Bingbing in Douluo Continent

Chapter 43 The Hidden Weapon of 33 [Part [-]]

Chapter 43 Sansan's Hidden Weapon [Part [-]]

"It's Fudo Ming Wang Zhao Wuji. He disappeared on the mainland for ten years, but he didn't expect him to be a teacher at Shrek Academy. At the beginning, he had a problem with Wuhundian, Wuhundian wanted to punish him, but he He insisted on rushing out from the siege of sixteen bishops. Afterwards, that matter was over. The bishops of Wuhun Temple were at least all soul emperor level powerhouses above level [-]. At that time, Zao Wou-ki should have also Only level [-]. Isn’t he even more powerful now.”

Dai Mubai nodded silently, and said: "At least, I've never seen Mr. Zhao attack with all his strength. Plus he's teasing Mr. Zhao now, you can wish for luck. Among the seven spirit rings of Mr. Zhao , the first two are hundred-year soul rings, the third and fourth soul rings are thousand-year soul rings, and the last three soul rings are all ten-thousand-year soul rings. Moreover, the seven soul rings are all attached to attack and defense. You should be able to imagine He is terrifying. While Mr. Zhao is still being delayed by him, you first get to know each other, report your names and abilities, and see how you can cooperate to best resist Mr. Zhao's exam."

After a pause, he glanced at Bingbing and Zhao Wuji, "Now that Mr. Zhao is being provoked by Bingbing, it goes without saying what kind of condition Mr. Zhao is going to face."

Tang San was the first to speak, "My name is Tang San, I have the martial spirit Blue Silver Grass, a level 29 control system battle soul master."

Xiao Wu saw Tang San speak, the second said: "Xiao Wu, Beast Martial Soul Rabbit, level 29 assault system battle soul master."

The noble girl hesitated for a moment before saying: "Ning Rongrong, Qi Wuhun Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, level 26 auxiliary system soul master."

The last icy girl was still indifferent, and said indifferently: "Zhu Zhuqing, the ghost civet of the beast martial soul, a level 27 combat soul master of the agility attack department."

When the four of them finished introducing themselves, including Dai Mubai, all four of them focused their eyes on one person.The one who attracted the attention of others was the noble girl Ning Rongrong.

Tang San said in surprise: "Your spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. So, you came from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

Ning Rongrong stuck out her cute little tongue, and said: "Don't look, I am no different from ordinary people. I sneaked out from home. Let's talk about it after we have passed the test before us. My martial spirit It is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, two spirit rings. It can enhance the attributes of speed and strength for everyone respectively. The increase is about 30.00%. There is no problem in continuing a stick of incense."

During Sansan's conversation, Dai Mubai had already seen Zhao Wuji's martial spirit possessing his body, and Bingbing was gradually being caught.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "The four of you have a pretty good match. You don't have martial spirits that repeat the system. How to resist Teacher Zhao's attack is up to you to decide."

Tang San thought for a while, and said: "Ning Rongrong is responsible for assisting the three of us, then, Xiao Wu is responsible for the main attack, and I am responsible for controlling Teacher Zhao's attack, limiting him as much as possible, and at the same time assisting Xiao Wu in frontal attack. Zhu Zhuqing, please You flank, you use your speed to hold back."

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong both nodded, Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Tang San, and finally nodded slightly, agreeing with his suggestion.


"Ah! I was wrong, Mr. Zhao, let me go, I was wrong."

Bingbing was spanked.

"Oh, brat, I told you earlier. Now it's too late for you to say anything, drink!"

Zhao Wou-ki looked smug, looked at Bing Bing lying on his lap, said something, and raised his hand again.

clap clap clap!
"Wow, I'm dying, who will save me?"

Bingbing twisted her body.

"no one."

Zhao Wuji looked at Tang San and the others with a smile, and continued to beat.

clap clap clap!
"Woooo, bro, Xiao Wu, save me, my butt is about to bloom."

Bingbing looked at Xiao Wu and Sansan crying.

Xiao Wu took Sansan's hand, shook her head, and signaled not to interfere.

Tang San glared at Xiao Wu.

Why not?

Xiao Wu stared back at Tang San.

It will be fine, if he is so skinny just now, if he changes to another place, he will not know where he died, and no one will know, so it's good to teach his brother a lesson.

Tang San blinked softly.

Hmm, sure enough, Xiao Wu thinks far, loves you the most, huh huh.

Xiao Wu glared at Sansan in embarrassment.

I hate it, no one is serious, there are still people here!
Tang San mischievously blinked and made faces.

Anyway, they don't understand our communication, what are they afraid of, they like Xiao Wu the most.

On the side, the noble girl and the ice-cold girl stared at Tang San as they flirted with each other, only Dai Mubai, at the end, felt that he had eaten dog food invisibly, and looked at the two suspiciously.

And Tang San and the two of them also pretended to look at the front seriously when Dai Mubai looked over.

Hey, is it an illusion, what happened to me today?
Dai Mubai withdrew his gaze, scratched the back of his head in doubt.

5 minute later.

"are you ready?"

While talking, Zhao Wou-ki carried Bingbing to the wooden chair.

Bingbing clutched her butt, and complained: "Hey, my butt. Brother, Xiao Wu, you two scoundrels, please help me, I will tell Mama later."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to his chest and touched it.

next moment.

"Where's my phone!!!"

Bingbing yelled.


Xiao Wu threw the phone stone, grinning.

Tang San gave Bingbing a helpless look, and turned to look at Zhao Wuji.

"Ready, Teacher Zhao."


Zao Wou-ki returned, walked back to the center of the open space, turned into a stick of incense in his hand, lit it, and shot it to the outside of the open space.

"I repeat, the four of you join forces to resist my attack for one stick of incense time. As long as one of you can persist until the end, it will be considered a pass. Got it."


Tang San and the others said in unison.

"Okay, let's start now."

After saying those words, Zhao Wou-ki clasped his hands together, moved his wrist again, a series of teeth-stinging bones exploded, and the invisible pressure suddenly increased a bit.

"Seven treasures turn out to have colored glass." The body floated on the spot for a week, and the dazzling colorful rays of light were released from her body. I saw that there was an extra foot in the palm of Ning Rongrong's right hand where the colorful rays of light condensed. High colorful pagoda.

Baoguang shone, extravagance was pressing, Ning Rongrong smiled, and the whole person looked like a fairy.Two yellow spirit rings rose from under her feet, circling quietly around her.

"Seven Treasures are famous, one is called: Power." The first spirit ring rose, covering the seven-colored pagoda. Under Ning Rongrong's left finger, three rays of colored light were released at the same time, covering Tang San and the others. body.

Immediately, a warm energy poured in from the limbs and bones, and the three of them suddenly felt that their whole body was full of power, and even the soul power in their bodies rushed up like a boil.

Suddenly, a harsh voice sounded.

Naruto! ! ! (microphone sound)

"Wow, sister Rongrong, your martial spirit is so beautiful!"

Bingbing said while holding the microphone.

Ning Rongrong replied subconsciously: "Of course."

Zhao Wuji shouted: "Smelly brat, what are you doing?"

Bingbing showed a smirk, put the microphone in front of her mouth, and opened her mouth.




Narrator: Aha, you will never guess what Bingbing is going to say.

Well, that's right, broken chapters.

Readers, take out the 40-meter sword one after another.




Tang Wutong: Uncle Bingbing, why did you let Uncle Zhao spank you? Can't you restore your strength at any time?
Dai Muhao: That's right, Uncle Bingbing?

Dai Qing: Uncle Bingbing, you are so powerful, why did you ask Uncle Zhao to spank your butt? I would definitely beat you back.

Shi Bing: Well, because Xiaolan gave me [-] origin points, of course, this is not the main reason.

Tang Wutong: What is the reason?
Dai Muhao and the two looked at Shi Bing in the same doubt.

Shi Bing: Because papa is not far away to peep, Teacher Zhao will be beaten by papa at night.

Tang Wutong: Hey, isn't grandpa not allowed to leave the village?When Papa reached the sixth ring cultivation base.

Dai Muhao nodded at the same time.

Shi Bing: Hehe, I spent a hundred origin points to get Dad to come out, and it only lasts for one day.

Tang Wutong: Hey, why!

Dai Muhao and the two: Mmmm.

Shi Bing: Guess.

Tang Wutong: Guess what a ghost you are, Uncle Bingbing. (Pounces on Shi Bing with teeth and claws)
Ma Xiaotao is a good boy, still eating lollipops.

Narrator: Don't worry, Xiaotao won't get tooth decay.

At last.

Our slogan is...

 Ahhhhhh, I only slept for three hours last night, so sleepy that I almost couldn't get up in the morning.

  I didn't sleep after get off work.

  Play games, watch ice fruit, and play Purcell.

  Uh, Searle, after playing for nearly two hours, I re-registered, and found out that I sent Lei Gaia from the beginning, my God!In the past, you had to work hard to get it, but now you can get it as soon as you register, time!

  Originally, I planned to code a chapter and sleep a lot, but I didn’t want to code, so I wasted.


  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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