Bingbing in Douluo Continent

Chapter 37 It's Raining

Chapter 37 It's Raining

"Xiao Wu, this dragon beard needle is No. 10 on the hidden weapon list, and, let me tell you, the top few..."

Bingbing was talking, but couldn't go on, and looked at the two who started to show their affection in displeasure.

Tang San stood on tiptoe, touched the top of Xiao Wu's head, "Let's go eat!"


Xiao Wu blushed, lowered her head, and answered vaguely.

"Hey, I'm doing science for Xiao Wu, brother, can you wait for me to finish speaking, hey!"

Bingbing complained, but what responded to him was Tang San's grimace and the back view of the two of them leaving.

"Cuckoo! (Lord Yin, Hu Luobo is gone.)"

Yueyue arched Bingbing's calf. .


Bingbing took out the Wannian carrot, picked up Yueyue, and went to the window.

Open the curtains and look down.

Just like that, Bingbing touched the jumping brain and looked at the crowd.

Soon, Tang San and Xiao Wu appeared in sight.

"very nice!"

After Bingbing finished speaking, she walked to the big bed, lay down, and went to sleep.


It's raining.


Bingbing was woken up, rubbed her eyes, got up, and looked towards the window.


"It's raining……"

Bingbing opened the curtains, pressed one hand on the window, and spoke in a low voice.

Mom, Dad, I miss you again, I really want to go back soon.

"Bingbing, it's time to eat."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, she walked away regardless of whether Bingbing heard it or not.

"Oh, here we come."

Bingbing responded, touched her reflection in the window, glanced at Yueyue on the big bed, and walked towards the door of the bedroom.

Inside the restaurant.

Bingbing said: "Brother, I'm going to Shrek tomorrow, are you nervous?"

Tang San shook his head, expressing that he was not nervous.

Bingbing turned her head to look at Xiao Wu, and said, "Where is Xiao Wu?"

Xiao Wu said: "Why do you ask this?"

"For a while, I don't know what to say!"

Bingbing shrugged.


Xiao Wu replied and continued to eat.

Soon, after dinner, return to the hotel.

After the three of Bingbing took a bath, they lay on the bed.

"good night!"

After Bingbing finished speaking, she turned sideways and touched Yueyue's body.

"Good night! Bingbing."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, she leaned on Tang San.

"good night!"

After Sansan finished speaking, she touched Xiao Wu's face.

The next day, the rain stopped.

The three of Bingbing were having breakfast, left Soto City from the south gate, and walked towards Shrek Academy.

After exiting Soto City, follow the road to the south. There are large tracts of farmland on both sides of the official road. Soto City's reputation as the food capital of the Barak Kingdom is not for nothing.

However, apart from a large area of ​​farmland, as far as the eye can see, there is nothing like a college building.

"San San, did the teacher tell you where the Shrek Academy is?"

Xiao Wu hugged Yueyue, gnawing a Wannian carrot in her mouth.

"I don't know the details, let's continue to Nanba. We will always find it. Since that Dai Mubai is a student of Shrek, it proves that this student really exists."


Xiao Wu put down Yueyue, swallowed the last mouthful of Wannian carrot, and cried out sweetly and greasy.

On the side, Bingbing saw Xiao Wu's movements and couldn't help covering her face.

Tang San looked back, and said helplessly: "You are not too old, but it's not that you can't walk."

Xiao Wu giggled and said, "It doesn't matter, I want you to carry it."

While talking, a run-up, rushed towards Tang San.

Tang San was also ready, put his hands together, bent his upper body slightly forward, and carried Xiao Wu on his back.

"Xiao Wu, come down for me and go by yourself."

Bingbing was upset, came to the side, and grabbed Xiao Wu's clothes.

"San San, woo woo, my clothes."

Xiao Wu directly clings to Sansan, pretending to cry.

Tang San said: "Bingbing, let go."


Bingbing let go of her hand and pouted.

10 minute later.

"San San, Bing Bing, look, there is a small village over there."

Bing Bing and the two looked in the direction of Xiao Wu's finger, and saw a small village about a mile ahead. With the eyesight of Ziji Demon Eye, the two of them could clearly distinguish that there were about a hundred households in that village. There are people left and right, and they are smaller than the scale of Holy Soul Village.There is a wooden fence around the village, which seems to be used to guard against wild animals.There seemed to be a lot of people gathered at the entrance of the village, not knowing what happened.

Tang San smiled and said: "Let's go over and ask, maybe people in this village will know where Shrek Academy is. Soul Master Academy should be very famous."

Xiao Wu pointed her finger in front of her and said with a smile: "San San, pull faster."

Tang San angrily patted her hips with his backhand, exerted a little force on his feet, and walked quickly towards the village.

"I'm looking for a wife, I'm looking for it, ahhhhh!"

Bingbing, who was eating dog food again, shouted in her heart and made up her mind.

Coming closer, Tang San and Xiao Wu both realized that something was wrong, there were indeed quite a few people gathered at the entrance of the village, most of them were teenagers around their age, and most of them were accompanied by their parents.

There was a table at the entrance of the village, and an old man in his 60s was sitting behind the table. What stunned Tang San and Xiao Wu was that there was a tattered plaque hanging on the wooden arch at the entrance of the village. There are five simple words engraved on it, Shrek Academy. In front of these five words, there is a green head, which looks like the head of a humanoid monster.

Green, a little cute.The old man behind the table also wore a similar green round badge on his chest.It should be the school badge of Shrek Academy.

"No way." Xiao Wu jumped off Tang San's back, looked at the plaque in surprise, and then looked back at Tang San, both of them felt a little stunned.

"Sansan, Master, you must be mistaken. I don't think it looks like an academy. It must be a lie."

Bingbing said: "The teacher will not lie."


Tang San smiled wryly: "It's all here, let's see it before we talk!"

At this time, there were about a hundred applicants in front of them, and many of them were frowning, apparently holding the same thoughts as Xiao Wu.

The parents of a boy in front of Tang San were all around, and only heard the boy's mother say: "Are there any mistakes, is this the so-called Soul Master Academy, or the academy that claims to become a Viscount of the Empire after graduation?"

The boy's father said with some uncertainty: "This is what the Wuhundian said, there should be nothing wrong with it. But this academy is really a bit run-down."

The young man said: "Father, I don't want to go to school here, it's too embarrassing. I'd better go to Soto Intermediate Soul Master Academy. How can I put it, I was considered a genius when I was in the Junior Academy."

The boy's father frowned and said, "Since you're here, just wait a little longer. Maybe this is a test. The real academy isn't here."

There are definitely many similar conversations among the queued crowd, and most of the teenagers and their parents have deep disappointment on their faces.





Narrator: Well, let’s find a heroine for Bingbing.

I've already figured it out, maybe I met in the All-Continental Classic, the heroine was reincarnated and came to Douluo after the martial arts, and she slipped away as soon as the competition was over, let Bingbing go to the heavens to find it!
Jie Jie!


 I was dreaming again, and when I woke up, I was in a daze.

  Watching anime, reading novels, almost don't want to code words.

  Fortunately, I finished the chapter.

  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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