Whitening tips

Chapter 16 Meditate on beauty and let beauty bloom again

Chapter 16 Meditate on beauty and let beauty bloom again
Some people say, "Women are born to dream".It seems that liking to do "daydreaming" is a kind of idle and extremely boring performance, which is easily scoffed at by prudent and serious people.However, if you don’t need to work hard and just do “daydreams”, you can really help women realize their inner dreams, easily and happily, and make you more beautiful as you think about it. Would you like to try it?
Now, among women who love beauty, there is a method similar to "daydreaming"-meditation for beauty. This is a unique and novel beauty recipe. Adjusting the functions of women's internal organs can make them radiant and energetic.

Meditation integrates posture, breathing, and thoughts into one, and they naturally connect and cooperate with each other.It can relax the body and calm the mind, which is also a state of "Zen".Every day, during the morning, middle and evening rest time, you can take 15-20 minutes to meditate, which has the effect of health and beauty on the human body, and can soothe and care for the skin.

This method is simple and practical: first, you choose a beautiful woman in your heart that you usually admire the most, such as a jade star; then, as long as you have nothing to do, you close your eyes and imagine her voice, smile, and soft and well-proportioned figure.If things go on like this, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that your skin looks smooth and smooth, your facial features and body shape become closer to hers, and your appearance becomes more and more beautiful.

Because meditation, as a psychological process, has its physiological basis, the mind can have an effect on the physiology.When meditating, the brain produces a hormone that allows your genetic factors to continuously adjust according to the object of meditation, causing corresponding changes in the information codes that control muscles and skin.

For meditation and beauty, it is best to choose an elegant and quiet environment.Middle-aged women should forget their age, and often meditate on beautiful girls or their own youthful demeanor, and it will get twice the result with half the effort; if women full of youthful vigor, if they deliberately adopt this method, the effect will be self-evident.At the same time, you can perform plant aromatherapy or listen to meditation music, which can calm your emotions and slowly release spiritual toxins.

When you have nothing to do, you can sit on the edge of the bed or a chair and close your eyes to meditate; you can also light a candle and stare at the dancing flames to enter a meditative state.Now adjust your mood, relax your whole body, and start to enter the vast world of meditation!

Posture: Relax every inch of skin

There are many postures for meditation. You can sit on a chair and cross your legs at will; or put your right calf on the left photo, put your right foot on the knee of your left leg, or keep your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your upper body upright.

Pay attention to the posture of the upper body: push the head up slightly, slowly retract the chin, gently lean the neck back to the collar; relax the shoulders, straighten the spine, and relax the waist and crotch.This pose allows easy breathing and all muscles are relaxed.

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, where the soft and hard palates meet.At this time, saliva is easily produced in the mouth, and we swallow it in small mouthfuls, imagining that it is sent all the way to the lower abdomen.

Keep your arms relaxed and place your hands gently on your knees.Quietly close your eyes and relax from head to toe so that you feel comfortable.

Breathing: let the breath sort out the thoughts
The requirements for breathing are simple: deep, long, even, and fine.Slowly adjust the breath, breathe naturally and relax, and let the mood gradually calm down.Close your eyes, look inside at the Dantian position, imagine that this position is warm and soft, and there is a heat radiating to the whole body.Focus on Dantian.It is necessary to achieve "separation" and maintain an appropriate intensity.

In the process, we need purity of mind and peace of mind.Breathe slowly, and your mental strength will become more and more focused.Note that during this period, you should close your mouth and breathe through your nose.Get rid of distracting thoughts, maintain body posture, relax your mind, relax your breathing, and make everything easy.

Idea: ride on the wings of imagination
A beautiful beach appears in your mind. You are wearing a snow-white dress and strolling along the seashore at will. Looking at the sparkling blue water and the golden water surface, listening to the waves gently lapping on the shore reef, all your troubles are swept away by the waves. , sinking into the vast sea of ​​smoke.You tell yourself: I have completely relaxed, my mind has been washed clear and transparent by the waves, and I have found true tranquility.

When the moon is in the middle of the sky, imagine yourself lying under a tall palm tree, surrounded by violets releasing their fragrance, and the silver light falling from the large green leaves, your skin becomes delicate, smooth and full of radiance.

After the meditation, slowly open your eyes and breathe calmly for a while.Don't worry about time, you can continue if you feel comfortable.

Beauty Tips:
Usually in front of the computer, keep your upper body upright at all times, especially your shoulders.Working on the computer for more than 1 hour, you have to get up and move around.

(End of this chapter)

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