Failed Boss

Chapter 100 Murong Chong's Cynicism

Chapter 100 Murong Chong's Cynicism (3)
In fact, Baili Hanchu has not been like before. No matter what Xiao Guaiguai did in school or whoever he said to him, people would report to him. Today, Xiao Guaiguai and Mo Junchi are holding hands on campus. The photo was sent to him by an anonymous person via MMS, and he only knew about it.

Although he didn't know what the purpose of the anonymous person was, how could Baili Hanchu be affected by these small actions?His feelings for Xiao Guaiguai cannot be shaken by anyone in any way.

Xiao Guaiguai was confident just now, but now he looks like a defeated rooster. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. After all, what the devil said was the truth.

Baili Hanchu smiled dotingly, but luckily this girl didn't give up, she was really a straightforward child. "What did you eat this afternoon? Why don't you even eat the staple food and only drink sweet soup?" At this point, he paused, "Oh... I see, are you missing me?"

Xiao obediently snorted and said, "Who misses you? Stop being so sentimental, I just ate too much snacks."

Baili Hanchu continued to drink her unfinished bowl of sweet red bean soup, "This red bean is also called Acacia Bean, I thought you were missing someone?"

Xiao obediently raised his jaw slightly, looking at his perfectly lined side face, he felt that his nose was so high and straight, with a feeling of European and American nose, "I miss my father too, how can I miss you? ?”

Baili Hanchu heard her, looked at her fixedly, and asked seemingly unintentionally: "Don't you miss your mother?"

"I think, why don't I think about it, but my mother still didn't show up even though I thought about it..." Xiao Guaiguai's pure and beautiful eyes were full of mist, and she was about to cry, but she didn't want to cry, at least she didn't want to be here cry before the devil.

"Okay, I believe your mother must miss you as much as you do, but there is no way to return to you for the time being." Baili Hanchu raised his left hand and patted her back lightly, comforting her.

"What are you talking about? She must have abandoned me and Dad because she didn't like me." Sometimes, Xiao Guaiguai would have such extreme thoughts, so that she could restrain her deep yearning for her mother.

"My dear, you are so cute, who wouldn't like it? Stop thinking about it." Baili Hanchu said, feeding a spoonful of sweet soup to her lips.

Xiao Guaiguai squinted at him a second before he opened his mouth: "Didn't you eat this? It's so dirty!"

Compared with the harmony of Baili's family, the atmosphere at Murong's family's dining table was very solemn, almost going to explode at the touch of a touch.

Murong Zu sat at the main seat, Murong Jing and Jiang Yunhua sat on the left, and Murong Wan and Murong Chong sat on the right.

Today was the first time Murong Jing went home for dinner in the past three months.

Murong Chong's face was full of anger, if Murong Wan hadn't been holding his hand under the table to signal him not to speak, he might have exploded.

At this moment, on Murong Chong's rough wheat-colored face, the five fingerprints were still clearly visible, but his face was not so swollen.

The highly respected old man Murong Zu looked at the five fingerprints on his grandson's face, he was naturally very angry, but thinking about his grandson's impulsive and perverted personality, he might have started fighting with others.

Murong Chong ignored the still aching face and chewed the food in his mouth, as if he wanted to vent the anger in his heart in this way.

Jiang Yunhua put some of her son's favorite dishes into his bowl. She wanted to ask something, but she didn't ask in the end.

Murong Jing was still indifferent to everything, eating absent-mindedly.

How could Murong Chong see him like this, so he put the bowl heavily on the dining table and shouted thoughtlessly: "If you don't want to eat, don't eat it, who will show that expression like chewing wax?"

Hearing this, Murong Jing just picked up the napkin and gently wiped the corners of his mouth, got up gracefully, and left, obviously not bothering to talk to this rude son.

But it's true, at this moment, Murong Jing's heart is full of Aqiusha, that kind and pitiful girl, how can she have the heart to think about other people taking care of other things!

Jiang Yunhua taught in a soft voice: "Chong'er, your father finally went home for a meal, why is your child so not old or young?"

Murong Chong couldn't help being angry, for whom was he being beaten?But the person involved actually taught him a lesson for that bad old man who has no conscience and no good taste?
"Mom? Are you an ancient concubine waiting for the emperor's occasional blessing? It's just a meal! Why do you care so much? Why don't you care so much when I eat with you every day?" Murong Chong shouted loudly.

Jiang Yunhua couldn't help thinking of her husband's indifference during this period, and couldn't help but feel sad, but she didn't show it, she smiled, and the smile was so sad, "What is this child talking about? There is no emperor or the Sixth Court of Sangong now, you Dad is just too busy with work." I don't know if these words are convincing my son or comforting myself.

Murong Chong sneered: "Now there is no Sangong and Sixth Courtyard, but there are mistresses and mistresses!" He raised his voice for the last five words.

The tight string in Jiang Yunhua's heart broke silently at this moment, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly.

Murong Wan tugged at her younger brother's clothes, and tried her best to wink at him, telling him to stop talking.

The uneasiness in Jiang Yunhua's heart gradually expanded, and then expanded, as if the boundless night swallowed her whole body, and her beautiful eyes trembled in their eye sockets like fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

Murong Wan turned her head to the young man who was full of sneer and disdain and said: "Brother, don't say any more." Then she smiled and looked at her mother and respected grandfather, and said softly: "He had some unpleasant incidents at school today. things, so I'm a little unhappy."

Murong Zu said in a deep voice, "Let's eat."

As a result, the dining table returned to silence.

Murong Chong gritted his teeth tightly, he absolutely couldn't swallow this breath, thinking, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The days passed by like this, and soon, it was the weekend.

The weather was fine, and we were going to attend the wedding anniversary party of Murong Jing and his wife. It should have been a very pleasant weekend, but Xiao Guaiguai had a bad cold, so he put on a pink Yoo-Hoo Monkey Face mask.

In the black business car, Xiao obediently drooped his head, "Baili Hanchu, do I really want to go to the party like this? Is it too strange?"

Baili Hanchu next to him was wearing a white dress and a shirt of the same color. The three buttons on the collar of the shirt were unbuttoned, revealing a long, slender neck and collarbone as smooth as white porcelain. He was youthful yet calm and elegant. A man is a perfect combination of an angel and a devil.

"No, Guaiguai's appearance is very unique, and no one will imitate it." Baili Hanchu said seriously, but the girl clearly saw the mischief in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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