Chapter 82 The Unreasonable Rebellion (1)

Ji Jingchen understood the meaning in Xia Minmin's eyes. He was not as good as Xia Minmin wanted, and deliberately walked slowly, blocking Lu Yanche more thoroughly. When passing by Xia Minmin, Ji Jingchen glanced at Xia Minmin, and used unprecedented sarcasm Said: "The way you pretended in front of Ah Che, when you think back, don't you feel sick to your stomach?"

Xia Minmin's complexion turned ugly.

It's not the first time she put on a show in front of Lu Yanche, and it's not the first time Ji Jingchen sees...

However, this time, it was the first time that Ji Jingchen said it in front of Xia Minmin. Thinking about the past, it was Xia Youyou, not her, who Ji Jingchen said in person!

Xia Minmin suppressed the anger in her heart. In order not to let Lu Yanche see her ugly face, she deliberately lowered her head. She lowered her voice and said to Ji Jingchen at a volume that only two people could hear: "Ji Jingchen, Mu Nian A few words from the song bought you completely? Is this the only value you have?"

Hearing this, Ji Jingchen smiled lightly and remained silent...

He turned his head and waved at Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling: "What do you think?"

After Ji Jingchen left, Xia Minmin was left alone at the door...

Mu Yuanling's dislike for Xia Minmin is getting deeper and deeper. Compared with Xia Youyou's methods, Xia Minmin's methods are much more vicious. Mu Yuanling even suspects that what happened in Lu Yanche's factory was planned by Xia Minmin of.

Otherwise, when Xia Youyou questioned Xia Minmin in front of them that day, Xia Minmin's reaction would not have been so big.

"I don't welcome idlers here. If you have anything to say, go outside and talk..." Mu Yuanling glanced at Xia Minmin coldly, and said to Lu Yanche without any emotion.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche took a look at Mu Yuanling...

What Mu Yuanling wanted to express, Lu Yanche couldn't understand. In front of Xia Minmin, he walked out of Mu Yuanling's living room quickly. Even when he passed by Xia Minmin, he didn't give Xia Minmin a look.

What is the relationship between Mu Yuanling and Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin knows better than anyone else...

Before Mu Niange appeared, it was absolutely impossible for Mu Yuanling to treat Lu Yanche with such an attitude. Thinking that everything was caused by Mu Niange, Xia Minmin's eyes flashed with cruelty.

"Brother Che..." Xia Minmin trotted after Lu Yanche.

While calling Lu Yanche's name, she controlled the distance between herself and Lu Yanche. She knew in her heart that according to her current situation, if she did something to anger Lu Yanche again, it would become the fuse between her and Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche's footsteps did not stop because of Xia Minmin's shout...

He still walked towards his own direction, with a cold face, making it difficult for people to see his emotions clearly.

Seeing Lu Yanche walk into her yard, Xia Minmin stopped at the gate of the yard, panting as she trotted, looked at Lu Yanche's back, and said intermittently: "Brother Che, I have no other intentions, I heard that you have been discharged from the hospital , I just want to see how your body is recovering!"

"But now it seems that my worries are unnecessary..."

"Brother Che, you walked so fast during the distance from Yuan Ling's house to Brother Che's house, you didn't even catch your breath."

Xia Minmin's expression was gentle, she curled the corners of her lips and smiled lightly: "Brother Che, I won't bother you anymore, you should have a good rest."

Xia Minmin said something on her own, but as soon as she finished speaking, she didn't look at Lu Yanche's reaction anymore, turned around and walked towards her home...

Every word and every sentence of Xia Minmin was heard clearly in Lu Yanche's ears. His ignorance, ignorance, and ignorance were all not just pretending, but that he really didn't want to pay attention to Xia Minmin.

Mu Niange's return, Mu Niange's changes, every word of Mu Niange's words, all deeply affected Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche also began to realize that his proof to Mu Niange could not be just words, he had to use actual descriptions, and this point of strength and action, he needed to separate himself from the people Mu Niange hated. A distance, even if the other party, once...

During Mu Niange's vacation, Lu Yanche didn't dare to contact Mu Niange with a phone number pretending to be 'Lu Meiqi'. If he was not careful and got caught by Mu Niange, all the previous efforts of Lu Yanche would be in vain.

During the time when Lu Yanche didn't contact Mu Niange, he even reminded Lu Meiqi, don't call Mu Niange, if you have something to do, go directly to Mu Niange's house to find her.

Lu Meiqi agreed!

On the second day when Mu Niange went to school, Lu Yanche followed him back to the company to work. The first thing he did when he returned to the company was to take out the mobile phone dedicated to Mu Niange and prepare to send text messages to Mu Niange...

The phone has been useless for a while, and it automatically shuts off when it runs out of power. Lu Yanche plugged in the power bank, stared at the screen and waited for it to turn on. When the phone turned on, Lu Yanche saw an unread text message in the information bar, his eyes lit up, Quickly clicked on the message, and saw that the word 'chanting' was bright.

In Lu Yanche's heart, there was an indescribable emotion...

Although he knew that the identity he used to chat with Mu Niange was Lu Meiqi, but at the very least, the person who chatted with Mu Niange was Lu Yanche, and no one could replace him.

"Don't be afraid, she dare not do anything to you."

A simple sentence made Lu Yanche's expression change. His eyes darkened and he stared at the words on the screen. He looked back and forth several times, but he couldn't understand the meaning.

Lu Yanche stroked his chin with one hand, while thinking, he searched in his memory, but he couldn't remember that there was such a "she" in his chat with Mu Niange, Lu Yanche looked at the date and time of the message... …

The date above shows the day when the accident happened, and the time is shortly before Mu Niange called him...

Lu Yanche's eyebrows furrowed deeply.

When Mu Niange called Lu Yanche, the person he was asking was Lu Meiqi...

On the other hand, Lu Meiqi appeared in the factory with Xia Minmin that day. In other words, the "she" in Mu Niange's message refers to Xia Minmin, and it was Mu Niange who was with Lu Meiqi. After leaving, Mu Niange sent such a text message to Lu Meiqi to show comfort?

With a 'snap', Lu Yanche dropped the phone heavily on the table.

He walked up to the window and pulled the curtains open with a 'swipe'. He looked at the building in front of him with an unfathomable look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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