Bingbing in Douluo Continent

Chapter 41 Fudo Ming Wang Zao Wou-ki 【Part [-]】

Chapter 41 Fudo Ming Wang Zao Wou-ki 【Part [-]】

The person in charge of the second round of exams was also an elderly teacher. Because of eating sausages before, Tang San and the others hadn't had time to see what the exams were about.

Dai Mubai walked up to that teacher, whispered a few words in his ear, then pointed to Bingbing and the others.

The teacher nodded and said, "Okay, you can take them to the fourth level directly. If they pass, they will be admitted."

After talking, I even took a few glances at Bingbing.

Dai Mubai returned to Bingbing and the other four, and was about to lead the four of them towards the interior of the academy.But the candidates who lined up quit.

A boy said: "Teacher, what's going on? Why can they enter the fourth test without taking the test. But we have to pass all the tests?"

The older teacher said indifferently: "If your soul power is also above level 25, then you can go directly to the fourth test without wasting time with me. But the soul power you have tested is only level 21. Then, one by one must be passed.”

The boy wondered: "Their soul power is above level 25? This is impossible. We are only 12 years old, how can there be such a high soul power?"

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, "If you can't do it yourself, don't think others can't do it either. When I entered the academy, my spirit power was 25. Tang San, show them your spirit power." While speaking, he picked up a piece from the table The white crystal was thrown to Tang San.

Only then did Tang San understand why Dai Mubai said that passing this test was the treatment they deserved. Obviously, this test was responsible for testing the exact amount of soul power of the candidates.

At the moment, he didn't open his mouth, took the white crystal, and directly injected his internal power of Xuantian Kungfu into it.

In an instant, Tang San's hands saw white light shining brightly, the white crystal became as bright as a diamond, every corner of the crystal was filled with intense light, this was clearly a symbol of reaching level [-] soon.

The teacher in charge of the test had a playful smile on his face, "Hey, when you see that pervert later, your jaws will drop."

With a smile on his face, Tang San handed the crystal in his hand to Xiao Wu, he didn't want others to gossip about Xiao Wu, he had absolute confidence in Xiao Wu.

The same white light flashed again, completely blocking the mouths of the other candidates, and the eyes looking at Tang San and Xiao Wu suddenly became weird.

Level 29, reaching level 12 soul power at the age of 29, is this a level that human beings can achieve?
However, the title of monster didn't just appear on Tang San and Xiao Wu.

A crisp voice sounded, "Teacher, I think I should also be exempted from the second and third tests."

The girl who spoke was the girl who passed the registration test before Tang San and Xiao Wu, and caused the teacher of the first level to be suspicious.

The face is exactly the same as that shown in Bingbing's peeping mirror. Although the figure is not as hot as the cold girl, it is very harmonious, and the whole person looks like a dusty feeling.No matter how you look at it, she looks like a highly educated noble girl.

Smiling, he walked in front of Xiao Wu and nodded to her.Xiao Wu subconsciously handed the crystal to her.

The bright white light reappeared, although not as strong as Tang San and Xiao Wu, but definitely surpassed level 25 spirit power, around level 26.

Just when she was about to ask the test teacher if she could go directly to the fourth level, she suddenly found that the crystal in her hand had disappeared, and another figure had quietly appeared beside her, and then, a bright white light shone again .The light is a bit stronger than when she injected her soul power, which is exactly the level of 27 soul power.

This sudden appearance was precisely the last ice-cold girl who came here following Dai Mubai.

The elder teacher cast his gaze on Bingbing, and said with a smile, "It's your turn, you pervert. Wait, it seems like you didn't take it..."

The elder teacher swallowed what he was about to say, and shook his head amusedly.

In front.

Possessed by Bingbing Wuhun, two yellow and one purple spirit rings surround his body.

The test takers were all stunned, and the two ice-cold girls were no exception.

Xiao Wu rewarded Bingbing with a bouncing head, and said angrily: "Okay, put away your martial soul. It's really stinky enough."

Bingbing turned her head and stared at Xiao Wu angrily, "Hey, why do you imitate my brother and keep hitting me on the head, really, you are more and more like a husband and wife."

When it came to the truth, the following words were deliberately lowered so that the candidates in line did not hear them.

But, the teacher heard it, the noble girl heard it, the cold girl heard it, Dai Mubai needless to say.

They all stared wide-eyed, looking at Xiao Wu and the two with disbelief.
Noticing the gazes of Dai Mubai and others, Xiao Wu directly grabbed Bingbing's neck, blushing.

"Die, die, die."

Bing Bing withdrew her martial soul, used Xuan Tian Kung, her face turned pale, and she said weakly: "Let it go, let it go, panting... no... over... breath...."

The examiners watched in bewilderment.

Before Tang San stopped him, the elder teacher said, "Alright, don't disturb other exams. Mubai, take them to the fourth test."


Dai Mubai responded, and stepped forward to separate the two of Bingbing.

"Let's go, if you make trouble again, you will be expelled from the academy."

Xiao Wu snorted, and returned to Tang San's side.

Bingbing gave Dai Mubai a thumbs up.

A group of people walked inside.

Bingbing said: "Xiaobai, do not explain, how many passes are there in the entrance examination?"

Dai Mubai originally wanted to say don't call him Xiaobai, but seeing Bingbing's threatening eyes, he decided not to be entangled.

"There are four levels in total. You have already gone through the first level. It is to exclude candidates whose soul power is less than 21, or who are over 13 years old. This level filters out the most people. The second level is to carry out the soul test. Strength evaluation and martial soul identification. Strong soul power alone is not enough to prove the potential for future development. This level is mainly to test the martial soul. Only soul masters who have full development potential and have developed in the right direction in previous cultivation Only then can you enter the third level. Of course, if the martial spirit is extremely special and weird, you can also be selected. Like Xiao Ao was shortlisted in this way."

Bingbing continued: "What about the third test?"

Dai Mubai said: "The third level is to test the examinee's application of his own martial spirit. It is not enough to have only soul power and development potential. At the same time, he also needs to have the ability to control his own martial spirit. The higher the level of the martial spirit, the better it will be. It is difficult to control and it is prone to problems. If the control of the spirit cannot reach a certain level, then this proves that the soul master is not diligent enough. We will not accept such students."

Without waiting for Bingbing to speak again, Dai Mubai directly stated the test content of the fourth level.

"The fourth test is to test the actual combat experience. Some students have good martial arts and good control of martial arts. But they lived in noble families and grew up in a honeypot. They don't know anything about the outside world at all. Needless to say, fighting. The academy does not accept such students. The dean said that the spoiled ones are not allowed."

After hearing Dai Mubai's words, several people following him were silent for a while, Bingbing pretended to be silent, but Xiao Wu couldn't help but speak first.

"Are you picking students or picking wives? This is too strict. No wonder the teacher at the door said that you only accept monsters here. I am afraid that only monsters can pass these four exams. I really want to ask, Shrek How many students does the academy have now? How many students can it recruit every year?"

Hearing this, Dai Mubai showed a wry smile on his face.




Narrator: His wry smile lasted for a whole day, it was too miserable.


 Bingguo saw the eleventh episode!

  When Bingguo is finished, look at Xiaolan and Xiaolu.

  Another chapter is over.

  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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