Bingbing in Douluo Continent

Chapter 25, Chapter 33, The First Soul Ring

Chapter 25 Sansan's First Soul Ring
"It's the Nether Wolf." The master's voice was a little low.But there was no panic, "San San, you two don't move here."


After Bingbing and Bingbing replied, they cast Ziji Magic Eyes one after another.

Things in the darkness became clear in their eyes.

There are a total of six wolf-shaped soul beasts, about 1.6 meters in length, and their bodies are iron gray. The dark green light is their eyes.

At this time, he was slowly approaching in the direction of Sanpao.

The master snorted coldly, "A group of tenth-level coyotes dare to harass me. Three guns."

Sanpao let out a low growl, and the sound of inhalation sounded like a whistling hurricane, and its already fat belly swelled at an astonishing speed.

With a wave of his hand, the master flew out a yellow soul ring, put it on Sanpao's body, and shouted solemnly, "Fart like thunder, smashing the sky and smashing Sanpao."

Sanpao's clear blue eyes suddenly lit up, and the yellow soul ring surrounding his body seemed to become a light curtain, his chubby body suddenly bounced up, climbing to an astonishing height of five meters, and his figure turned around in the air , Just hearing a thunderous bang erupted instantly.

After releasing the soul skills, the master immediately took out three masks, first gave them to Bingbing and then put them on himself.

Bingbing and the two didn't ask why, they put on their masks directly, and kept their eyes on Sanpao's actions.

Accompanied by that roar, a yellow mask was released suddenly, covering all six ten-year ghost wolves like thunder.

The bodies of the six ghost wolves, under the attack of the three guns, were thrown up like rag bags, and they fell more than ten meters away. not coming.

The other ghost wolves rolled on the ground for a while, and blood flowed from their mouths and noses. After the rolling stopped, all the ghost wolves ran away quickly, except for the two ghost wolves who couldn't get up.

The master did not forget to teach at this time, "The body structure of wolves and dogs is very similar. They are called copper heads, iron bones, tofu waists, and their waists are the most vulnerable points in the whole body." I don't know when a short knife was added, and I wiped the necks of the two immobile Nether Wolves respectively, and then sprinkled some snake repellent powder on them.

"Look, the soul ring is about to appear." Under the reminder of the master, Bingbing and the two saw that a circle of faint white light gradually rose from the two ghost wolves. .

"This is the spirit ring. I killed them. If my soul power just meets the requirements for advanced stage, I can absorb their soul ring now to achieve the purpose of advanced stage. The specific method is to use my own soul power to draw Put the spirit ring on yourself, and immediately start meditating to absorb the energy of the spirit ring."

A faint purple light shines from the master's hand, beckoning towards the spirit ring produced by one of the ghost wolves, and the spirit ring has already flown to surround the master's body.but does not penetrate.

"My current soul power is not enough to advance, so the soul ring cannot be absorbed by me. It will dissipate on its own within an hour. Sansan, give me two white radishes."

"Oh." Tang San wiped his waist, took out two white radishes and handed them to Grandmaster.

The master casually threw it at Sanpao, and with its excited rumbling sound, he quickly ate the two white radishes.

"The characteristics of the mutated martial soul are beyond the comprehension of ordinary martial soul theory. Sanpao can reduce the consumption of my soul power by eating food. And it only has the power of three skills, and it must be replenished immediately every time it is used."

"Does Sanpao only eat white radish?" Tang San asked.

"Can't you eat other foods, such as carrots?"

Bingbing took out the Wannian carrot.

The master showed bitterness on his face, and said: "You two have also seen that Sanpao's attack method is to fart. If you don't wear a mask, I'm afraid you two can't stand the smell. The same is true for soul beasts, that's why those ghost wolves ran so fast Hurry up. White radish, there are few foods that can compare to fart-provoking. Bingbing, carrots are not good. Only white radish will do."

Bingbing was puzzled, "Carrots are also carrots, why not?"

The master explained, "biubiubiu... (check it yourself)"


Tang Wutong: Hey, it's so pitiful, Uncle Bingbing, is there a solution?
Shi Bing: Of course there is, let’s take a break first.

Dai Muhao: Say it now!

Seeing this, Dai Qing and Tang Wutong said at the same time: Tell me, Uncle Bingbing~
Shi Bing: No way.

Ma Xiaotao was still eating the lollipop.


"Hey, hey, hey..." There was a sudden cry, and the bitterness in the master's eyes was immediately replaced by a cold light, and he grabbed Bingbing and the two of them.

The surroundings suddenly became silent, and the sound of a trace of sand clearly came to Bingbing and Bingbing's ears. There seemed to be a bit of fishy smell in the air, which was not strong, and even had a faint sweet and tea fragrance.

"There is poison." Bingbing and the two blurted out.

The master waved his right hand again and again, this time, he put his own soul ring on Luo Sanpao, and looked vigilantly in the direction of the rustling sound, "Tonight is so restless."

The rustling sound stopped, Tang San used the Purple Demon Eye to look around, and vaguely saw a dark green triangular snake head standing up in the bushes, and a pair of small ruby-like eyes were looking in their direction.

"Teacher, where is it?" Tang San pointed to the direction where the snake was.

The master subconsciously took out a fire pocket from the soul tool and threw it in that direction.

The flames ignited against the wind, and while tumbling, illuminated the area, this time the master also saw the existence of the snake head, and gasped, "It's a mandala snake, how could such a vicious guy be hunting The outskirts of the soul forest appeared. Hope is ten years."

Sisi, Sisi seemed to be irritated by Huozhezi, the snake's head rose slowly, and made a sound towards Sanpao.But the deterrent power of the snake powder is still there, and it did not step forward after all.

The master said in a deep voice: "Datura snake is extremely poisonous, not only has the effect of paralysis but also..."


Another mandala snake appeared on the right side of the snake, interrupting the master's next words.


The master took a deep breath again.

"Ice dragon, possessed."

Following a flash of blue light, Bing Bing completed her martial spirit possession, and stood in front of Tang San and the two of them.

"Brother, teacher, back off."

"Come back, the teacher will protect you."

The master pulled back Bingbing.

"San San, Bing Bing, I'm going to teach you a theory now. There are more rings and more bones, so the skills are one wave, and the rings are less and the bones are less, just run away. The rings here are soul rings, and the bones are soul bones...biu, I hope it's two If it's ten years, we still have hope of escape, if it's a hundred years, you two run away."

After finishing speaking, the master left and gave an order to Luo Sanpao, "Fart like thunder, and Luo Sanpao explodes."

The spirit ring shone again, and Luo Sanpao shot up in a frenzied inhalation. At this time, Sanpao only had the strength to attack twice.

There was a thunderous roar.

I saw two huge shots being lifted from the ground and thrown far away.


The master just glanced at it, and was desperate. One was close to four meters long, and the other was only two meters long. He didn't think he could beat it, and besides, he only had one chance to attack. People, once again display their soul skills.

"Fart like thunder, blast the sky and hit Jack three times."

"Teacher!" Tang San shouted, but didn't leave immediately.

Seeing this, Bingbing restored her strength to Soul King just in case.


Bingbing used the first soul skill of God's Hand, Tang San and the two fell to the ground, and San Pao also disappeared.

"The imprisonment of gold."

As Bingbing's words fell, gold bars wrapped around the two mandala snakes.

Sisi, Sisi.

The two mandala snakes were terrified and struggled desperately, even though the scales on their bodies were squeezed out, and some flesh and blood fell off, they were still struggling.


After the words fell, the ice-blue flames enveloped the two mandala snakes, and they turned into dregs.

"What reason should I make up?"

Bingbing squatted down and looked at the two people in front of him.

"Cuckoo! (Lord Yin, Master Silver, there are a lot of people coming.)"

Yueyue said.

"Don't think about it."

After Bingbing finished speaking, she fiddled around with Tang San and the two of them, and used exchange items to modify the memories of the two, and injured herself, tore her clothes, and lay down on the side.

But the colorful cat had already run away.

hundreds of meters away.

"Captain, there is fire ahead, and there is a burning smell." A soldier said.

"Go." The captain replied.

 OK, that's it.

  There might be another one tonight.

  Play games and read novels.

(End of this chapter)

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