Failed Boss

146 Chapter 1 I'm So Lovely

146 Chapter 1 I'm So Lovely ([-])
"What are uncles doing recently?" Ken asked calmly, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Because Baili Hanchu was injured during this period, Mr. McGee kept a low profile." Jason said truthfully.

Yes, ken's uncle and Baili Hanchu have been in frequent contact in private, so ken doesn't like to see Baili Hanchu very much. If it wasn't for his beloved girl Waner this time, it would be impossible for ken to ask him for any information Yes, but what he didn't expect was that Baili Hanchu didn't care about the hostile relationship between Ken and McGee, and was willing to help Ken.

But Ken thought about it again, Wan'er and Xiao Guaiguai are good friends, and Baili Hanchu should have done this for Xiao Guaiguai, because Baili Hanchu didn't want Xiao Guaiguai to be unhappy about Wan'er.

There is an old saying in China that says that a hero is saddened by a beauty, and this is probably the truth.

Thinking of this, Ken smiled self-deprecatingly, why not himself.

Hospital, VIP ward.

At first, Xiao Guaiguai was still puzzled. According to Baili Hanchu's social and interpersonal relationships, he was sick and hospitalized, and there should be a lot of people coming to visit him. But what's the matter now that there are so few people?

Could it be that the devil sent some elite troops to set up a checkpoint outside the hospital, and no one else is allowed to enter?
In the late summer afternoon, people are lazy and lack energy, that is called a drowsy, no, Xiao obediently sitting on the sofa, propping his head on one hand, began to doze off.

At this time, the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor gradually came, and it was very regular, which was refreshing.

Oh my god, God opened his eyes, has someone finally come to visit you?
Yes, looking at Baili Hanchu's shockingly handsome face all day, Xiao Guaiguai is also a little tired of aesthetics, but...

The sound of footsteps should be a woman, right?Still a beauty?Xiao obediently pricked up his ears and listened attentively.

Sitting on the small sofa across from him while drinking afternoon tea, it should be said to be boiled water. Under Xiao Guaiguai's unequal treaty, the poor Baili Hanchu patient could only drink plain water, and looked at his notebook while drinking plain water.

The next second, the door of the ward was gently pushed open from the outside, and a tall, straight-haired beauty walked in gracefully.

The moment Xiao obediently raised her eyes and saw that beautiful woman, she thought it was a fairy who had descended to the mortal world!

Based on Xiao Guaiguai's precise gaze, she estimated that she was at least 1.7 meters tall. The beauty was wearing a pink low-cut skirt and holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

That beauty's skin is as white as snow, her eyebrows seem to have been painted by a famous artist, and her big eyes almost take up half of her face!And it's still so dark and divine, like two pills of black mercury soaked in white mercury, and that nose, small and upright, and that mouth, it's really not self-worthy, the most graceful thing is that beautiful woman's figure, it should be Thin places are thin, places that should be convex are convex, and those legs are slender and straight.

Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help praising her in her heart, it's a pity not to be a model with such a good figure!
Such a beauty, not to mention that men can't take their eyes off when they see it, even women have to swallow their mouths when they see it!
The air was filled with a faint scent of perfume, which seemed to be the women's series that Baili Hanchu often used.

The beauty walked to the sofa and stood still, with a charming smile on her face with light makeup, she was so charming but she didn't feel frivolous at all, her every move was elegant and decent.

"Master Baili, Miss Xiao."

Mamma Mia, a beauty is a beauty, and her voice is so soft and melodious, as if the oriole is singing!

Baili stood up coldly, with a just right smile on his handsome and unparalleled face: "Oh, it's Miss Piao Piao!" He said and took the bunch of beautifully packaged daisies from her hand.

Although Xiaoguai does not know the language of flowers, he knows that Daisy has a flower language that is "do you love me?" '

So oh so, is this beauty making a public show of love to the devil?

But Miss Piao Piao?

Where did you hear this name?

Xiao obediently tried hard to remember.

Probably the blank memory before the age of eight left a lot of space in her entire memory bank. Xiao Guaiguai soon remembered that she had heard this name on the phone with Baili Hanchu not long ago, and what did she want to say? Go to dinner with her!
Hehe, what did she, Xiao Kuaiguai, think at that time?Just guessing that Miss Piao Piao must be a great beauty!
She really guessed it right, this Miss Piao Piao is really a great beauty, but she is a little worse than Wan'er.

Xiao Guaiguai will not admit that the bad thing is that Xiao Guaiguai has a good impression of her!
In a short while, Xiao Guaiguai had already thought so much, she deserved to be a Pisces girl with rich imagination!

Sometimes Xiao Kuaiguai herself sighs, it's a pity not to write novels with such a rich imagination like her!
His thoughts stopped there, Xiao got up obediently, raised his head slightly, looked at this tall beauty and smiled softly: "Hehe, it's Miss Piao Piao, I often hear Han Chu mentioning you, when I saw you today, it was as expected Beautiful! No, it's even more beautiful than I imagined!"

In fact, Xiao Guaiguai's inner thoughts at this moment are, oh my god, I think it's fine for you to be so tall, why don't you still wear such high heels so that people have to look up when they look at you?Got cervical spondylosis and you pay for medical expenses?

The corner of Baili Hanchu's mouth curled up slightly, since when did he often mention Liu Piaopiao in front of this girl?This girl, doesn't she even write a draft when she lies?

Baili Hanchu stretched out his arms and pointed to the small sofa next to him: "Miss Piao Piao, please sit down."

Liu Piaopiao nodded slightly, with such a bright and moving smile on her beautiful face, Yiyan sat down gracefully on the small gray fabric sofa.

Xiao obediently looked at this posture, it seemed that this fluttering beauty would sit here for a while, no matter how she came to visit Baili Hanchu, she had good intentions, she couldn't just let her sit like this!
He sighed silently in his heart, alas, she, Xiao Guaiguai, has such a hard life, serving the devil is not counted, but she still has to serve tea and water to his admirer!

Just when Xiao obediently was about to resign himself to pouring water for Liu Piaopiao, Huiru happened to walk in, carrying oranges and snacks that their young wife loved.

Huiru put down her things, walked over and looked around them with a smile, "Master and Madam, Miss Liu."

Liu Piaopiao slightly nodded at her, "Housekeeper Hui."

Xiao obediently looked at them, oh my god, things seem to be getting more and more difficult. I dare to say that the Piao Piao beauty and Aunt Huiru know each other. So, the relationship between Piao Piao beauty and Baili Hanchu is still Really thought-provoking?

(End of this chapter)

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