Bingbing in Douluo Continent

Chapter 21 Departure

Chapter 21 Departure
The grove, or the grove.but.

The atmosphere at this moment is very strange.

The female teacher was full of anger. In front of her, there was a little loli sitting on the boy's waist. Their faces were flushed and they were still panting. It made people think of a beautiful story.

I know it's been a while again.

"Teacher, it's not what you think, we are discussing each other."

Tang San was unable to raise his hands, very depressed.

"Yes, teacher, we are discussing each other."

Xiao Wu was still sitting on her waist.

"Oh, chat, what kind of chat needs to lie on the ground to chat? When the teacher is blind, get up quickly. You are flirting, so envious."

The last sentence of the female teacher was very low.

"Uh... Teacher, we are exchanging soul skills. Xiao Wu, don't get up yet."

Of course Tang San heard the female teacher's last words, while speaking, his strength recovered with both hands, stretched out and patted Xiao Wu's calf.

"oh oh."

The aura of plot recovery faded, and Xiao Wu finally realized the posture problem of the two of them, and with the calf being photographed, she got up.

Tang San also stood up.

"Looking at your appearance, you are in the first grade. You just entered the academy today. Your soul power has reached level ten. You have soul skills. You can't find a reasonable reason to lie. Come on, follow me to the Academic Affairs Office."

The female teacher looked at the two with disdain.

"No." Tang San and Xiao Wu replied almost simultaneously.

Tang San looked serious, and said: "Teacher, we are really learning spirit skills, if you don't believe me, we will show you how to learn."

Xiao Wu patted the cutie, and said, "I'll come. Teacher, if you don't believe me, I'll just discuss it with you."

Before the female teacher could react, Xiao Wu jumped up and hugged the female teacher's neck with both hands.

Hold my sister in my arms to kill, drink!

Seeing this, the female teacher ate a whale and raised her hands subconsciously.

Tang San's attention was under the influence of the halo, he ignored Bingbing, and secretly smiled in his heart, this teacher is afraid that he will suffer a big loss.

Sure enough, the female teacher's hands were entangled by Xiao Wu's arms almost immediately, and the scorpion braid was also thrown out, wrapping around the female teacher's neck.

The leaping legs also happened to step on the female teacher's lower abdomen.

A kick.

Biu click.

The female teacher was kicked by Xiao Wu and flew three meters away, her body fell heavily on the ground, her ass exploded.

Xiao Wu came to the female teacher, blinked her big red pupils, and said innocently, "Teacher, are you alright?"

The female teacher came back to her senses, secretly used her soul power to relieve the pain in her buttocks, got up, looked at Xiao Wu, her eyes showed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

Soul skills, yes, this is a soul skill.Otherwise, even if she is not a battle soul master, how could she throw herself out at such a young age.Moreover, when she entangled her, her hands suddenly became extremely flexible, which was definitely an added effect of the martial soul. What is the origin of this little girl?

Narrator: The heroine, a 10-year-old soul beast, is a super cute little loli.

Reader: 乀(ˉεˉ乀) roll


"You, you guys... don't come here for future sparring, it's dirty here. If you want to go to the martial arts arena, you need the teacher to be by the side to prevent accidents, do you understand?"

After thinking for a while, the female teacher explained a few words and left. At the same time, she decided in her heart that she must investigate the girl's background tomorrow.

Seeing the figure of the female teacher going away, Tang San asked Xiao Wu in a low voice: "What was your move just now, it looks very powerful."

Xiao Wu said proudly: "I've already kept my hands, otherwise the consequences would be very serious. That's called the rabbit kicking the eagle, but it's my most proud technique." Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered something, turned her head to look at the small forest, "San San, your brother has been away for a long time, why hasn't he come out? Is he watching a play?"

"I'll forget if you don't tell me, let's go."

Tang San woke up like a dream, after finishing speaking, just turning around, he saw someone walking out with a smile on his face.

"Hey, brother, Xiao Wu, are you happy?"

Bingbing approached with her head in her arms, followed by Yueyue.

"You are so weak, were you watching a play just now?"

Xiao Wu gritted her teeth.

"Yes, I saw you two, hehe!"

When Bingbing said this, seeing that the expressions of the two were not quite right, she let out a hey hey, picked up Yueyue, possessed her spirit, and slipped away.

"Stop for me!"

Xiao Wu followed.

"Liu Weilue, chase me, if you catch me, I'll give you hehe!"

Bingbing paused for a moment, finished the taunt, accelerated, and ran away.

"You wait for me. Sansan, why are you still standing?"

Xiao Wu waved her fist at Bingbing's back, turned her head, and said viciously.


Tang San smiled and followed.

In Qishe.

"No no no."

Bingbing was tied up and hung between two beds.

what happened?
After getting cold, she hid outside until twelve o'clock and didn't return to the dormitory, thinking that Xiao Wu and the others were all asleep, but as soon as they entered the dormitory, they were pushed down and stuffed with smelly socks.

After that, Xiao Wu took two wooden roots and a rope from somewhere, and asked someone to tie them up, then wrapped Bing Bing with a quilt, and tied them to it.

"Brother, call you Pi, I won't help you this time. Good night!"

Tang San lay on the bed, looked at Bingbing, and closed his eyes after speaking.

"Bingbing, let you hehe."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, she also fell asleep.

Although the other students didn't know what happened, it didn't prevent them from laughing.

"No no no."

In this way, came the second day.

early morning.

While you were still sleeping, the three of Bingbing had already woken up.

Four figures, one tall, two short, and a small circle, walked out of the gate of the academy.

"Teacher, where are we going to find the soul beast?"

The three people who walked out of the academy were Bingbing, Tang San, Master and Yueyue.

"We're going to the Hunting Soul Forest, four hundred miles northeast of Notting City. It's where the Empire raises spirit beasts in captivity. I'm sure we can find one that suits you."

The master wore a strong outfit today, and he looked a bit more heroic, but his stiff face still gave people a feeling of disharmony.

"Captivity? Can soul beasts be raised in captivity too? Teacher, can you tell me about soul beasts?"

The master nodded and said, "Of course high-level spirit beasts cannot be raised in captivity, but low-level spirit beasts can. Soul beasts are beasts with spirit power. Do you still remember the distinction between spirit rings I mentioned yesterday?"


Bingbing and the two replied.

"The strength of the soul beasts is just like what I said yesterday, the minimum is ten years to more than 10 years. Most of the soul beasts raised by the state are ten or a hundred years old. Few are thousands of years old."

"Teacher, the longer the time of cultivation, the stronger the strength of the spirit beast will be, and the better the effect of the spirit ring will be. Where does this strength manifest itself?"

Tang San asked.

His trademark ugly smile appeared on the master's stiff face, "That's a good question."



Narrator: Yes, that's a good question, I'm going to ask the question directly.

Readers silently raised the 40-meter sword.

what! ! !

 Unfortunately, the computer can't connect to the Internet, and I don't know it.

  I will come to fix the computer tomorrow.

  Ghost Slayer: Blade has been updated. Fortunately, I have filled up the annual membership, hehe, I have already watched it.

  Dororo after ten o'clock, see you tomorrow.

  Ah~, the angel came to me without looking.

  I also have a shortage of books, do you have any novels to recommend?I finished reading the forty chapters in the two books of Mystery and Bookstore.

  (╯° °°)
  Also, it is troublesome to update today.


(End of this chapter)

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