Failed Boss

Chapter 140 A Qiusha's Ambition

Chapter 140 A Qiusha's Ambition (3)
Xiao Guaiguai hurriedly took out the post-it note she carried with her from her pocket, looked at it, and said, "It's gone." After saying that, she let go of Wan'er, walked over, and carefully drew the needle for him.

There was a sneer in Ken's heart, the man Baili Hanchu really couldn't bear to have Xiao Guaiguai get hurt a little bit.

Aqiusha became more and more at a loss.

After Xiao obediently tidied up, he said to the man: "Hanchu, then I'll go and see if Auntie has come to the hospital. You can rest here and let Aunt Huiru help you if you have anything to do."

Baili Hanchu felt a little helpless, be good, you really treat him as a patient!
But her voice was cold and cold, and her screams became more and more fluent!
Baili Hanchu couldn't help leaning over and kissed the girl's beautiful forehead, "Well, be careful."

This kiss is full of pampering and envy to others.

Aqiusha, who was already overly frightened, looked even more ugly, and hated Xiao Guaiguai, a seemingly innocent girl, even more in her heart!

While enjoying the young master's love, she cheated on the young master and flirted with other men, even saying that she was kidnapped by the young master!

Xiao Guaiguai is so hypocritical, she, Aqiusha, has successfully driven Jiang Yunhua out of Murong's house, the next step is to let Xiao Guaiguai, a hypocritical woman who is always on the go, leave the young master's side forever!

"Miss Aqiusha?" Huiru's voice pulled back those self-righteous thoughts in Aqiusha's heart, she restrained her thoughts, and looked straight at Huiru with a pair of eyes that were red and swollen from crying.

Huiru folded her hands gracefully on her lower abdomen, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Miss Aqiusha, my young master is going to rest, I don't know if you have anything else to do, if not, can you..." The rest, she secretly It's a tactful order to chase away guests.

It was only then that Aqiusha realized that Xiao Guaiguai and Murong Wan had left the ward at some point, and now there was only Huiru who was an eyesore, and the man leaning on the sofa and reading the newspaper gracefully.

Feeling ashamed, Aqiusha quickly said, "Oh, I'm sorry, Housekeeper Huiru, I didn't mean to disturb the young master's rest." She lowered her head while speaking.

Huiru still had that neither humble nor overbearing expression, and said, "Well, of course I know this, Miss Aqiusha, you don't need to explain so much."

Aqiusha felt that she really had no reason to stay any longer, so she took a peek at the unparalleled handsome man, then turned and left.

Baili Hanchu gently put down the newspaper, thinking that it would take some time for the boy to come back, so he should go take a bath first.

Although he had already bathed last night, Baili Hanchu had the habit of taking a bath in the morning, and if he didn't take a bath one morning, he would feel very uncomfortable.

In order to prevent Xiao Kuaiguai from seeing his flaws, Baili Hanchu specially asked Huiru to prepare several sets of identical clothes for him. It seemed that he really took great pains to make Xiao Kuaiguai his exclusive little nurse.

In the hospital parking lot, just as a white sports car stopped, Xiao Guaiguai and the others walked over.

As soon as Murong Wan saw her mother stepping down from the sports car, she hurried forward, hugged her, and shouted with tears: "Mom, where have you been? Do you know how worried Wan Wan is about you?" what!"

Jiang Yunhua raised her arms and hugged her daughter back, her eyes were moist, she was not lucky at this moment, but fortunately she didn't jump into the sea on impulse, otherwise, her precious daughter would be so sad.

Ling Feng walked around the front of the car, looked at their mother and daughter and smiled slightly: "Okay, Wan Wan, your mother is fine now, you should be happy."

Murong Wan showed a very sweet smile and nodded: "Well, thank you Uncle Lingfeng!" Then she looked at her mother: "Mom, what are you doing in the hospital? Are you feeling unwell?"

Jiang Yunhua just smiled, not wanting her daughter to worry about herself.

Murong Wan turned her questioning gaze to Ling Feng again, Ling Feng hesitated: "Wan Wan, your mother is not feeling well, I'll bring her for a checkup."

Murong Wan's eyes were full of worry, "Mom..."

Jiang Yunhua raised her hand and gently smoothed the silky curly hair on the back of her daughter's head, and said softly, "Don't worry, Wanwan, mom just feels a little uncomfortable, it's okay."

Xiao obediently took a step forward and said, "Auntie is fine, let's go in first." Then, he turned his gaze to Ling Feng, "Dr. Ling Feng, you had a night's operation last night, do you want to rest first?"

"No need," Ling Feng said, looking worriedly at the haggard woman beside him, "Let's go to accompany Yunhua for an examination first."

Therefore, a group of people accompanied Jiang Yunhua to the internal medicine department. Because of Ling Feng, they avoided a series of troubles such as queuing up for registration and entered the department directly.

At the same time, as soon as Aqiusha walked out of the inpatient department building, she took out a tissue to wipe off the tears on her face, her face was gloomy, then she took out her mobile phone, dialed Murong Jing's number, and waited.

On the other side, the Murong Group.

Murong Jing was sitting in front of the desk with the huge floor-to-ceiling windows as the background. What was in front of him was the divorce agreement in duplicate. His slender fingers were holding a golden Parker pen. .

Murong Jing didn't know what was wrong with him, wasn't all of this exactly what he wanted?But why when it really came to this moment, he couldn't write.

The cell phone rang right at this time, and Murong Jing's eyebrows moved slightly, as if a person on the verge of death saw a glimmer of life, and quickly picked up the cell phone on the table next to him, and slid his slender and clean thumb lightly, "Hello?"

On the other end of the phone, he didn't get what he wanted. It was Aqiusha's sobbing voice: "Father, it's me."

The ray of light in my heart was instantly extinguished, and the eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses returned to their usual indifferent look, but the voice was soft, "Sasha, what's wrong?"

Aqiusha cried and said, "Father, let me go back to Baili's house, I don't want you and Mrs. Murong to be unhappy because of me!"

Murong Jing said: "This matter is none of your business, don't think too much about it!"

"But Dad..." Aqiusha's remaining words were replaced by a shrill cry: "Ah—"

Murong Jing's heart was raised in an instant, and he quickly asked, "Sasha, what's wrong with you? Sasha, where are you now?"

On the other side, a car stopped ten centimeters away from Aqiusha in time. The driver stuck out his head and cursed in French: "Do you want to die? Don't hit my car if you want to die!"

Aqiusha sat down on the ground aggrieved, not daring to speak.

The driver just felt unlucky, cursed a few more words, and drove away.

(End of this chapter)

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