Failed Boss

Chapter 104 The Devil Pained Su Tianle

Chapter 104 The Devil Pained Su Tianle (1)
Mo Zhongtian presided over the overall situation as the master of ceremonies, and sent off the guests. Li Xueyin comforted Jiang Yunhua a few words, and asked her son to stay and take care of Murong Wan, comforted her well, and left with her husband.

Baili Hanchu looked at Xiao Guaiguai who accompanied Murong Wan by Jiang Yunhua's side, and said softly, "Guaiguai, let's go back?"

Xiao obediently looked back at him, his head still feeling dizzy, and he said weakly, "I want to stay with Auntie."

Jiang Yunhua's eyes were always dull, and her well-maintained face showed no expression, like a hollow puppet.

Baili Hanchu didn't want the girl to care about others even when she was sick and groggy, so she made a decisive decision, stretched out her ape arms and picked up the girl, ignoring her struggle, and walked outside.

The exhausted Xiao Guaiguai fell asleep in Baili Hanchu's arms.

Seeing that Xiao Guaiguai's condition was not good, Mo Junchi chased her out of the villa in a few strides, only to see the man carrying the girl into a black business car, and he blocked the driver just before closing the door.

Baili Hanchu raised his eyes and looked at the young man blocking the car door, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him: "Mr. Mo, what are you going to do?"

Mo Junchi's tone was not kind, and he asked, "How did you take care of her and let her have such a severe cold?"

The two eyes met in mid-air, and their eyes met, tit for tat.

"It's not your turn to care about Baili's fiancée!" Baili Hanchu's expression was flat, but his eyes were piercingly cold.

"She doesn't like you at all, that's just your wishful thinking!" Mo Junchi clenched his silver teeth, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

Baili Hanchu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he winked at the driver standing next to the boy.

The driver immediately comprehended, and said very politely: "Mr. Mo, please get out of the way, our young lady is going home." After finishing speaking, he was about to stretch out his hand to pull the boy away.

Mo Junchi let go of the big hand holding the car door, looked at the drowsy sleeping girl in the man's arms, and finally took a few steps back.

The driver closed the door, then went to the cab and got in the car.

Seeing the business car leaving like an arrow, Mo Junchi's heart seemed to be hollowed out.

A black car was speeding on the private asphalt road. Inside the car, Xiao Guaiguai was still sleeping in the arms of the man, his forehead was dripping with sweat, and his eyebrow-level bangs were wetly resting on his forehead.

Baili Hanchu's slender and fair hands pushed aside her bangs, wiped off her sweat with a handkerchief, and pulled off the mask for her so that she could breathe more smoothly, not caring whether she was Not be infected by her.

Xiao Guaiguai's forehead is extremely high, and his forehead is also very big, but his forehead is smooth and full, and he looks like a smart child.

Back in the castle, Huiru immediately called Mike, the family doctor of Baili's family. Mike gave Xiao Guaiguai a drip. Seeing the girl turn from a coma to a deep sleep, Baili Hanchu breathed a sigh of relief.

This weekend, Xiao Guaiguai was on the bed, receiving a drip, and spent it with Baili Hanchu's company.

It was Monday again, Xiao Guaiguai's cold was almost healed, and he no longer needed to wear the big mask, but his nose was still a little stuffy.

As soon as he entered the campus, he met Murong Chong and Murong Wan.

Xiao Guaiguai was also embarrassing, after all she knew that Aqiusha was not Mr. Murong's mistress at all but she didn't tell them, that's why the scene happened at Aunt Jiang Yunhua's wedding anniversary party that day.

Murong Wan walked over gracefully, with a usual smile on her beautiful face, she took the girl's hand and said, "Hey, is your cold better?"

Xiao Guaiai smiled embarrassedly. She never thought that Wan'er was still so kind to her. She thought that Wan'er would stop talking to her when she knew that she had cheated her. It seemed that she judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. Belly!

"Well, it's much better, but the nose is a bit stuffy." Xiao obediently replied.

The two girls walked towards the campus hand in hand, while Murong Chong stood beside him without saying a word, looking too quiet.

"Is Grandpa Murong better? And Auntie, how is Auntie?" Xiao obediently asked with concern.

A little sadness appeared in Murong Wan's beautiful eyes, "Mom didn't say anything, and then she went to the hospital to take care of grandpa, and has been in the hospital for the past two days," suddenly thought of something, "By the way, my dear, I haven't thanked you for saving me that day. Grandpa, the doctor said that if you hadn’t given the initial treatment in time, grandpa’s life might be in danger.”

Xiao Guaiguai let go of her heart a little, "As long as your grandpa is fine, besides, that's what I should do."

Murong Chong, who had been silent all this time, turned his head sideways, with a hint of anger in his eyes, and asked, "Xiao, you little idiot, you already knew that what Aqiusha was the bastard of that bad old man, didn't you? "

Xiao obediently lowered her eyes, not daring to look at him, "Yes."

"Then why didn't you tell us sooner! Could it be that our friend's affair was fake?" Murong Chong became even more angry when he heard this, and asked.

Xiao Guaiguai was full of guilt, "I also don't want to make you feel sad."

Murong Chong snorted coldly: "You little idiot! You actually lied to us for so long! It's really disgusting!"

Originally, Murong Chong wanted to expose the scandal that Murong Jing's bad old man had an affair at the party that day, so as to strip him of his hypocritical mask of a dignified and honest gentleman, but he didn't expect that woman was not his mistress at all, but his daughter. He is even older than Sister Ugly Ghost and himself!In this way, it seems that the cart has been turned upside down, as if the mother has become a third party who destroys the old man and the mother of that bastard!
Xiao obediently lowered her head and remained silent. After all, what Murong Chong said was the truth. She thought that if she didn't say it, this matter would not exist. It seemed that she was wrong.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Murong Chong felt bored, so he turned his head and left.

Murong Wan said softly: "My brother has this kind of personality, he will be fine in a while, don't worry about it."

Xiao obediently looked back at her, and said seriously: "Wan'er, no matter what, I still want to say sorry to you, I should have told you the truth earlier."

Murong Wan shook her head, "It's not your fault, it's my father's fault."

"Wan'er..." Xiao obediently said softly.

Murong Wan smiled, "No wonder you asked me last time what would happen if one day I found out that there was another sister in this world. It turned out that you had already hinted to me at that time, and I just didn't pay attention."

Xiao nodded obediently: "Actually, at that time, I only saw that Aqiusha had a pure gold pocket watch with Mr. Murong's photo on it, and I didn't know that they had recognized each other."

Murong Wan said: "Forget it, anyway, Aqiusha is also father's child, and she has been wronged for so many years."

(End of this chapter)

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