Failed Boss

Chapter 102 The identity of the illegitimate daughter is exposed

Chapter 102 The identity of the illegitimate daughter is exposed (2)
Murong Wan smiled and said, "No, it should be on the way."

At this time, there was a little commotion among the crowd, and buzzing voices rang out in Murong Jing's elegant hall.

Murong Wan looked at the entrance, and saw Baili Hanchu in a crisp white suit walking slowly with Xiao Guaiguai. Xiao Guaiguai was wearing a pink silk evening dress, her curly hair was combed into a playful princess bun, Very beautiful, the whole person is like a doll, but why is he wearing a big mask on his face?

With doubts, Murong Wan walked over, with an elegant smile still on her beautiful face, "Hey, you guys are here, Master Baili."

"En." Bailihan Chu Wushuang's handsome face maintained a proper smile, friendly but distant, the bright light from the large chandelier on the ceiling of the hall shone on his face, casting light and shadows on his face.

Xiao Guaiguai's nose was very blocked, coughed twice, and then said hoarsely: "Wan'er, you are so beautiful today."

Murong Wan heard her voice become so powerful, her little face was full of worry, "Hey, why did you catch a cold? Have you taken any medicine? Do you want me to let the doctor come and see for you!"

Xiao obediently waved his hand: "Don't bother, it's just that the seasons have changed recently, and the temperature difference is relatively large. I caught a cold when I didn't pay attention."

Baili Hanchu led the girl into the hall, and chose a cup of warm lemon milk tea for her in the dining area, and handed it to her, "Honey, you can't drink cold orange juice today!"

Xiao obediently raised his hand to take it, and gave him a reproachful look, "Got it."

This demon, since she came home from school yesterday afternoon and found that she had a viral cold, she asked Baili's family doctor Mike to give her an injection, and prescribed a lot of medicine. What's more, she was not allowed to drink her most Love the orange juice, she tasted so bad and wanted to drink yogurt, but unexpectedly the devil ordered the refrigerator to be locked!

But the mouth of the person with a cold is faint. She just wants to drink orange juice. She originally thought that she could drink some secretly at the party today, but looking at it like this, she can't drink it.

Murong Wan raised her little hand to pick up Xiao Guaiguai's bangs, and touched her forehead with the back of her hand. Fortunately, she didn't have a fever, so she felt relieved and tidied her bangs again.

Murong Zu came over with the red wine in his hand, with a slight smile on his always majestic face at this moment, he said, "Master Baili is here."

Baili Hanchu smiled faintly, "I'm late because Baili's fiancée is feeling unwell, sorry."

Murongzu said, "It's okay." Then he turned his eyes to the girl beside him, and met the girl's pure and beautiful big eyes. Although the girl was wearing a mask and couldn't see her nose and mouth, her heart was slightly shocked. The feeling when I saw the girl came to my heart again, and I couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with this child?"

Xiao Guaiguai was a little embarrassed, and said in a hoarse voice: "Grandpa Murong, I have a cold, that's why I look like this, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He coughed twice as he spoke.

Baili Hanchu raised his big hand, and patted her on the back thoughtfully, to comfort her.

Murong Wan smiled and took a step forward, "Grandpa, you and Master Baili talk first, and I'll take you there to rest."

Murong Zu nodded and said: "Go, take care of this child."

"Okay grandpa." Murong Wan replied, then led Xiao obediently and left.

Mo Junchi walked to the rest area, looked at the girl sitting listlessly on the sofa, his amber eyes were full of worry, he walked handsomely to her side with one hand in his pocket, bent down and asked softly: "My dear girl!" Are you ok?"

Xiao obediently raised her eyes to look at him, without much energy, and said hoarsely, "It's okay, it's just that the nose is blocked."

"Have you taken the medicine yet?" Hearing her almost indistinguishable voice, Mo Junchi's sword eyebrows frowned even tighter, with endless pity in his eyes.

Xiao Guaiguai nodded lightly: "I ate it when I went out." And it was Baili Hanchu who fed her the food himself.Thinking of this, three black lines appeared on the back of her head, the devil really treated her like a child!

Murong Wan on the side smiled lightly and said, "Fortunately, I don't have a fever, otherwise it would be even more uncomfortable."

Xiao obediently raised her little hand and pulled off the mask, took a sip of hot lemon milk tea to moisten her throat, it was sour and sweet, and she felt pretty good.

Seeing this situation, Mo Junchi smiled helplessly, this guy is really real.

After feeling that her throat was not so uncomfortable, Xiao Guaiguai put on the mask again. She didn't want to pass the cold on to others, especially those she cared about.

Xiao Guaiguai unconsciously raised his eyes to look at the handsome young man in a blue suit, no matter when he was so handsome and charming.

But... I always feel that something is wrong!
It seems too quiet around here today!
At this time, the lights in the hall gradually dimmed, leaving only a trailing light to illuminate the middle-aged man Mo Zhongtian who was slowly walking towards the ceremony stage.

Yes, Mo Zhongtian is the emcee of Murong Jing and his wife's wedding anniversary party today, because he is good at communication, so he deserves it.

Mo Zhongtian was wearing a well-tailored black suit, with a slender body. I have to say that Mo Junchi still looks like his father, or in Mo Junchi, it is not difficult to see how outstanding Mo Zhongtian was when he was young .

"Everyone, please be quiet." Mo Zhongtian raised his hand to signal.

The men and women in the audience cast their eyes on the ceremony stage one after another, and there was a sudden silence.

Mo Zhongtian smiled and continued: "It's an honor to be the emcee of today's party. I'm here to witness the [-]th wedding anniversary party of our model couple, Mr. Murong Jing and Ms. Jiang Yunhua." As he spoke, he clapped his hands first applaud.

The guests under the stage clapped their hands one after another, and there was a burst of thunderous applause.

Mo Zhongtian raised his hand again, signaling everyone to stop, and after the applause subsided, he continued: "Next, let's invite today's protagonists, Murong Jing and his wife, to the stage!"

Jiang Yunhua had a happy smile on her face, and it was only on this day of the year that she truly felt that she was the wife of the Murong Group and the wife of the pale-faced man beside her.

"Wait a minute!" At the moment when everyone was looking forward to the hero and heroine coming on stage, a rough voice sounded, causing many guests to turn their heads to see who was so ignorant, and interrupted at this moment.

Jiang Yunhua naturally recognized the voice of her son Murong Chong, and the premonition of uneasiness in her heart became stronger.

Murong Jing still had a look of indifference to everything, and his eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses were faintly impatient. He was tired of having such a party every year, but Yunhua never tired of it, and celebrated every year some.

(End of this chapter)

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