Failed Boss

148 Chapter 3 I'm So Lovely

148 Chapter 3 I'm So Lovely ([-])
The corners of Xiao's mouth twitched when he heard that, he really wanted to stand up and applaud this devil!

What a wonderful speech!What a powerful and high-sounding reason!
The demon Baili Hanchu, if he doesn't want to cooperate with Piao Piao beauty's father's company, just say so, why pull her out Xiao Guaiguai!

Besides, when did she, Xiao Guaiguai, set this rule?

Moreover, the demon speaks with certainty, and when he tells a lie, he doesn't blush or breathe, which makes Xiao Guaiguai wonder if he has intermittent amnesia and forgets that he has said such a thing!

The embarrassment in Liu Piaopiao's eyes was only fleeting, and then she returned to normal, and said with a light smile: "I'm sorry, Piao Piao was rude."

Baili Hanchu said indifferently: "It should be Baili who feels sorry for disappointing your father's kindness."

Liu Piaopiao changed the subject and said, "Is your arm broken?"

Xiao obediently thought to himself, Nima?Why is it so late to ask about the devil's injuries? How slow is it?
Shouldn't this kind of thing be asked as soon as you enter the ward and say hello?
This fluttering beauty is really different!

Baili Hanchu said with a faint smile, "It's a little broken, but it's fine."

fracture?Xiao Guaiguai scolded the old fox Baili Hanchu in his heart. Where did he break a bone? It was clearly just scratched by a bullet!

I don't know if this devil deliberately bandaged himself like a mummy to be lazy in order not to go to work in the company!
However, according to the doctor who treated the demon, the bullet wound on his arm was still deep, and he even had a few stitches, which were hung on his neck just to prevent him from accidentally moving the wound open.

"Oh, then you have to add a little calcium." Liu Piaopiao said, "Why don't I make you some bone soup tomorrow!" He said a little proudly: "I tell you, now My cooking skills are great, and my dad often praises me."

Xiao obediently understands that this fluttering beauty grew up with the encouragement of her parents, and her personality is also positive, good boy!

To be honest, Xiao Guaiguai, who is a foodie, really wants to have a taste of the craftsmanship of this fluttering beauty?Are you bragging.

Baili Hanchu declined politely: "Miss Piao Piao, it is already an honor for Baili to visit Baili, how could I bother you to wash your hands and make soup."

Liu Piaopiao is not a fool, it is impossible not to understand what he meant, and said indifferently: "Then if you have time some other day, please invite Master Baili and Miss Xiao to my house as guests, and then Piaopiao will show off his cooking skills."

Xiao Guaiguai had a bright smile on her face, but she was thinking in her heart, you remove the words 'Miss He Xiao' for me, we don't need your kindness!Don't think we can't see your little thoughts about demons, if you want us to make light bulbs, can you cheat a little more?

Baili Hanchu smiled lightly and remained silent.

Liu Piaopiao patted her hands on her chest, thinking that the man's smile meant he agreed, and said happily, "Then it's a deal!"

Xiao obediently glared at the man who looked like Guanyin holding a flower and smiling, "I want you to go, but she won't go!"
In this way, several people chatted for a few more words, Liu Piaopiao raised her hand and looked at the exquisite diamond watch on her slender wrist, "Oh, it's already this time, I should go back to the spa, or my skin will be damaged." Wrinkled!"

The tone of the fluttering beauty is really pure and romantic. Finding this kind of trait in a temperamental beauty like her really surprised Xiao Guaiguai.

Xiao Guaiguai couldn't help self-examination in her heart, such a pure and romantic rich lady, shouldn't be the kind of scheming person, right?
Could it be that she, Xiao obediently, treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

Baili Hanchu nodded slightly: "Well, miss Piao Piao, go slowly." Then he said to Hui Ru outside: "Housekeeper Hui, send Miss Piao Piao off."

Liu Piaopiao picked up her lv bag, got up, and left gracefully on her high heels.

Xiao obediently watched the beauty go away, and began to slowly pick up the orange peels on the coffee table into the trash can.

Baili Hanchu was lazily leaning on the small sofa, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared on his thin red lips: "It's fine to let Butler Hui do these things, darling, you just need to take care of me." it is good."

Xiao obediently continued to move his hands, with a strange tone, "Yes, Housekeeper Hui, I want to drink black coffee! It must be freshly ground!"

Baili Hanchu couldn't help chuckling: "Are you jealous, darling?"

Xiao obediently threw the paper cup that Piao Piao beautiful woman drank coffee into the trash can, and gave him a blank look, "Baili Hanchu, can you be more affectionate?"

Jealousy, she, Xiao obediently, didn't eat dumplings, why would she be jealous?What a joke!
"Hey, even calling me by my first name now, I don't know who just said that coldly!" Baili Hanchu was in a good mood and teased.

Hehe, it seems that Liu Piaopiao's arrival today is very effective!

Xiao obediently took out a tissue and wiped her hands, then asked casually: "By the way, just now Piao Piao beauty said that her father's company wanted to cooperate with your company, why did you decline? Look at the Piao Piao beauty's dress at home You must have strong financial resources, why don't you cooperate with such a powerful company?"

In fact, you can’t tell anything from the dress of the fluttering beauty and the lv bag Xiaoguaiguai. I don’t know where I saw it. The real rich people never show off their wealth, they are very low-key .

Just like the devil in front of him, he doesn't have a name tag all over his body, because he is a representative of being rich, and he doesn't need to use a name tag to prove that he is a rich person.

Baili Han asked leisurely: "Do you really want me to cooperate with Miss Piao Piao's company?"

"Pretend I didn't ask." Xiao obediently felt that she was a bit self-defeating. How could she forget that asking questions without answering is the usual style of this devil?

Baili Hanchu cast his eyes on the bunch of beautifully packaged daisies on the cabinet next to him: "Nurse Xiao, do you want to throw that away?"

Xiao obediently looked at the bouquet of small daisies with profound meanings and was very upset, and secretly despised the fluttering beauty in her heart, hmph, how old are you and still show love with flowers, old-fashioned!

Clearing his throat, Xiao Guaiguai said casually, "Mr. Baili, do you know what the flower language of little daisies is?"

Bailihan Chu's handsome and unparalleled face was full of confusion, "I really don't know about this, darling, do you know?"

Xiao obediently said seriously: "Originally, I didn't have much research on flower language, but because I like little daisies, I specially checked the information. There are three kinds of flower language of little daisies. The first is 'eternal happiness' and the second is' Separation', as for the third type..." At this point, she kept a secret, looked at the man and said word by word: "That is 'do you love me?', because of this, so little Daisy is often called Give it to someone you have a crush on."

(End of this chapter)

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