Failed Boss

Chapter 110 Murong Wanfang’s First Move

Chapter 110 Murong Wanfang’s First Move (1)
Baili Hanchu smiled, noncommittal.

Xiao Guaiguai continued: "I really don't know what kind of woman Aqiusha's mother is, that Mr. Murong loves her so deeply, or she is a peerless beauty with a beautiful smile and a beautiful smile!"

Xiao Guaiguai just reads too many novels, so when describing a beautiful woman, she is like a country and a city!
Baili Hanchu shook his head lightly, and said flatly, "No, she's just plain-looking, a prostitute in a bar."

Xiao Guaiguai sighed unceasingly, his eyes widened: "No way? Mr. Murong is so noble, how is it possible? Could it be that the real version of the prince fell in love with Cinderella?"

Although Xiao Kuaiguai has seen countless stories about the prince and Cinderella in novels and TV dramas, she still doesn't quite believe that there will be such a story in real life.

"My dear, how old are you and what do you know? Love is something that can surpass everything." Baili Hanchu sighed leisurely.

It's like him himself, who combines incomparable wealth, unparalleled beauty, and the power to control countless people's fortunes and lives. There are more than tens of millions of women who admire him, but he just loves this in front of him. What an ordinary girl.

Xiao obediently sneered and said, "Cut, that's right. I'm not as seasoned as you, and I have rich emotional experience!"

Baili Hanchu couldn't help laughing, "Then you're saying I'm old? Or are you jealous because I have a lot of love affairs?"

"I haven't eaten dumplings, why are I so jealous!" Xiao obediently gave him a sideways look, and when it came to dumplings, she felt a little hungry.

Baili Hanchu got up and walked to her, stretched out his ape arms to hug her, and said dotingly, "Then let's go eat dumplings?"

Xiao Guaiguai naturally raised his arms to wrap around his slender neck, "Are there really any dumplings to eat?"

Baili Hanchu stared at the girl in his arms tenderly, "Yes, as long as you want to eat, there is it!"

The next day, Murong Wan came to school as usual, because Murong Chong injured the back of his head, Jiang Yunhua specially asked for leave for him, fearing that this impulsive son would make trouble again, so he let him rest at home.

Because it was still early before class time, Murong Wan walked alone on the tree-lined path of the campus, feeling the early autumn wind blowing over her face, as if a knife was gently scraping her face, causing some pain.

On the campus in early autumn, a beautiful and noble girl like a princess strolls quietly. From a distance, it looks like a dynamic oil painting. It is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it.

At this time, Murong Wan was wearing a lavender college-style skirt, with a lavender casual lady's suit with white trim on the top, and a plaid pleated skirt underneath. Her hands were in the pockets of her jacket, and her slender legs were very regular. Walking forward, her curly hair fluttered gently behind her head, but it didn't look messy, and the lavender lace was embellished in it, adding a bit of elegance.

At this moment, Murong Wan accidentally twisted her foot, ouched, and staggered, about to fall to the ground.

After a while, a slender brown figure ran over like a ghost, with a pair of slender and powerful arms tightly hugging her slender body.

Murong Wan only felt that she had fallen into a firm and warm embrace, and a strange masculine breath lingered in her nose. When she raised her eyes, a handsome face came into view——

The flowing golden hair is cut in layers, the smooth forehead has a full curvature, behind the long eyelashes, a pair of deep blue eyes are as quiet as the sea but fascinating, the nose has the unique height and straightness of Westerners, the lower part Slightly raised, below is a pair of seductive red lips with pride, and the lower jaw has an aristocratic and arrogant arc.

Ken looked at the beautiful and noble girl lying in his arms. The incident happened suddenly. Her beautiful eyes were full of lingering fear and confusion, just like a deer entering the Garden of Eden, curious and confused.

Ken straightened up slowly, but did not let go of his big hands around her fragrant shoulders and slender waist, and slowly spit out sexy and authentic English from his rosy lips, as refreshing as the air after the rain, "Are you okay?" Bar?"

In the morning light of early autumn, Murong Wan had the feeling of seeing Prince Charming. The heart that had not been opened for 18 years was completely opened at this moment. There was a burst of red tide on her beautiful little face, and her face was a little hot. Maybe it was his breath that sprinkled on her. Because of the reason on his face, "It's nothing, it's just that the foot seems to be sprained."

Ken made a decisive decision, bent slightly and picked up the graceful girl, and walked towards the bench not far away.

Murong Wan's complexion was flushed, and there was a hint of sweetness in her heart, but she was always dignified and stable, and she did not show too much inner feelings on her face.

Ken squatted down, his long and slender hands were clean and warm, his nails were extremely rounded, and he was not as slovenly as ordinary boys. He gently picked up the girl's slender legs, took off her handmade white leather shoes, and put them on The socks are off.

In ancient times, some people used the jade-colored jade to praise the fairness of the beautiful woman's feet. Now it is not enough to describe the beauty of Murong Wan's feet. Those feet are comparable to the dead skin sold on the Internet to restore the softness of the feet like a baby. The foot that was advertised on the product made people want to pinch it to see how soft and delicate it is. The only regret is that her ankle, which was as white as snow, was a little red and swollen. Ken squatted down, Skillfully rubbing her ankle.

Murong Wan was slightly ashamed, "Uh...thank you, but it's not good to be here, right?" It's still too indecent for a boy to take off his socks.

Ken continued to move his hands, and his long and narrow eyes had a charming feeling of being alive: "If you're not here, then where do you want to be?"

It was obviously a very common sentence, but he said it abruptly with an ambiguous feeling.

Murong Wan was a little ashamed and wanted to withdraw her foot, but he grabbed her with just the right amount of force, which neither hurt her nor made her break free.

"Ken, what are you doing?" A voice full of anger slammed over, who was it not Su Tianle who was furious?

Ken continued to move his hands, turning a deaf ear to Buttercup Xiaosheng's snarl, but the next moment, a pair of big hands grabbed his collar.

It was only then that Murong Wan noticed Su Tianle whose face was still red and swollen, and called out strangely, "Su Tianle?"

Su Tianle smiled shyly, "Wanwan, don't worry, I'm fine," he said, his eyes became angry again, and he raised his fist, about to swing at Ken's handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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