Failed Boss

Chapter 138 A Qiusha's Ambition

Chapter 138 A Qiusha's Ambition (1)
Or is it that in the eyes of nurses, patients are restless children who need their correct guidance and care?
Baili Hanchu raised his uninjured hand and made a gesture of salute, "Yes, Nurse Xiao."

Looking at such a serious and childish him, Xiao Guaiguai was a little speechless, and immediately went to get the medicine for him, and after a few minutes, he came back and gave him an IV.

Baili Hanchu smiled and said, "It's awesome, I didn't feel any pain just now."

Xiao Guaiguai said as a matter of course: "That's natural. The patients are already in a bad mood because they are sick. If we nurses don't sympathize with them and prick them hard, won't it make them feel more painful? "

Baili Hanchu nodded slightly, "Well, my obedient is kind-hearted."

Xiao obediently adjusted the drip speed for him, "If you feel any discomfort, please let me know immediately."

Baili Hanchu said, "Why don't you eat breakfast? Are you still worried about Miss Murong's mother?"

Xiao Guaiguai put her hands into the pockets of the white nurse uniform, sat down on the sofa chair, her pure eyes were full of worry, "Well, I don't know how Auntie is doing now."

Baili Hanchu was about to say something when a melodious cell phone rang in this elegant ward.

Xiao obediently said: "Your call is coming, answer it quickly!"

Baili Hanchu looked helplessly at his two hands, one was hung around his neck by gauze, the other was on a drip, and the phone was in the pocket of the beige slacks, so it was inconvenient to take it out.

Xiao obediently asked with an expression of being defeated by you, "Where is the phone?"

"This pocket." Baili Hanchu pointed to the pocket on the other side with his big finger on the drip.

Xiao Guaiguai was too lazy to go around the end of the bed to get it, so she bent down, her upper body lightly pressed on the man's thigh, and a small hand rummaged through his trouser pocket for the phone.

The girl's unique virgin fragrance faintly wafted into her nose, and the terrible thing was that her little rabbit was unconsciously touching Baili Hanchu's vital parts, so he naturally couldn't stand Hong Guoguo's flirting.

Baili Hanchu gave a wry smile helplessly. Fortunately, he had the foresight to inject himself with the drug so that he would not be able to control himself and scare her or hurt her...

"Baili Hanchu, where is the phone? It doesn't seem to be here?" Xiao obediently turned his pockets upside down and asked suspiciously.

Only then did Baili Hanchu 'remember', smiled apologetically, and said, "Oh, it's in the pocket over here."

Xiao obediently glanced at him reproachfully, "You're such a big man, you don't even know which pocket your phone is in. I really don't know how you, the chairman of Baili Group, got up?" He straightened up while speaking, and stopped To lure him unconsciously, he quickly took out the black tablet phone that was still ringing, swipe it lightly, and put the phone against his ear.

Baili Hanchu felt a little helpless, this girl answered the call on her own initiative before seeing who was calling, her mind calmed down slightly, and a short word came out from her thin red lips: "Say."

It was Yu Haoning who called, and he said truthfully: "Master, there is news about Mrs. Murong. Dr. Ling Feng found her at a seaside, and she is on her way to the hospital where you are now."

"Understood." Baili Hanchu responded lightly, and was about to hang up the phone when Yu Haoning continued: "Master, there is something about the matter of Young Madam's mother."

Baili Hanchu froze and listened carefully to his narration.

Many people said that Xiao Guaiguai's mother died in the fire that year, but Baili Hanchu investigated, and the police did not find Xiao Guaiguai's mother's remains at the scene of the fire.

Therefore, Baili Hanchu speculated that Xiao Guaiguai's mother might have survived the disaster, but she kept her name incognito because she was afraid that the group of arsonists would kill them all.

Although he didn't know whether the fire was started by his enemy, Baili Hanchu always felt guilty, thinking that he led the enemy to the little girl who saved him when he was dying in an accident at his teenager's home. , it was Xiao Guaiguai who caused her family to be destroyed.

It was also a year ago that Baili Hanchu dispatched a large number of people and after many inquiries, he learned that the little girl who rescued him was now living with her father, Xiao Jianguo. When she arrived in France, she fulfilled her promise to the whole world.

But what I didn't expect was that Xiao Guaiguai had already lost all the memories before the age of eight, and naturally he couldn't remember him, the boy she had saved.

So in Xiao Guaiguai's heart, Baili Hanchu is an out-and-out demon, a demon who insisted on tying her to France regardless of her wishes...

"Understood." Baili Hanchu said, then put away the thread, his deep eyes were shining, he stared deeply at the girl in front of him, "Hey, do you miss your mother?"

Xiao Guaiguai seemed caught off guard by his sudden question, blinking her long eyelashes, "Why did you ask this suddenly?"

In Xiao Guaiguai's impression, she has been with her father since she was sensible, and depended on each other for life. The word "mother" only appeared in her imagination.

Baili Hanchu suddenly thought that in growing up obediently, she might not have the memory of her mother for a long time, so she couldn't accept such a hasty mention of her mother.

So Baili Hanchu smiled faintly, "It's nothing, just ask casually."

Xiao obediently asked, "Who called just now? Has Aunt Jiang Yunhua got any news?"

Baili Hanchu asked: "Guy, it seems like she likes Mrs. Murong very much?"

Xiao obediently said seriously: "Of course, because Auntie treats me very well! I like everyone who treats me well!"

Baili Hanchu jokingly said: "Then I am very good to you too, so do you like me?"

Seeing the man's black diamond-like eyes looking at her expectantly, Xiao Guaiguai was a little shy and evasively said: "Oh, aren't we talking about Aunt Jiang Yunhua now? Why did we get involved in this matter? Yes, how can you treat others well!"

Baili Hanchu smiled helplessly: "You heartless little thing..." After a pause, he continued: "Okay, let me tell you, you don't have to worry, Doctor Lingfeng has found Miss Murong's Mother, they are coming to this hospital."

"Ah?" Xiao obediently let out a sigh of relief and was puzzled at the same time, "What are they doing in the hospital? Is Auntie injured?"

Baili Hanchu said indifferently: "Perhaps so," and suddenly thought of something, "Mrs. Murong is fine now, darling, can you have breakfast now?"

(End of this chapter)

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