Failed Boss

Chapter 143: Wife and Son Separation

Chapter 143: Wife and Son Separation (3)
In fact, pineapple rice is Murong Jing's favorite food. In order to get closer to him, Jiang Yunhua often eats this pineapple rice. He always feels that eating his favorite food is also a kind of happiness.

Suddenly I feel that I am really stupid like this, even though I eat what he loves, live under the same roof with him, and even sleep on the same bed, but she has never been really close to him. There will always be an insurmountable gap between them!
A bitter smile appeared on Jiang Yunhua's lips, and she said lightly, "Chong'er, mom doesn't want to eat this."

Murong Chong frowned lightly, and persuaded: "Mom, people are as good as steel, so why go hungry for that old man? He won't feel bad if you do this!"

Jiang Yunhua looked at her son who was filled with righteous indignation and felt relieved, "Okay, mom just said that she doesn't want to eat this pineapple rice, it's not that she doesn't want to eat other things."

Murong Chong immediately recommended himself, "Then Mom, what do you want to eat, I'll go buy it right away!"

"Eel rice." Jiang Yunhua said.

"Okay, okay, Mom, wait, I'll go buy it right away!" Murong Chong said, and ran out in a hurry.

Xiao Kuaiguai walked in with Murong Wan, said a few words to Jiang Yunhua, raised her hand to look at her watch, and it was time for Baili Hanchu to take her medicine, so she said to Jiang Yunhua: "Auntie, you should rest well , it's time for Hanchu to take his medicine, I'll go there first, and I'll come see you later."

Jiang Yunhua nodded slightly: "Well, let's go."

Murong Wan sent Xiao Kuai to the door of the ward, and asked worriedly: "Guy, do you need me to take you back?"

Xiao Guaiguai couldn't take it anymore, Wan'er was so considerate, "No need, Miss Murong, your best friend, although I'm an idiot, I'm not illiterate, I can go back just by looking at the sign!"

Besides, the VIP ward is probably the place she is most familiar with, and she can walk there even with her eyes closed, although it is a bit exaggerated to say so!
Murong Wan smiled gracefully: "Okay, Miss Xiao Guaiguai who knows Lu now, hurry back to your fiancé who loves you."

Xiao obediently wrinkled her nose, "Wan'er likes to tease me more and more!"

Murong Wan waved to her, then turned and walked into the ward.

When Xiao obediently walked into the ward thoughtfully, Baili Hanchu was sitting on the sofa by the window drinking afternoon tea.

Looking up, the morning sun came in through the window and hit the man's fair, delicate and handsome face softly. He looked elegant and comfortable. Looking at him drinking tea like this, it was like time Also slowed down.

Xiao obediently stopped by his side. Fortunately, this devil didn't drink black coffee, otherwise, she would definitely teach him a lesson. However, why did this devil drink things indiscriminately?
Doesn't he know that some tea drinks will conflict with certain medicines and affect the efficacy of the medicines?

Thinking of this, Xiao obediently stretched out his hand and snatched the tea in his hand, and said solemnly: "Patient Baili Hanchu, don't drink indiscriminately, you should take medicine!"

"Yes, Nurse Xiao." Baili Hanchu looked at the girl's fierce look, feeling helpless in his heart, wondering if this girl would become a dominatrix in the future?

Although Xiao Guaiguai usually muddles along with himself, holding the principle of not getting sick after eating dirty, he often eats without washing his hands.

Although she also knows that such a habit is very bad, because some people have used experiments to prove that the mobile phones we use every day are actually dirtier than toilets.

Even so, Xiao Guaiguai still did her own thing, but she treated Baili Hanchu better than herself. No, she went to the bathroom immediately, washed her hands first, took out his medicine, and took a few sticky pills. Picking up his hand and placing it on the palm with clear lines, only then did he realize that his lifeline is very long.

But think about it, in those TV dramas, the good guys often die quickly, and the bad guys don't die until the last few episodes.

Without continuing to think about it, Xiao obediently poured a glass of warm water, handed it to the man, and asked him to take the medicine.

"What were you thinking just now?" Baili Hanchu put the cup on the table in front of him, looked up at her, and asked.

Xiao obediently twisted the lid of the medicine bottle, and said slowly: "I just want to see that your lifeline is very long. You should live for a long time."

Baili Hanchu said seriously: "Of course, if I don't live so long, how can I take care of you for the rest of my life? You know, there is a ten-year gap between us!"

Hearing what he said as if he really wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, Xiao Guaiguai felt a little irritated, and really wanted to say something, uncle, we don't know each other well, and I don't like you, okay?
But seeing the man's affectionate gaze, Xiao Guaiguai didn't say anything in the end. After all, Baili Hanchu was injured trying to save her, and she didn't want to hurt his heart by saying something unconscionable at this time.

So Xiao obediently changed the subject and said, "Do you think Aunt Jiang Yunhua will really divorce that bad old man Murong Jing?"

How should I put it, although she knew that Murong Jing's bad old man didn't love Aunt Jiang Yunhua at all, but she couldn't bear to see Wan'er and Murong Chong's family broken up. No one knew better than her how hard it is for children in single-parent families.

Although Wan'er and Murong Chong have grown up, when she thinks that Wan'er's perfect and noble beauty will live in an environment without a father in the future, Xiao Guaiguai feels very distressed, even if Murong Jing didn't care about them before, At least play the role of father in their life...

"So what about you, my dear? Do you want them to divorce?" Baili Hanchu always liked to ask questions without answering.

"I don't know," Xiao Guaiguai looked far away, "I just don't understand, since that bad old man doesn't love Auntie, why did he marry her? He even let her give birth to a pair of twins for him!"

Are all men animals that think with their lower body?And for them, women are just a tool for warming the bed and carrying on the family line?

Baili Hanchu smiled lightly: "Well, since I've never been married, I don't know."

Xiao obediently rolled his eyes at him, what and what, she wanted him to answer her question from the perspective of a man, it has nothing to do with getting married or not!
"So would you marry a woman you don't like?"

Baili Hanchu said firmly without thinking, "Absolutely not."

The corners of Xiao Guaiguai's mouth twitched, it was easy to say at this time, I'm afraid that when the time comes, this devil will still marry a woman he doesn't love for the benefit of the company.

Doesn't it often appear in the novel that such a commercial marriage in order to save his father's company?
Xiao Guaiai had a look of disbelief, and laughed dryly: "Hehe, I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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