, I'm simply asking about your relationship with Ji Jingchen..."

"Isn't it obvious what relationship I have with Ji Jingchen?"

Yang Zhishuang felt that there was no need to delve deeper into this issue...

"It's obvious, but you don't admit it..." Lu Meiqi responded not to be outdone, and Yang Zhishuang rubbed the center of her brows with a headache. This little sister, Lu Meiqi, really didn't let Yang Zhishuang worry.

"I have nothing to deny. These are the clothes that Ji Jingchen prepared for me. I asked Ji Jingchen to take me to the station for the sake of convenience. If you don't believe me, you can come and take me to the station..."

Yang Zhishuang looked indifferent, Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi looked at each other, if they really did this, wouldn't they be hated by Ji Jingchen.

"We didn't mean that, you can go with Ji Jingchen at ease..."


In the final analysis, neither Mu Niange nor Lu Meiqi could fully understand Yang Zhishuang's words.

Yang Zhishuang really didn't have an ordinary headache. Yang Zhishuang nodded, indicating that they could disappear before his eyes. When Yang Zhishuang arrived at the gate of the courtyard, Ji Jingchen was waiting for Yang Zhishuang at the gate.

Ji Jingchen didn't sit in the car, but stood not far away, looking in the direction of Yang Zhishuang from time to time...

Seeing Yang Zhishuang coming out, she hastily greeted her and said, "Have you made it clear to Nian Ge?"

Yang Zhishuang glanced at Ji Jingchen, but did not respond, what should Yang Zhishuang explain to Mu Niange?
Is Ji Jingchen teasing Yang Zhishuang?

Under Ji Jingchen's gaze, Yang Zhishuang walked to the side of the co-pilot, and opened the door of the co-pilot. Seeing that Yang Zhishuang sat on it, Ji Jingchen followed suit...

Ji Jingchen fastened his seat belt, looked sideways at Yang Zhishuang, wanted to say something to Yang Zhishuang, but didn't know how to speak for a while, Ji Jingchen chose to remain silent, started the car, and headed towards the station.

When Yang Zhishuang returns home this time, she doesn't know when she will come back...

Ji Jingchen has been thinking about this question in his heart, how to tell Yang Zhishuang, let Yang Zhishuang tell Ji Jingchen the specific formation, Ji Jingchen frowned, looking worried.

How could it be that Yang Zhishuang didn't see what Ji Jingchen was thinking, but she just didn't want to talk to Ji Jingchen, this question, even Yang Zhishuang herself couldn't answer...

After graduating, Yang Zhishuang naturally wanted to find a job. Did she stay here all the time and let her family support her?
Yang Zhishuang couldn't do that kind of thing, what Yang Zhishuang paid attention to was self-reliance...

When Ji Jingchen's car stopped at the gate of the station, Yang Zhishuang opened the car door without looking at Ji Jingchen and walked down. Ji Jingchen saw Yang Zhishuang's appearance and hurriedly followed.

He helped Yang Zhishuang take down the salute from the rear compartment. Yang Zhishuang's things are really not ordinary, except for a suitcase...

Yang Zhishuang wanted to take the suitcase from Ji Jingchen, but Ji Jingchen avoided Yang Zhishuang's hand and said, "I'll take it, I'm a man..."

Ji Jingchen is a man, of course Yang Zhishuang knows, does Ji Jingchen want Yang Zhishuang to check it?
Ji Jingchen is really not ordinary shameless...

Yang Zhishuang rolled her eyes angrily and said, "Even if you are a man, none of my things can become yours..."

Ji Jingchen was wronged, he didn't want to turn Yang Zhishuang's things into his own, he just wanted to send Yang Zhishuang in, would Yang Zhishuang accept what he said to Yang Zhishuang so bluntly?

"That's not what I meant, Shuangshuang..." Ji Jingchen opened his mouth to explain, but Yang Zhishuang burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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