Failed Boss

Chapter 150 Rejection

Chapter 150 Rejection (2)
(Deer and Ding Ji) There is a saying in it, "If you don't know Chen Jinnan, even a hero is in vain!" '

Now in the mall, if you don't know the words Baili Hanchu, then you are not a successful businessman!

In fact, after such a long time, Baili Hanchu has long been calm about those things that made people suffer, but when he heard the girl praise him so much, he felt an unprecedented elation, which he had never felt after hearing countless flattery words. .

"Hey, are you complimenting me?" Baili Hanchu smiled very modestly, "Patient Baili is flattered by Nurse Xiao's compliment!"

Xiao obediently squinted at him: "Give you some sunshine and you will be brilliant!"

Baili Hanchu raised his uninjured arm, gently hugged her shoulder, and gently pressed his haughty chin against her forehead, quietly enjoying this warm moment.

Xiao Guaiguai suddenly realized, and said: "Oh, no wonder you tactfully refused to cooperate with Piao Piao beauty's father's company! I can't tell, Baili Hanchu, you still hold a grudge!"

Baili Hanchu said with a smile: "I have long looked down on what happened back then, I was just worried that if the Baili Group really cooperates with the Liu Group, someone will turn their mouths up every day! "

Of course Xiao Kuaiguai knew that the person in the devil's mouth was referring to herself, so she turned her head and ignored him: "Hmph!"

Then Baili Hanchu whispered softly: "Okay, okay, Patient Baili was injured, and his mouth is also stupid, and he said something that made Nurse Xiao angry. Nurse Xiao, you have a lot of adults, so please forgive Patient Baili for a while. Slip of mouth."

Xiao Guaiguai still ignored him, and then Baili Hanchu coaxed her softly for a long time before she was satisfied.

Seeing that the girl finally turned her head and smiled at him, Baili Hanchu deeply felt that it was really hard to raise a girl and a villain!
But he just loves raising this little girl!

And the bunch of little daisies carefully selected by Liu Piaopiao is being forgotten in the trash can at this moment, slowly withering...

On this day, Xiao Guaiguai was drying the hospital sheets on the roof. On the way back to the ward, he met Su Tianle who was wearing a white nurse uniform.

"Xiao darling." Su Tianle, who was originally a creamy boy, looked even more feminine in the white nurse uniform. It can be seen that he will be a little man and a househusband in the future.

Xiao Guaiguai was a little surprised that Su Tianle took the initiative to greet her, because Su Tianle had been deliberately avoiding her ever since the demon Baili Hanchu beat him up!
"Well, how is the patient you take care of?" Xiao obediently asked with concern.

Su Tianle said: "Just finished the drip, and now her family is with her."

Xiao Guaiguai smiled lightly and said, "Well, the patient longs for the company of his family the most."

"By the way," Su Tianle's milky white face became serious, and the brows were full of worry: "I heard that Wan Wan's mother is sick and hospitalized, is that true?"

As soon as this was mentioned, the smile on Xiao's obedient and tender little face instantly withered, "Well, the operation is going to be done in these two days."

"Huh?" Su Tianle was obviously surprised. He thought that Wan Wan's mother was just unwell, and she would be fine after two days in the hospital. He didn't expect to have such a serious operation.

Xiao obediently asked suspiciously: "Could it be that you haven't visited Wan'er's mother?"

Su Tianle was a little embarrassed, raised his big hand and scratched the back of his head, "Well, I'm sorry to go alone."

What and what?It's not that this Su Tianle has never met Aunt Jiang Yunhua, why should he be ashamed?And the aunt is approachable, why should he be ashamed?Really!Xiao Guaiguai sighed helplessly in her heart. "Okay, Su Tianle, for the sake of our classmates, I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman, no, I should accompany the ugly son-in-law to meet the mother-in-law!" Xiao obediently joked.

Su Tianle couldn't laugh or cry: "Thank you, Xiao Xiao."

"It's okay, let's go, ugly son-in-law!" Xiao Kuaiguai said, and went to Jiang Yunhua's ward with him, but he didn't expect to see a person at the door of the ward, a person who hated Xiao Guaiguai and Xiao Guaiguai didn't like it either. .

Murong Jing was wearing a well-tailored black suit, his gentle and handsome face still had that indifferent expression of indifference to everything, looking through the gold-rimmed glasses at Jiang Yunhua who was chatting and laughing with Murong Wan and his brother in the ward , but when she saw the slender white shadow beside her, the big hand hanging by her side clenched tightly into a fist.

Xiao Guaiguai raised his eyes inadvertently, just in time to see this old man Murong Jing, and walked over, but found that the tall man almost blocked half of the door, and said expressionlessly: "Please let me out."

Murong Jing regained his composure, and then looked at the person who spoke, it turned out to be Xiao Guaiguai!He glanced at her sharply, but didn't move away.

Xiao Guaiguai just stood there like that, feeling like he was in his own territory.

Bad old man Murong Jing, what are you looking at!Get out of the way!Good dogs don't block the way, you know?
Su Tianle, who was behind, saw Wan Wan's father standing there, and hurriedly called out respectfully: "Uncle Murong."

As soon as he yelled, Jiang Yunhua and the others in the ward looked this way, with different expressions.

Murong Wan got up, walked over gracefully, looked at the three of them, and finally fixed her eyes on Murong Jing, her beautiful eyes were full of joy, "Dad, are you here to see Mom?"

"How is it possible? How could that poor old man be so kind!" It was Murong Chong who came after him who said this. He stretched out his ape arm, lazily pulled his father aside, and said to Xiao obediently: Idiot, why do you have time to visit my mother today?" This tone was completely different from the one full of sarcasm just now, and he stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Guaiguai into the ward.

Su Tianle walked over from Murong Jing awkwardly, and nodded and bowed to express excuse me, sorry.

Ling Feng stood up, walked over with long legs, and stood opposite Murong Jing at the door of the ward, and the two men met each other's eyes.

Murong Wan looked at the two of them, and through these two days of getting along, she realized that Uncle Ling Feng had always loved her mother deeply, which moved her very much.

But deep in Murong Wan's heart, she still hoped that her father and mother would reconcile as before, but she knew that what her father said that day deeply hurt her mother...

Ling Feng said with a half-smile, "Murong, are you here to see Yunhua? Come in."

Looking at the man in front of him with the posture of a hostess, he turned sideways to 'please' himself in, Murong Jing clenched his silver teeth, and after a while, he uttered three words: "No need."

Ling Feng sneered, yes, if he was Murong Jing, how could he have the face to step into Jiang Yunhua's ward after hurting Yunhua so deeply?
(End of this chapter)

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