Whitening tips

Chapter 6 "Seven Ensembles" for Creating Hydrating Beauty

Chapter 6 "Septet" to Create Hydrating Beauty

Water is a natural beauty moisturizer, and the epidermis of healthy skin should have 12% to 15% moisture.Skin with sufficient water content is not only soft and smooth, but also full of elasticity, exuding a youthful radiance.

Delicate and dewy skin is the primary factor for beauties to be radiant, so do a good job of skin hydration and moisturizing care, and let the smart water permeate every bit of life, in order to achieve a real hydrating beauty.From now on, we start accumulating beauty!
Once the skin is dehydrated, wrinkles and spots will come out!It can be seen that sufficient water is the source of health and beauty, girls, hurry up and let the skin "drink" water!

Hydration Tips
Internal hydration is the key to hydrating the skin.Get up every morning and drink two cups of warm boiled water, one of which can be added with a little salt, which is slightly salty. There has been a folk saying since ancient times that "drinking a cup of light salt soup in the morning is better than a doctor's bowel cleansing"; Vegetable soup or half a bowl of porridge, some fruit juice or diluted milk can be drunk at night.

If you are a working woman, you can refer to the drinking water schedule below.

06:30 Drink 250ml of boiled water first, and have breakfast half an hour later.

After arriving at the office at 08:30, drink at least 250 ml of plain water.

11:00 After working for a period of time, drink a glass of warm water to relax.

12:40 About half an hour after lunch, you can drink less water.

14:40 Drink a large glass of water to help clear your mind.

Drink another glass of water before leaving get off work at 17:00 to increase satiety and prevent overeating during dinner.

21:00 Drink a small glass of water half an hour before going to bed to allow the cells to fully absorb and keep the skin soft and tender.

Moisturizing gel
One Duo Facial Cleansing and Whitening Foundation
Washing your face is a very important step in the beauty process.Dry skin is suitable to use acidic cleanser, which is closer to the skin's original acid-base environment, which is conducive to skin rest.

First, prepare a pot of boiling hot water, let the rising steam evenly float over every inch of skin on the face; then, cover the face with a hot towel for 10-15 minutes to unclog the pores, this method is especially suitable for oily skin skin.

Duet Eye Treatment to Relieve Fatigue

If there are obvious dark circles on the face, then hurry up to repair the skin around the eyes, which is the basic skill to create a "electric eye" beauty.Pour iced milk on the gauze, gently apply it to the eyes, keep it for about 10 minutes, and apply it twice a night to relieve eye fatigue; cool salt water and tea can also play the same role.

In addition, choosing an eye cream that contains active ingredients such as vitamin A and vitamin C is also an important part of helping eye whitening.Try this white fungus whitening eye mask again. Its production process is very simple: boil the white fungus powder into a thick juice and put it in the refrigerator to chill; take 3-5 drops each time and apply it on the corner of the eye or around the eye, once a day, It can rejuvenate the skin and remove freckles, and increase the elasticity of the eye skin.

Trio Honey Egg Yolk Whitening and Moisturizing

If you want to be a beautiful "heroine", moisturizing is of course essential.Mix 1 egg yolk with 1 spoon of honey, stir well, and apply on the face; after about 10 minutes, wash with warm water, and then apply moisturizing products.Then, your skin will be soft and tender to the touch.

Quartet Skin Care Products Moisturizing and Whitening

Skin is the "face" of a woman's appearance, so fair and tender skin is of great importance to women.Whitening requires unremitting efforts. Apply moisturizing essence cream during the day and whitening essence at night.The steps are as follows: After cleansing the face with mild facial cleanser, apply the essence evenly on the face, then massage with the middle finger, ring finger and little finger until the essence is fully absorbed.

Quintet Nutrition Mask Replenishes Hydration

The skin is in the best condition in the morning. If you let the skin drink enough water and supplement nutrients early in the morning, the skin will naturally become healthier and more radiant.Pure natural facial mask powder is the most economical and effective way to moisturize and beautify the skin. For example, tangerine peel powder and angelica powder can help remove freckles and yellowing; almond powder and coix seed powder can exfoliate and enhance elasticity; Anti-inflammatory and whitening.

Sextet taste colorful flower and fruit drink
Take 2 grams each of roses and chrysanthemums, and appropriate amount of honey.After boiling 400ml of water, put the above-mentioned materials in, soak and drink after tasting.

In the afternoon tea time, make a colorful vegetable and fruit salad, choose at least 5 kinds of vegetables and fruits, and replace the salad dressing with lemon juice or vinegar; or make a glass of "cocktail" juice, add cucumber, apple, pineapple, tomato Blend the juice and drink for watery skin.

Septet Soothes Skin Tips

You may have entertainment after get off work, and drinking coffee, alcohol, or strong tea will seriously affect your skin quality.You can take a handkerchief with you, soak it in water, and gently apply it on the neck, cheeks, and eyes for a while, which can effectively calm the skin.

Beauty Tips:
Add rock sugar and fresh lemon to warm boiled water for daily drinking, this is a good nutritional combination.Drinking rock sugar lemonade on an empty stomach can enhance the detoxification function of the liver and make the skin fair and supple.

(End of this chapter)

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