Chapter 553

"I really need to find a song for something..."

"Just pretend, I think you want to find Sister Shuangshuang." Lu Meiqi turned and walked towards the sofa. Anyway, Lu Meiqi would not believe what Ji Jingchen said, Ji Jingchen felt that he should not waste his energy.

"I feel very tired. You are right. I want to ask Nian Ge something about Shuangshuang..." Ji Jingchen walked in behind Lu Meiqi, and it was not a bad thing to be honest with Lu Meiqi. I believe Lu Meiqi can understand.

"I can help you……"

Lu Meiqi sat on the sofa and picked up her mobile phone. She looked at Ji Jingchen and said swearingly.

Ji Jingchen never thought that the person who helped him would be Lu Meiqi, and Lu Meiqi helped him so thoroughly...

Ji Jingchen was really touched and touched, and wanted to give Lu Meiqi a big hug, but time did not allow, Ji Jingchen hurriedly sat beside Lu Meiqi, his eyes lit up, and he said expectantly: "Are you going to make a video with Shuangshuang? ?”

Nothing could be better than this...

Lu Meiqi pushed Ji Jingchen away in disgust: "If you want to be here, I can't make a video call with Sister Shuangshuang..."

What's happening here?
Did Ji Jingchen block Lu Meiqi's wireless network?
"Sitting here, didn't Sister Shuangshuang see you at a glance? After seeing you, will Sister Shuangshuang continue to video with me?"

Lu Meiqi lost Ji Jingchen's eyes, and patiently explained...

What Lu Meiqi said is really reasonable. That's right, Ji Jingchen is here to hinder Lu Meiqi's in-depth communication with Yang Zhishuang.

Ji Jingchen got up and sat opposite Lu Meiqi, Lu Meiqi opened WeChat, and clicked on the video with Yang Zhishuang...

When the sound of the video sounded, Ji Jingchen's heart rose. If, if Yang Zhishuang didn't answer, what would happen to Ji Jingchen?
Continue to wait for Lu Meiqi's video?

Ji Jingchen's imagination didn't end, and the video was cut off by Yang Zhishuang. Lu Meiqi looked at Ji Jingchen and said helplessly, "It's not that I won't help you..."

It was Lu Meiqi's help to Ji Jingchen, so this is the only way to go. The rest is up to Ji Jingchen himself. Lu Meiqi's mentality has improved, and she did not forget to comfort Ji Jingchen: "It's possible, Sister Shuangshuang is busy."

Yes, Yang Zhishuang was really busy, that's why she hung up Lu Meiqi's video...

After Yang Zhishuang hung up, she immediately sent such a message to Lu Meiqi, and Lu Meiqi handed the phone to Ji Jingchen for Ji Jingchen to read.

The corners of Ji Jingchen's lips couldn't help twitching, and he felt a little better: "So it's like this..."

Lu Meiqi couldn't stand Ji Jingchen's smile, looking very obscene, Lu Meiqi put the phone back and said, "Don't be complacent, Sister Shuangshuang said this to me, and she is also explaining to me. If it's you, what do you think? Will Sister Shuangshuang explain to you?"

Of course, it was impossible for Yang Zhishuang to explain to Ji Jingchen...

The relationship between Ji Jingchen and Yang Zhishuang, in Ji Jingchen's opinion, is not that good, Ji Jingchen sighed, and said helplessly: "You think I'm narcissistic, okay?"

Ji Jingchen didn't want to admit that he was narcissistic, but when it came to Yang Zhishuang, there were always some uncontrollable factors...

"Look..." Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen with a look of disgust, "Only you would say such a thing. If it were me, no matter what method I use, I would have to know the situation of the person I like."

"You mean, you have someone you like?"

Ji Jingchen asked casually, who would have thought that Lu Meiqi's face turned red, and she stared at Ji Jingchen without saying a word...

Ji Jingchen didn't expect that he would learn Lu Meiqi's secret here, isn't this a good thing?
"Meiqi, I can help you..."

At this time, Ji Jingchen came in handy, Lu Meiqi didn't need Ji Jingchen's help, a person who couldn't even handle his own affairs well, how could he help Lu Meiqi?
Lu Meiqi waved her hand, anyway, she looked at Ji Jingchen with a look of disgust and said, "After you settle your matter, come help me..."

Lu Meiqi doesn't want her love affair to be in Ji Jingchen's hands. Ji Jingchen came out of Lu's house and fell into deep thought...

Lu Meiqi is young and understands more truths than Ji Jingchen. Thinking about it, Lu Meiqi has some experience...

No, where did Lu Meiqi get her experience?
Wasn't Lu Meiqi quite withdrawn before?

It's changed, and it's impossible to change so much. Could it be that Lu Meiqi has been disguising herself so that no one will notice?
Ji Jingchen is getting drunk just thinking about it, Ji Jingchen really doesn't know how to come up with such a profound question...

When Yang Zhishuang returned to City B, it didn't mean that he could forget Ji Jingchen if he wanted to, what's more, Yang Zhishuang didn't want to forget Ji Jingchen at all...

Seeing Ji Jingchen keep sending messages to herself, Yang Zhishuang was not unmoved, it's just that these emotions should be hidden in her heart so that no one would notice.

After Yang Zhishuang replied to Lu Meiqi's message, she put the phone aside, and the phone rang again. Yang Zhishuang picked it up and saw that there was a message about Ji Jingchen, and it said: "I miss you so much..."

Ji Jingchen misses Yang Zhishuang, Yang Zhishuang can only understand...

Yang Zhishuang, like Ji Jingchen, both missed her. Yang Zhishuang became interested and replied to Ji Jingchen with a puzzled expression: "Did you send the wrong message?"

Yang Zhishuang definitely did it on purpose...

Deliberately teasing Ji Jingchen like this, is Ji Jingchen going to back down?

You can't back down, if you back down, wouldn't Ji Jingchen be about to lose?
Ji Jingchen attacked: "I never send the wrong message, the person I miss is you, it's you Yang Zhishuang..."

Ji Jingchen named her by name. Now, Yang Zhishuang pretended not to understand, but it was impossible. The corners of Yang Zhishuang's lips twitched, feeling a little happy...

Yang Zhishuang didn't reply to Ji Jingchen's message anymore, but put the phone back in her bag to avoid being influenced by Ji Jingchen.

Sometimes, it is so wonderful, a word from a person can make you happy all day long, and all you think about in your mind all day is such a person, a word from this person...

When Yang Zhishuang returned home, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Yang Zhishuang didn't have to work in City B, so she didn't decide on a time. Yang Zhishuang chose to work part-time first.

After it was confirmed, Yang Zhishuang was making plans...

Ji Jingchen feels that Lu Meiqi's words are very correct, if you want it, you have to work hard, and you can't stand still...

Standing still, what you want will be farther and farther away from you...

Ji Jingchen thought about it, he really didn't want to give up, he couldn't give up, if Yang Zhishuang didn't reply to Ji Jingchen's message, Ji Jingchen could ask what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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