Failed Boss

Chapter 136 Rebirth from the Ashes

Chapter 136 Rebirth from the Ashes (1)
Knock, knock, the knock on the door sounded outside.

Murong Jing didn't turn around, but said flatly, "Come in."

Aqiusha walked in with a bowl of porridge full of worry, stood beside him, and said softly, "Father, eat something, this is the porridge I made myself."

"Sasha, you haven't eaten dinner yet, eat it by yourself." Murong Jing turned his head to the side, looking at this crystallization of love with his beloved woman, with a touch of pity in his eyes.

"Father, go and get Mrs. Murong back, Sasha doesn't want Wanwan and her younger brother to lose their mother too." Aqiusha begged pitifully with tears in her eyes.

Murong Jing stretched out his arms, and gently embraced this well-behaved and sensible child.

As long as he and Gillian's children are by my side.

In the early morning, a few unknown birds flew over the green trees behind the hospital and chirped.

Xiao obediently turned over on the hospital bed, her small mouth squirmed, as if she was swallowing, her feet accidentally touched the edge of the hospital bed, and she felt like she was about to fall. .

Baili Hanchu had already woken up, sitting on the small sofa next to him, reading a freshly baked newspaper, with his right arm still hanging on his arm.

Xiao Guaiguai sat up with both hands, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, "Good morning!"

Baili Hanchu folded up the Paris daily newspaper that looked like a ghostly talisman, raised his eyes and looked at her with a smile, "Wrong, it should be noon!"

"Ah?" Xiao obediently raised her small hand and looked at the diamond watch on Hao's wrist. It was just 06:30?Could it be that the watch is broken?
"Hehe..." Looking at the girl who was about to take off her watch to see if it was broken, Baili Hanchu couldn't help laughing, "I'm lying to you, it is indeed morning."

Xiao obediently let out a sigh of relief, thinking that she had overslept!

You must know that she, Xiao Guaiguai, is still in the internship stage, so it's not good to wake up later than the patient.

"Honey, did you sleep well last night?" Baili Hanchu stopped smiling and asked with concern.

Xiao obediently stepped on her slippers and walked over, "I can't sleep after changing the bed, the hospital bed is too narrow, I always feel like I'm going to fall, I don't feel safe."

Baili Hanchu smiled.

Xiao obediently asked, "Have you washed?"

Baili Hanchu looked helplessly at his bandaged right arm, "No."

Xiao obediently sighed, knowing it would be like this, lowered his head, stretched out his hand to hold his slender arm, and said resignedly: "Let's go, Master Baili, let's go wash up, and then I'll feed you breakfast!"

In the bathroom, Xiao obediently let him sit on a chair, squeezed toothpaste, brushed his teeth with warm water, and washed his face. Looking at a little green stubble on his proud chin, he asked: "Need a shave?"

Baili Hanchu asked with a smile, "Can my darling know how to shave?"

Xiao nodded obediently, "I used to shave my father once on Father's Day," he said, looking at the sink, and picked up the shaving water, "Let me shave you." He said meticulously hands up.

The buzzing sound of the shaver rang out in the bathroom. The girl lowered her eyes and moved skillfully and gently. Baili Hanchu, who raised her chin, looked at her affectionately and smiled faintly.

This guy, the saliva marks on the corners of his mouth haven't been wiped off yet!

Finally, Xiao obediently shaved for him, applied face cream, and then began to groom himself.

"Baili Hanchu, do you need a bath?" Xiao Guaiguai asked vaguely while brushing his teeth, the corners of his mouth were full of delicate bubbles.

"Will you wash it for me?" Baili Hanchu beside the girl half-bent down and asked ambiguously in her ear.

Xiao Guaiguai blushed, her mind was filled with the glamorous pictures of the bathrooms she had seen in the novels before, she quickly rinsed her mouth, stretched out her hand and pulled the big red strawberry towel on the shelf next to it, wet it and put it on On his slightly hot face, he felt much better, and raised his eyebrow-length bangs to wipe his forehead.

"Baili Hanchu, I'm your little nurse, not your nanny. You'd better hire another expert for those bathing matters." Xiao obediently hung the towel on the shelf, turned and walked out of the bathroom.

Baili Hanchu followed, outside, Huiru had already brought breakfast and was setting it on the table in the rest area next to it.

Xiao obediently walked over, sat down, and was about to eat breakfast, but saw Baili Hanchu, whose arms were hanging, sitting down opposite him, waiting for her to feed his breakfast into his mouth.

Helpless, he had no choice but to pick up the light and delicious lean meat porridge and feed it to him spoon by spoon. At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and it seemed that the people who came were in a hurry. .

Xiao Guaiguai instinctively turned his head to look, and what he saw was Murong Chong who was in a hurry. He couldn't help being a little strange, why did this young master come here so early?Did something happen?
Sure enough, in the next second, Murong Chong had already stood still beside Baili Hanchu, and without taking a breath, he said hastily, "Uncle Baili, although I have only casual acquaintance with you, please look at me and be good." You must help me out of face!"

Xiao Kuai obediently saw that he was sweating from anxiety, and thought that this eldest young master had always been perverse and unruly, and would never ask for help easily. Did something really happen?
"What's the matter?" Xiao obediently put the bowl on the table and asked hastily.

Baili Hanchu looked at the anxious young man indifferently, and motioned him to continue.

Murong Chong said urgently: "That's it, last night my mother was so angry with that old man Murong Jing and that illegitimate daughter that she ran away from home and disappeared!"

"What?" Xiao obediently was taken aback, how could this happen?

Although Wan'er once said that Mr. Murong and Aunt Jiang Yunhua have always treated each other with respect, how could Aunt Jiang Yunhua be so angry that she ran away from home?

Baili Hanchu was in a bad mood. Based on his understanding of Murong Jing, he had expected this day to come as early as the moment Murong Jing brought Aqiusha home, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

Murong Chong stretched out his hand and grabbed Baili Hanchu's slender arm, "Uncle Baili, you are rich and powerful, please help me find my mother!"

Xiaoguai obediently shouted: "Murong let go of your hand quickly, you have caught Han Chu's injured arm!"

Baili Hanchu was a little surprised, he didn't expect the girl to call his name so intimately under such circumstances, she couldn't even feel the pain in her arm.

Murong Chong quickly let go.

Xiao obediently lowered her head and carefully unwrapped the bandage on Baili Hanchu's arm, only to see that the place bruised by the bullet was bleeding again, so she hurriedly fetched the medicine tray and treated it for him.

At the same time, Baili Hanchu took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and ordered them to quickly find Jiang Yunhua's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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