Failed Boss

Chapter 126 Fatal Assault

Chapter 126 Fatal Assault (2)
Murong Jing looked at the blazing fire ahead that dyed the sky red, but said indifferently to the driver Xiao Wang: "Let's go."

The woman in the purple dress on the mountain road said to the woman in the cloak: "Master, Murong Jing is gone, do you want to go down and finish him off?"

The ethereal voice of the woman in the cloak slowly spread on the mountain road: "No need, it's important to save people first."

"Yes." The woman in purple clothes responded, and led her subordinates to run down the winding road to save people.

At the same time, Yu Haoning and his men drove a speedboat to go to the center of the sea to rescue Baili Hanchu and the others, but Nangongjue's men, who had been prepared for a long time, intercepted them in a speedboat.

Yu Haoning watched helplessly Baili Hanchu who was paddling with Xiao obediently in the center of the sea, and wanted to rescue him, but his speedboat was surrounded by three or four other speedboats, unable to break through.

At this moment, a speedboat sailed over from another direction like lightning, avoided Nangong Jue's subordinates, and went straight to Xiao Guaiguai and the others in the center of the sea, with water splashing behind him like a jet. 0
Xiao Guaiguai felt that she had had a long, long dream. In the dream, she fell into the icy sea with Baili Hanchu. She, who couldn't swim, floated up and down in the sea, unable to control herself. She surrounds.

Her body kept sinking, sinking again.

She wanted to cry out, but couldn't, a lot of sea water poured into her mouth, and she felt like she was going to drown.

Wearing a white casual suit, Baili Hanchu swam towards her, stretched out his ape arms to pick up her sinking body, and kissed her lips with his lips, before she felt suffocated, put a lot of The gas crossed into her mouth.

Then, Baili Hanchu embraced her with one hand and paddled the water with the other, leading her to the surface of the sea.

The bright sun was a bit dazzling, Xiao Guaiai was exhausted and fainted.

At this time, a speedboat sailed over, splashing water.

The woman in purple clothes parked the speedboat beside them, stretched out her hand, and pulled the unconscious Xiao obediently onto the speedboat.

When I woke up, I was already in the hospital.

Xiao Guaiguai opened his eyes in a daze, and looked vaguely at a person beside the bed. Is it Aunt Huiru?
Murong Wan, who was waiting by the hospital bed, saw that Xiao obediently opened his eyes, and said in surprise: "My obedient, obedient, you finally woke up!" While speaking, tears flowed out.

Xiao obediently looked around at the strange ceiling and the hard quilt on his body, only then remembered that he was in the hospital and that thrilling gun battle.

Baili is cold!

Xiao Guaiguai's heart tightened, and he quickly asked, "Where is Baili Hanchu? How is he?"

Huiru also had tears in her eyes, weeping with joy, and comforted her, "Young Madam, don't worry, the Young Master is only slightly injured."

Murong Wan stretched out her hand and took the girl's hand that was placed on the quilt, "Don't worry, young master Baili is fine."

Xiao Guaiguai sat up with both hands, rolled over and got out of bed after throwing off the quilt, going to look for Baili Hanchu, only to be relieved to see that he was safe and sound.

At this time, Baili Hanchu, who was wearing a hospital gown, came in, his right arm was hung around his neck, looking a bit embarrassed.

Seeing this handsome man who is as arrogant as a god become like this now, Xiao Guaiguai's tears flowed down instantly, it was because of protecting her that he became like this!
Baili Hanchu walked to the hospital bed, sat down on the sofa chair, raised his uninjured left hand and gently wiped the tears from the girl's face, and said softly, "Okay, it's all right, don't cry."

"Woooooo...Wow..." Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help it, and burst into tears.

Murong Chong couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted loudly: "You idiot, why are you crying, Uncle Baili was only injured a little and didn't die!"

Xiao obediently yelled in a crying voice: "But I just want to cry!"

Baili Hanchu just hugged her into his arms, put his chin against her forehead, and comforted her softly: "Okay, okay, don't cry, your eyes won't be beautiful if they are swollen from crying."

A doctor came over, checked Xiao Kuaiguai's body, and then said to Baili Hanchu: "Mr. Baili, Miss Xiao's physical condition is all normal, and she can be discharged from the hospital after a little rest."

Xiao Guaiguai asked anxiously: "Then doctor, is Baili Hanchu alright? The injury on his arm doesn't matter?"

The doctor was about to say something, but Baili Hanchu avoided Xiao Guaiguai's eyes and gave him a wink, and immediately complied, coughing twice, "Well, Mr. Baili's arm was scratched by a bullet, and he wants to completely It will take some time to heal, and Baili Hanchu once had fluid in his lungs, although he has woken up now, it is safer to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time!"

Xiao nodded obediently, and then said firmly: "Then let me take care of Baili Hanchu while he is hospitalized!"

"Well..." The doctor seemed to be hesitant, and said after a while: "Well, anyway, Miss Xiao, Mr. Murong, who is in charge of you, has been discharged from the hospital. I will go and talk to the head nurse later, and I will leave it to you Come and take care of Mr. Baili."

Baili Hanchu was very satisfied with the girl who volunteered, but on the surface he tried to persuade him, "Hey, you just woke up, you should rest more."

Xiao Guai obediently said fiercely: "Baili Hanchu, I said I would take care of you, so I will take care of you, don't be verbose! Be careful that I will stab you with a needle!"

Murong Chong couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Xiao, you little idiot, you still stab people with needles, you are not Rongmao!"

Then everyone in the room laughed, bullets rained down, and the shadow of Luo Hai's injury was temporarily dispelled.

At night, there are ghosts and ghosts.

In the VIP advanced ward, light yellow light filled the whole room, warm and harmonious.

The weather was a bit stuffy, so Xiao obediently sat on the sofa chair beside the hospital bed, holding a cartoon folding fan and shaking it again and again.

Gusts of wind rushed towards her as she waved her fan, and Baili Hanchu leaned comfortably on the fluffy and soft pillow, enjoying the care of her exclusive little nurse.

"Does the wound still hurt?" Xiao obediently asked with concern.

"A little bit." Baili Hanchu replied, staring at her deeply.

Xiao Guaiguai frowned slightly, lowered her eyes, and looked at his bandaged arm.

At this moment, Baili Hanchu is wearing a white tight-fitting T-shirt, showing a perfect figure like a male model, and wearing a pair of beige loose shorts underneath. His slender legs are casually overlapped, and the hair on the legs is light , If you don't look carefully, you can't see it. It's not as hairy and primitive as ordinary men.

"Wearing a tight T-shirt even though your arm is injured, can the wound not hurt? Really, why are you so handsome at a time like this?" Xiao obediently spat, feeling like a middle-aged woman breaking her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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