Failed Boss

Chapter 128 Xiao Obediently's Choice

Chapter 128 Xiao Obediently's Choice (1)
Mrs. Ali walked out of the villa, looked at the Murong Chong siblings who were leaving, and looked at A Qiusha who was about to cry, and knew in her heart that it must be the defiant young master Murong Chong who said something that made the young lady sad if.

"Miss, the young master is just like that, don't worry about it." Mrs. Ali walked to the girl and persuaded softly.

Aqiusha walked quickly towards the villa, and said to the woman behind her, "Sister Ali, please help me prepare the car. I'm going to the hospital to see the young master."

Mrs. Ali chased after her in a few strides, and asked, "But Miss, do you know which hospital Mr. Baili is in?"

Only then did Aqiusha remember that she didn't even know which hospital the young master was in!But I still have an idea in my heart, "I'll ask Wanwan, she will tell me."

As soon as Murong Jing walked out of the study, he saw himself and his beloved daughter walking hurriedly with a sad expression on his face, so he couldn't help but hurried forward. The girl stood still in front of her, and asked with concern: "Shasha, what's wrong with you? Is it Chonger?" That traitor bullied you?"

As soon as Aqiusha saw her father, it was like a person in the dark seeing the light. She quickly reached out and grabbed his sleeve, looked up at him earnestly, and begged: "Father, I heard that the young master was attacked. I’m hospitalized, I don’t know if the injury is serious, do you know which hospital he is in now? I want to go and see him!”

Murong Jing had never seen a girl in such a hurry before, he raised his big hand to lightly clasp her thin shoulders, and fixedly looked into her bright eyes, "Does Sasha care so much about Baili Hanchu?"

Aqiusha nodded, she was so anxious that tears flowed out, which made people feel more pity, "Well, after my mother passed away, I was alone and helpless, and I was dragged to a bar, where the boss actually wanted me to accompany the guests. I refused, so she beat me, and I was often beaten to pieces, until one day the young master took someone there, rescued me from the boss, and brought me to France, where he gave me a stable life Life, I will be able to recognize you, Dad!"

Recalling the past, Aqiusha burst into tears. She will never forget that day she was pestered by a man with a big belly full of stinking breath, and the feeling of that salty pig's hand doing something wrong on her body is still her lingering nightmare. Just as the big belly man was tearing off the last cover on her body, a man in black broke into the door, walked over, grabbed the big belly man on her body and threw it aside.

Later, the owner of the bar came in with a smile on his face, apologized and found new clothes for her to change into.

Aqiusha, still in shock, changed into her clothes with tears in her eyes, and then followed the man in black out of the bar. She remembered clearly that the man gave the owner a lot of money before leaving the bar.

Aqiusha didn't know why the man wanted to save her, but she followed the man silently, and saw the man walk to an extremely luxurious car on the side of the road and knock on the window.

Aqiusha will never forget the moment when the window slid down and the face of the man in the car appeared in her field of vision. At that moment, it seemed that the essence of the world was concentrated on the face of the man in the car , What kind of man is that, so perfect that people can't find words to describe it, she can't even believe that there is such a perfect person in this world.

The man in black said something to the man in the car, the man nodded slightly, and gave some instructions, then the glass window slowly rose, blocking Aqiusha's sight.

Aqiusha, who was still shocked by the man's peerless face, even wanted to pull down the window of the car and look at the man who could never be forgotten.

In this way, Aqiusha was brought to France and arranged to work as a gardener in the castle.

Only then did Aqiusha know that the incomparably handsome man was Baili Hanchu, a big man well-known in both black and white politics and business.

The little girl's heart sank unknowingly for the man who saved her from the abyss of suffering. In her mind, a man is a god who cannot be profaned. No woman in this world is worthy of such a man.

And she, as long as she can occasionally glance at him from a distance, just one glance is fine!One look at her is enough.

After staying in Baili's house for several years, Aqiusha has never seen that man who is as perfect as a god bring any woman back. Although she knows that her status is humble, there are always moments in her heart where she fantasizes. What about her?Otherwise, why would he have brought her from China to France all the way, and let her live in that castle that looked like a fairyland on earth.

It wasn't until the appearance of the girl named Xiao Guaiguai that she realized that all of that was just her own wishful thinking.

I still remember that day when Aqiusha was tending flowers and plants in the small garden as usual, there was a rumbling sound in the sky, and when she looked up, it was a helicopter.

Her heart was so hot, because she knew that it was the young master who had returned.

Just watching the helicopter land in the square in front of the castle with such joy, the young master in a sky blue casual suit appeared at the hatch, holding a girl in a light green nightdress in his arms.

Just watching him walk into the castle with the girl in his arms, the news spread in the castle that Baili's family finally had a mistress. The housekeeper Sarah called them together and said that they would call that girl Miss from now on. .

Aqiusha also stopped her wishful thinking, and took care of the flowers and plants in the small garden as usual.

She never thought that the girl who was extremely noble in her heart would one day go to the small garden and talk to her actively. She was attracted by the girl with eyes as pure as a baby at the first sight. She couldn't believe that in this world There are also such pure eyes, those eyes are shining like glass, and there is that feeling of ignorance of the world, one can tell that she is well protected.

Afterwards, many things happened. Gradually, Aqiusha felt that the girl's innocence was an illusion. Until now, she recognized her father by herself, and changed from a humble gardener to the eldest lady of the Murong family. Everything was like a dream, but it made her feel that she seemed a little closer to the god in her eyes...

Listening to his daughter's narration, and the undisguised eagerness in her eyes, Murong Jing understood something in his heart.

Baili Hanchu is indeed an outstanding man, and a man who is easy for women to fall in love with, let alone Sasha who regards him as a lifesaver!

Murong Jing looked down at her daughter, and asked word by word: "Sasha, do you really care about Baili Hanchu?"

Aqiusha nodded without thinking: "Yes, the young master is my savior, I must go see him!"

Murong Jing raised his head slightly, sighed, and then said to the servant next to him, "Go get the car ready."

(End of this chapter)

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