Failed Boss

Chapter 121 Murong Jing's Murderous Intention

Chapter 121 Murong Jing's Murderous Intention (2)
Ling Feng squatted down in front of Jiang Yunhua, looked straight at the red-eyed woman in front of him, "Yunhua, let me take you out for a walk? How about we go to the beach to relax?"

Jiang Yunhua remained silent.

Murong Chong shouted: "That's right, mother, anyway, that bad old man Murong Jing only has the illegitimate daughter in his eyes, so why don't you follow Uncle Ling Feng to relax?"

Although Murong Wan had some doubts in her heart, she couldn't bear to look at her mother like this, and said softly: "Mom, you can go, I and I will take good care of Grandpa!" The young man: "Then Uncle Lingfeng, I will leave my mother to you."

Jiang Yunhua got up slowly and left with Ling Feng.

Watching them go, Murong Wan secretly sighed, and then said to the girl beside her: "Hey, let's go to my room for a while?"

Xiao obediently nodded: "En."

Under the bright sunshine, on the blue seashore, on the golden sand, the waves lick the beach wave after wave.

Jiang Yunhua was wearing a long royal blue dress with flying skirts. With her head lowered, she walked quietly by the seaside, even though the smelly sea breeze blew, it couldn't blow away her full of worries.

Wearing a beige T-shirt and white slacks, Ling Feng put his hands in his pockets, his thick black hair was blown tousled by the wind, he squinted and looked at the slender woman on the beach in the distance, with endless love in his eyes with love.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Jiang Yunhua felt a little tired, so she sat down on a rock on the beach, took off her high-heeled sandals, and let the waves lick her feet.

Ling Feng came over, looked at her who was full of sorrow and resentment, and sighed: "Yunhua."

After going out for a walk and blowing the sea breeze, Jiang Yunhua felt her mood calm down a lot. She raised her eyes and looked back at him with a faint smile: "Thank you Lingfeng, I feel much better."

Ling Feng stared deeply at her red and swollen eyes, and whispered her name: "Yunhua..."

Jiang Yunhua turned her eyes away, not daring to face his too hot gaze.

It's not that she doesn't know about Ling Feng's feelings for Jiang Yunhua for so many years, but she is married and is Murong Jing's wife, and everything she has given to Murong Jing, the man she loves deeply.

Even if Jiang Yunhua knows that the person Murong Jing loves is not herself at all, and Ling Feng is still alone...

However, she still couldn't respond to Ling Feng's affection.

Ling Feng just stared at the woman in front of him, she was still as beautiful as 20 years ago, which moved his heart!
Jiang Yunhua restrained her thoughts, and said lightly: "Shall we go back?" After speaking, she got up and was about to leave.

Ling Feng stretched out his arms, hugged her into his arms, and hugged her tightly, feeling her instinctive struggle, he begged softly: "Don't move, for a while, just let me hold you for a while! "

Jiang Yunhua, who was stiff all over, just stood there in a daze.

Ling Feng's embrace was too warm, this kind of warmth she had never experienced with Murong Jing...

The beauty in Ling Feng's arms was not satisfied with hugging at first, his hands moved behind her, and his breathing became hot and short.

Jiang Yunhua naturally sensed such a frantic change, and stretched out all her strength to push him away: "Don't do this!"

Ling Feng, who was pushed away, embraced her again, and tightly, bowed his head, and kissed her seductive lips...

The strange masculine breath invaded Jiang Yunhua's entire senses, she struggled desperately, clenched her teeth, and finally pushed him away.

Ling Feng stepped back a few steps before stabilizing his body. Seeing her desperately resisting, he felt that he had failed!Clenching his hands into fists, he roared angrily, "Ah!"

Jiang Yunhua said in a low voice: "I'm sorry..."

Murong's house.

In the room with pink and purple as the main color, it is elegant and warm.

Xiao Guaiguai and Murong Wan sat on the sofa, drinking fruit juice and eating snacks.

"Wan'er, I have to intern in the hospital every day recently, and I'm almost exhausted!" Xiao Guaiguai pretended to complain, not wanting to continue those sentimental topics.

Murong Wan sat gracefully on the pink and purple sofa, drinking osmanthus Longjing, "Our department's courses are very relaxed, and there are many club activities."

"Well, I really envy you!" Xiao Guaiguai smiled faintly, "How are you and Ken doing recently?"

When mentioning the boy she likes, Murong Wan's eyes are full of little happiness, "You also said that you are very busy, Ken is also an intern like you, so naturally he is also very busy!"

"Yeah, I think he seems to be taking care of an aunt with a broken right leg, and that aunt sees that he is handsome, so she teases him all day!" Xiao obediently said that he was serious, but he was actually teasing Wan'er, wanting to see if she was angry.

Murong Wan took a sip of tea and said lightly, "As a nurse, you will inevitably encounter all kinds of patients. Fortunately, Ken is gentle and considerate, so Auntie will naturally like it!"

Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help laughing: "I'm lying to you, that guy Ken is cold and aristocratic by nature, he keeps others at arm's length, who dares to tease him?"

Murong Wan smiled helplessly: "Honey, you are so bad, you actually amuse me!"

knock knock --

A knock sounded at the door.

Xiao obediently raised her eyes and saw that it was Aqiusha, and that muscular woman, Mrs. Ali.

Murong Wan looked indifferent and continued to drink tea.

Aqiusha's eyelids drooped slightly, and her gentle eyes poked out through her eyelashes, "Young Madam, may I come in?"

Xiao Guaiguai did not answer, but looked at the noble and beautiful girl beside her, after all, the girl is the owner of this room.

Murong Wan looked at Aqiusha indifferently, looked at this girl who received all the care and love from her father, and said crisply: "Come in."

Aqiusha was very happy when she heard this, and quickly took two plates of homemade pudding from Mrs. Ali and walked over, put them on the rectangular glass coffee table, and said excitedly: "This is the pudding I made by myself. Fresh orange juice is added in it, please try it, Young Madam, and Miss Murong, please try it too!"

Murong Wan looked indifferently, and said: "Aqiusha, since Dad said that you will be the eldest lady of this family from now on, then you don't need to address me as Miss Murong, just call me by my name."

Aqiusha couldn't believe it, and stretched out her hand to grab Murong Wan's snow-white wrist: "Really? Do you really think of me as your sister?"

Murong Wan nodded, and retracted her hand without a trace.

Aqiusha cast her eyes on Xiao Guaiguai, and said softly: "Young Madam, you once said that we are friends, so are we still?"

Looking at her eyes full of anticipation like Bambi's, Xiao Guaiguai couldn't say the words 'of course'.

Seeing that the girl didn't answer her own question right away, Aqiusha couldn't help feeling sad inwardly, she lowered her eyes and seemed to be muttering: "It's because I was thinking too much, young madam, how could you be so honorable as my friend? ? Everything is just my wishful thinking."

(End of this chapter)

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