Chapter 563

Yang Zhishuang hummed and nodded.

Ji Jingchen plucked up his courage and said, "In your eyes, I am a very annoying person..."

Well, when Ji Jingchen talked about this, if Yang Zhishuang didn't follow Ji Jingchen's wishes, wouldn't she be too sorry for Ji Jingchen?
Yang Zhishuang reached out and patted Ji Jingchen's shoulder and said, "You are right, you are really a very annoying person, so, what chance do you want me to give you?"

Ji Jingchen: "..."

The conversation between Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen was interrupted without any results...

Ji Jingchen wanted to ask Yang Zhishuang, what does this mean?
Seeing Yang Zhishuang's appearance of not getting close to strangers, Ji Jingchen felt a little scared, did he say something wrong, which made Yang Zhishuang dissatisfied?
Ji Jingchen really wanted to give himself a slap in the face to wake himself up, why are he always doing some stupid things?

Yang Zhishuang stayed at home all afternoon and didn't go anywhere. Being able to be with Yang Zhishuang like this, Ji Jingchen felt quite satisfied. Thinking that after tomorrow, Ji Jingchen would be separated from Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen felt a sense of loss...

Ji Jingchen doesn't want to leave, but if he doesn't, what can Ji Jingchen do here?
Ji Jingchen's behavior brought Yang Zhishuang a burden, an invisible pressure. Ji Jingchen didn't want his kindness to become Yang Zhishuang's burden...

Sometimes, Ji Jingchen thought back, if he was a straightforward person, how good would it be?

In that case, you can directly and clearly say to Yang Zhishuang: "Yang Zhishuang, I like you, I want to be with you, whether you agree or not, we are all together..."

This is a very domineering confession, which is what every girl looks forward to, right?

Ji Jingchen lowered his head and chuckled. Yang Zhishuang, who heard Ji Jingchen's smile, took a look at Ji Jingchen and felt that there must be something wrong with Ji Jingchen's mind...

Otherwise, what is the excitement for?
Didn't Ji Jingchen get rejected by Yang Zhishuang just a second ago?
Yang Zhishuang continued to do her work, the reminder she gave Ji Jingchen was enough for Ji Jingchen to know the answer...

If Ji Jingchen doesn't know, he can seek the answer...

Yang Zhishuang puts water on Ji Jingchen, but also to see if Ji Jingchen understands how to cherish it. Thinking about it, Yang Zhishuang feels very tired.

As evening came, this time, Yang Zhishuang didn't take Ji Jingchen out for dinner, but took Ji Jingchen to the market to buy vegetables and prepare to cook for herself...

Ji Jingchen was flattered, he came to stop Yang Zhishuang's way, unexpectedly, Yang Zhishuang gave Ji Jingchen such good treatment, so good that Ji Jingchen felt quite unreal.

"Shuangshuang, what do we want to buy?"

Ji Jingchen was more excited than Yang Zhishuang. He walked to Yang Zhishuang's side and kept talking without stopping for a minute...

Yang Zhishuang got a headache from what Ji Jingchen said. She rubbed the center of her brows, looked sideways at Ji Jingchen and said, "Can you be quiet? Didn't we go to the market?"

Yang Zhishuang was right, they haven't arrived yet, and Ji Jingchen is so excited, what exactly is the picture...

After being told by Yang Zhishuang, Ji Jingchen became much quieter. When he arrived at the market, Ji Jingchen followed Yang Zhishuang and watched Yang Zhishuang choose. When the selection was finished and he wanted to give money, Ji Jingchen would definitely take out the money as soon as possible... …

Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen like this, without any hindrance...

Ji Jingchen wanted to carry something, but Yang Zhishuang let Ji Jingchen carry it.

Ji Jingchen felt that Yang Zhishuang valued him, and he was in a good mood...

Yang Zhishuang didn't buy a lot of things. She bought half of the black-bone chicken, ingredients for black-bone chicken soup, some green vegetables, and some rice...

Ji Jingchen didn't know anything about these things, but Ji Jingchen remembered what Yang Zhishuang bought, and when he was about to go back, Ji Jingchen asked, "Shuangshuang, do you like chicken?"

Ji Jingchen, what's the problem?
Yang Zhishuang glanced at Ji Jingchen, but did not respond...

Ji Jingchen held the bag in his hand, shook it in front of Yang Zhishuang and said, "Look, didn't you buy a chicken?"

"Ji Jingchen, don't you know it's so convenient?"

Ji Jingchen blinked, with an innocent look on his face, he really didn't know...

Back home, when Yang Zhishuang started to cook, Ji Jingchen realized that it was really convenient, black chicken soup could be used as soup or as meat, Yang Zhishuang was really experienced.

Ji Jingchen ate with relish, maybe it was because it was Yang Zhishuang's cooking: "Shuangshuang, do you often do this?"

Ji Jingchen suddenly realized that he didn't know much about Yang Zhishuang's situation. This was City B, and it was Yang Zhishuang's home. Why did Yang Zhishuang live here alone?

"I don't live like this, how do I live?" Yang Zhishuang took a sip of the soup, and responded to Ji Jingchen angrily, not knowing what question Ji Jingchen wanted to ask.

Ji Jingchen is embarrassing...

What he wanted to ask was, does Yang Zhishuang often cook like this?
"I think your craftsmanship is quite good..."

"Isn't good and bad the same? For life."

When can't it be done?

Hearing Yang Zhishuang's words, Ji Jingchen felt a little sad...

It seems that Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen's lives are incompatible: "I want to know you better, can you tell me something about you?"

What Ji Jingchen said was beyond Yang Zhishuang's expectation. Yang Zhishuang looked at Ji Jingchen, unable to react: "What did you say?"

It takes Ji Jingchen to say it again so that Yang Zhishuang can be sure and respond...

"I was thinking, what kind of living environment would raise such a Yang Zhishuang..." Ji Jingchen chuckled, looking at Yang Zhishuang's eyes, which were full of tenderness.

Ji Jingchen really wanted to know, really wanted to know.

"Can't you inquire about these things from the song?"

Yang Zhishuang's casual words reminded Ji Jingchen that yes, Ji Jingchen can ask Mu Niange...

The problem is, Ji Jingchen doesn't want to do that. With Yang Zhishuang in front of Ji Jingchen, if Ji Jingchen doesn't ask, what's the point of doing that?

"I want to ask you personally, and hear it from you personally..." Ji Jingchen held a large piece of meat for Yang Zhishuang, and said with a bright smile.


How could Yang Zhishuang refuse this?
Do not……

It should be said that Yang Zhishuang couldn't bear to reject Ji Jingchen, and had the urge to tell Ji Jingchen: "My parents are different from your parents, they are not in business, let alone big business..."

When Yang Zhishuang talked about business, Ji Jingchen could understand why Yang Zhishuang had to add a big word after business.

Hearing that, Ji Jingchen felt a little uncomfortable: "Then what's the difference between me and you..."

(End of this chapter)

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